

Locked away in a cold, unforgiving mental hospital, Selina was branded as crazy by those who should have protected her. Betrayed by her father and tormented by her peers, her years of captivity have only fueled her desire for vengeance. Now, with a daring escape behind her, Selina is back, and she’s not the same innocent girl they once knew. In a city that once turned a blind eye, secrets will be exposed and justice will be served—her way.

FaridahLawani2311 · Teen
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7 Chs



(Selina enters scanning the room for securities and also searching for the doctor with the keys. A doctor walks up to her.)

DOCTOR 5: Doctor Amber, calm the patients down, the fire alarm was a false alarm.

SELINA: I want to take them outside for fresh air. That will make them calm down. So, where is the key?

DOCTOR 5: umm.. okay, you should... you are right.

(He hands the keys over to Selina.)

DOCTOR 5: give it back when you are done.

SELINA: I will

DOCTOR 5: keep your guard up. Excuse me, Doctor Amber.

(He exits, leaving Selina behind with the patients.)

SELINA: this is so interesting... heavens sent the keys to me.

(Selina exits laughing, leaving the patients behind.)


(Some doctors are discussing about the mystery of Doctor Laura's death, the fifth doctor enters.)

DOCTOR 4: guys, something happened. Miss Richard asked me to help her escape. She is crazy, she killed Doctor Laura, she also took my uniform.

DOCTOR 2: what? Alarm, inform the securities to shut all building doors immediately.

DOCTOR 5: wait, did you say Miss Richard? I gave her the keys... she... oh my God.

DOCTOR 4: you gave the keys to Miss Richard.

DOCTOR 5: we have to hurry before she escapes.

DOCTOR 2: let's go!

(The doctors darted off.)


(Selina, exhilarated from her successful escape, is over the moon.)

SELINA: free at last, in your face, daddy. Your plan to keep me there forever FAILED.

(Selina laughs hysterically.)


(Frances is preparing lunch for the family, Richard walks in confronting her for visiting Selina.)

FRANCES: what's up with you? Why the worried face?

RICHARD: why did you go there? You are lucky you are alive and still in one piece.

FRANCES: excuse me? Are you aware you are talking about your daughter?

RICHARD: your daughter has gone cuckoo, she is crazy.

FRANCES: not another word against my daughter, Richard. How dare you utter such hurtful words against your own daughter.

RICHARD: the truth is bitter, honey but our daughter needs help.

FRANCES: I can't believe you are saying this, Richard. Prepare something for yourself because I am taking this food to Selina, our daughter.

(Frances takes the foodflask, and exit angrily, leaving Richard behind in confusion.)

RICHARD: Frances... Fra... (groans) ugh, it's always about that crazy girl.


(Selina, settling in, prepares to clean when her phone rings.)

SELINA: (laughing) hi Jake, guess what? I am out of hell.

JAKE (S.O): where are you, Selina?

SELINA: why?

JAKE: why? Don't you trust me?

SELINA: I trusted my father once, and look what happened. I know you want to help me, Jake but I can't disclose my secret headquarters to anyone.

JAKE: Selina, the police are searching for you.

(After hearing that, Selina pretends to have network issues.)

SELINA: hello? Sorry, I can't hear you.

(Selina hangs up and goes back to cleaning.)

SELINA: I can't disclose my secret headquarters to anyone, I can't even trust myself. Hmm... let's see, the list of things I need.

(Selina laughs evilly.)


(Frances enters, anxiously pacing the room.)

FRANCES: where is my daughter? Someone bring me my daughter. What kind of a place is this? You don't know how to take care of patients.

(Doctors try to calm Frances down. Anne enters, visibly concerned.)

ANNE: auntie, I rushed here immediately I heard the news. Where is Selina?

FRANCES: (sobbing) she ran away.

(Frances couldn't contain her anger so she is yells at the doctors.)

FRANCES: she ran away because clearly, the doctors here are incompetent. If anything happens to my daughter, if... I can't even think of that. I won't be able to live without my love.

(Anne sees the state Frances is in and hugs her, also trying to comfort her.)

ANNE: oh no, don't worry, anutie. Everything is going to be fine. We will find Selina.

FRANCES: you don't get it, Anne. S-S-Selina, she... I think she murdered Doctor Laura. The doctors said she was responsible for the doctor's death.

(Anne, looking so shocked, was speechless.)

ANNE: what? No, no, they must be mistaken. Why would they assume that? Was she found with a weapon?

