

Locked away in a cold, unforgiving mental hospital, Selina was branded as crazy by those who should have protected her. Betrayed by her father and tormented by her peers, her years of captivity have only fueled her desire for vengeance. Now, with a daring escape behind her, Selina is back, and she’s not the same innocent girl they once knew. In a city that once turned a blind eye, secrets will be exposed and justice will be served—her way.

FaridahLawani2311 · Teen
Not enough ratings
7 Chs



(Mr. Joe sits behind his desk, looking stern. Selina stands before him, visibly upset.)

JOE: The same girl every day? Aren't you tired of causing trouble? Don't mess with that poor kid Michael; his father is a trillionaire.

SELINA: I've been brought here several times for nothing. They are the ones bullying me.

(Lizzy interrupts her.)

LIZZY: Shut up, Selina!

JOE: Sophia's dad is a millionaire also.

SELINA: It doesn't matter, sir. I'm a student of this school, and I know my rights.

JOE: Hmm, tell me about it.

SELINA: They have always ...

(Mr. Joe slams his hand on the table, cutting Selina off.)

JOE: You are on probation, Selina. Any wrong move, and you'll be expelled.

SELINA: What? But I didn't... Are they paying you, sir?

(Joe's anger intensifies.)

JOE: How dare you? Get out of my office. GET OUT!

(Selina leaves the office, tears streaming down her face.)

LIZZY: I'll handle her, sir.

(Lizzy follows Selina out, leaving Joe alone in his office.)



(Selina stands alone, crying near the school gate.)

SELINA: What should I do to stop this?

(Lizzy approaches, clearly annoyed.)

LIZZY: What was that all about? How dare you raise your voice at Mr. Joe?

SELINA: I said I was sorry.

LIZZY: Sorry for yourself.

SELINA: You saw everything, Miss Lizzy, so why are you lying? What did I do wrong?

LIZZY: I don't like you, and nobody else does either. People like you never make it in life; some rot in jail while others die miserably. You are such a miserable nobody and you'll be expelled for sure.

(Lizzy storms off, leaving Selina alone to contemplate her situation.)

SELINA: Teachers are supposed to encourage students, but mine is torturing me. Why was I born?

(Anne appears, concerned.)

ANNE: Hey! What happened?

SELINA: I'm always at fault. They blame me for everything, Anne. I don't know what to do.

ANNE: What are you saying?

(Selina breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably.)

SELINA: Everyone is hurting me - my dad, Miss Lizzy, Mr. Joe, Sophia and Michael. I just want to die.

(Anne is shocked and tries to console Selina.)

ANNE: Shhh, don't say such things.

SELINA: No one is there for me. Mom is always busy, and you can't leave your house. I'm always alone with Dad and his mistress.

ANNE: What?

SELINA: Please don't tell anyone, Anne. He threatened to kill me if I tell Mom.

ANNE: Oh my God.

SELINA: Please, Anne.

ANNE: Cross my heart.

(Anne comforts Selina, trying to uplift her.)

ANNE: Come on, let's walk home.

SELINA: What about your driver?

ANNE: When he comes to get me and can't find me, he will go back.

SELINA: That will make your parents mad.

ANNE: I know, but I am tired of doing everything for their sake.

SELINA: Don't forget they are your parents, and they love you.

ANNE: Okay, let's go. Let's walk and forget about this mess.

(Both girls exit the scene, with Anne trying to lighten the mood.)


(Diego is on the phone, pacing.)

DIEGO: What do you mean you didn't see Anne? She isn't home yet. Look for her. (Diego hangs up angrily.)

TAYLOR: Anne has become a stubborn brat, just like that Selina.

DIEGO: We will teach her a lesson when she gets back.

(Anne enters, looking calm.)

ANNE: Good afternoon, Mom, Dad.

DIEGO: I prefer bad afternoon.

ANNE: What's wrong this time? The driver didn't see me, right? I walked home.

TAYLOR: With Selina.

ANNE: Mom, it's my choice.

TAYLOR: We are locking you up and going to teach Selina a lesson.

DIEGO: Don't even try to escape.

(They slam the door on Anne's face and exit angrily.)

ANNE: Mom, Dad, this isn't fair. Selina is not to blame. She talked me out of it.



(Selina looks disappointed.)

SELINA: Dad, you didn't come to school.

RICHARD: Yes, that's because I have more important things to do than come aid you.

SELINA: Dad, with the way you treat me, people will think you're my stepfather.

RICHARD: Do I look like I care? Just don't ruin my mood today.

SELINA: Dad, what did I do? Please tell me.

RICHARD: I don't like you, that's all.

(He exits, irritated.)

SELINA: I miss Mom. She is the only person that likes me... and Anne.

(Diego and Taylor barge in.)

SELINA: Good afternoon...

TAYLOR: Don't even try it, brat. Stay away from Anne.

DIEGO: This is the last warning.

SELINA: What happened?

TAYLOR: My daughter doesn't need a low-level miserable freak like you as a friend.

SELINA: (crying) But...

DIEGO: Save your crocodile tears and shed them in front of your wench mother.

SELINA: Excuse me?

TAYLOR: You wanna fight? (chuckles) Brat.

(They exit. Selina screams loudly as tears well up in her eyes.)

SELINA: How do I change my life? What should I do?




ANNE: What? This is my life and besides, I am twenty now.

DIEGO: Anne, as long as you are living under my roof, you'll live by my rules.

ANNE: Then I'll look for a house.

TAYLOR: Don't be silly, honey.

ANNE: I am not being silly right now, Mom. I am being serious. I have never done anything for my benefit since I was born.

TAYLOR: That's because we are here to help you make the right choices and cancel out the wrong ones.

ANNE: (chuckles) Bullshit. (exits angrily)

TAYLOR: (sighs) She won't listen, will she?



FRANCES: Love...

SELINA: Mom, you promised to quit.

FRANCES: I was counting on your father. Your father still has no job.

SELINA: Don't you think you are spoiling him? He isn't even trying hard enough.

FRANCES: How do you know?

SELINA: Mom, if he were really trying, he'd have found a job by now. I know times are tough, but persistence pays off.

FRANCES: Love, trust me, your dad is doing his best.

SELINA: So this is it? No mom, no love, no happiness?

FRANCES: Your father is here.

SELINA: Yes, he's here, indeed.

FRANCES: Don't be like that, love!

SELINA: Thank you for everything, Mom. (hugs her) I know you're doing this for my sake.

FRANCES: I knew you were a smart girl. I am so proud of you.

SELINA: How lucky I am to have a mom like you.


SELINA: Alright, I'm going to school... or should I say university?

(Frances chuckles and hugs Selina.)

FRANCES: Take care, love.

SELINA: Love you.

(Selina smiles and exits while Frances frowns.)

FRANCES: I'm sorry I have to go, love. (exits)



(The classroom is bustling with students chatting.)

MICHAEL: No teachers, great.

SOPHIA: Fun time.

(Selina enters, holding her book tightly.)

SELINA: Hi, Anne.

(Sophia extends her leg in Selina's path, smirking.)

SOPHIA: One, two...

(Selina trips and falls hard, scattering her books.)


(Anne rushes to her side, helping her up.)

ANNE: Are you okay?

(Jake, a new student, comes over to assist.)

JAKE: Are you alright?

SELINA: Yes, I'm fine.

SOPHIA: Be more careful next time. Watch where you're going.

JAKE: You should watch where you place your foot.

SOPHIA: Come on, Jake, who's talking to you? Don't get on my bad side.

JAKE: It would be a shame to be on your side at all.

SELINA: It's fine, Jake… thanks.

(Anne and Selina sit together, trying to calm down.)

ANNE: How are you?

SELINA: I'm good. What about you? What are you doing after school?

ANNE: I don't know yet.

SELINA: I guess I'll go home then.

ANNE: To your dad?

SELINA: I have no choice.

(Anne looks at her friend, deeply concerned.)

ANNE: Selina, I am sorry for everything that has gone wrong in your life.

SELINA: That means you are sorry for my life itself. I can count the happy moments because they go by seconds, but the sad moments go by minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. (Crying) I am happy when I'm around you and my mom.

(Anne holds Selina's hands to comfort her.)

ANNE: Selina, look at me. Never give up! Happy moments are coming. They will outnumber your sad moments. I promise.

SELINA: Thank you, Anne.

ANNE: I am always here in bad and good moments. I've got your back, pal. Anne for Selina.

SELINA: Selina for Anne.

Both: For life.


A few hours later


(Anne and Selina stand near the gate, chatting.)

Anne: Should we walk home?

Selina: You remember what happened the last time we did, right?

(Both laugh.)

Anne: I remember, but they crossed the line when they insulted you.

Selina: It's fine.

Anne: So, are we walking home?

(Jake enters, interrupting the conversation, his expression friendly.)

Jake: Can I join the ladies?

Selina: Sure, feel free.

Jake: Sorry about the incident earlier.

Selina: It's fine. I'm used to it by now.

Anne: Gosh, my driver came. See you later, Selina. Bye...

(Anne stares at Jake, waiting for him to introduce himself.)

Jake: Jake.

Anne: Bye, Jake. (exits)

Selina: I'm Selina.

Jake: Nice to meet you, Selina. Are you walking home?

Selina: I don't think so. My dad is coming. What about you?

Jake: My mom is coming to pick me up.

Selina: Mama's boy, eh?

Jake: (chuckles) No, Dad is busy. I only get to see him when he's off from work.

Selina: That's the opposite of my parents. My mom is the busy one.

Jake: Yeah, what parents do for their children.

Selina: Spoken just like my mom.

(Richard drives up in his car. He looks impatient.)

Richard: Get in.

Selina: Oh, my dad is here. See you tomorrow, Jake.

Jake: Bye.

(Selina enters the car, and Richard drives off. Jake watches them leave, then heads toward the parking lot where his mom is waiting.)



(Anne stands, arms crossed, looking frustrated while Diego and Taylor sit on the couch, looking serious.)

Anne: Why do I still have a driver? Dad, Mom, I'm twenty for crying out loud!

Taylor: Not this argument again. Go get dressed; we have an urgent meeting.

Anne: Since when do I attend meetings with you guys?

Diego: Today. Anne, our business was failing, but a kind and generous man saved it from collapsing.

Taylor: And now we want to return the favor.

Diego: So that he won't think we are ungrateful.

Anne: And? What do I have to do with this?

Diego: I think you understand the point, Anne.

Anne: (scoffs) Look, I am not some pawn in your bid to gain business deal.

Taylor: Who says you are a pawn, honey? Like I said earlier, we are here to make the right choice for you. Our savior's son is looking for a bride.

Anne: Then get married to him, Mom.

(Diego intervenes, his tone stern.)

Diego: Watch your tone, young lady.

Anne: Business, business, business. You only care about your business. I haven't eaten, and I'm not planning on eating pizza today.

Taylor: My point exactly, honey. We are going to a dinner meeting.

Anne: Lunch, you mean

TAYLOR: I know what I said. Now be a good girl and go get dressed.

Anne: You didn't even deem it fit to let me know beforehand so that I could escape or run away.

Diego: Ha, ha, ha, very funny.

Anne: Don't blame me because I put my self-esteem in high regard. I wouldn't be surprised if you exchanged me for your business. (Exits angrily)

Taylor: Stop with the pouting already.

(Taylor sighs and stares at Diego for the next step.)