FRANCES: Anne, I said I think she did it. Selina grinned at me the last time I visited her. She told me to forget about helping her get out of this place. I knew something was off.

ANNE: auntie, are you sure? Selina doesn't grin, she smiles.

FRANCES: I know, I am her mother. I told Doctor Laura about it but she totally ignored me. She almost called securities on me.

(Frances explains the ordeal to Anne when her phone rings. She picks up her phone and answers the call.)

FRANCES: hello?



(Selina pauses for a moment after hearing her mother's sad voice, then she comforts her.)

SELINA: why are you crying, mom? You cry too much.

FRANCES: S-S-Selina? My love, where are you? Are you okay? Love, what is this? Why are you doing this? Please tell me where you are?

SELINA: I was walking out of my apartment when I saw you. I am close to you, mother.

FRANCES: love, we need to talk.

SELINA: sure, mother, I am listening.

(Frances, expecting to hear the truth and hoping she is wrong about Selina, sits down and takes a deep breath.)

FRANCES: what did you do? What happened here? Why, and how did you escape?

SELINA: I want to be honest with you, mother, but are you sure you want to hear the truth? It hurts a lot.

FRANCES: brief me, love

SELINA: yes, I murdered Laura. She was a pain in the neck, mother. I disguised as a Doctor and darted off. I didn't want to spend another minute in that hell of a place.

(Frances, stunned and unable to believe her daughter, bursts into tears.)

FRANCES: why, why did you do it? Where did I go wrong?

SELINA: uh uh, don't blame yourself, mother, because it's not your fault. None of it is your fault. I chose this path because I am tired of everyone and everything. Anyways, how is my sweet daddy?

FRANCES: love, this isn't you. You are not my daughter.

SELINA: correct, mother. The old Selina died.. hmm... let me say... ugh, I can't remember. I'll get back to you when I recall the age your daughter died. My name is Selina, but I am not Selina.

ANNE: Selina, we can talk about this.

SELINA: (Gasps) oh, the cat dragged you in already? What should I call you, my best friend? How are you? Are you married yet?

ANNE: Selina, I was your best friend, I am your best friend, and I'll always be your best friend. The reason we sent you here was because of your health. We love you.

SELINA: oh, cut the crap, Anne. I am saner than you and your parents combined. I am not crazy, and you know that, but you insisted on bringing me to hell. I'll forgive you for it after serving you a dish, it's cold though.

(Selina laughs evilly.)

ANNE: I am not scared of you nor your threats. I am here for my best friend and her mother. I want to help you.

SELINA: have you tried helping yourself? Don't you remember the saying? Charity begins at home, Anne. Help yourself, your parents, your friend, Mia, before trying to help me. I wasn't crazy back then, and I am not crazy now, but I will show you all how crazy really looks like.

FRANCES: are you threatening us, love? We are here to help you.

SELINA: I am not threatening you guys, mom. I don't threaten; I act. You don't have to worry about your daughter; she is alive, call it rebirth.

FRANCES: love, please tell me how come? Why are you doing this?

SELINA: revenge.

FRANCES: revenge?

SELINA: yeah. I have the list of people who played a part in my torture, but I am going to settle the scores with every single one of them. Doctor Laura has been eliminated.

FRANCES: you are sick, Selina. How dare you open your mouth and utter such despicable words? What is wrong with you? Tell me, who is your next target?


(Frances and Anne couldn't believe their ears.)

FRANCES: what?

(Selina realises she successfully scared them, bursts out laughing out loud.)

SELINA: you guys are so gullible. Anne, I thought you said you weren't scared of me and my threats. Mom, sorry but I can't tell you that.

ANNE: you can stop now before its too late, Selina.

SELINA: it's too late, Anne. I have become a blood thirsty monster, and no one can stop me.

FRANCES: (Sobbing) you are not a monster, love, and it's not too late to stop. You made a mistake; it's a mistake.

SELINA: no it's not, mom. This is not a mistake; it was destined to happen. Take care of yourself, mom, Anne, goodbye.

(Selina hangs up, leaving Frances sobbing and Anne deep in thought.)

ANNE: auntie, don't cry; we can get to Selina. I'll track her phone number.



(Selina takes out the sim card and destroys it after the call.)

SELINA: I see what you are trying to do, Anne, but I am smarter than that. I need to get out of here and look for a place to live. Ugh, money, I guess I have to steal from my sweet daddy. That won't be enough so I'll also rob the bank.. oh, Mr. Joe is rich too. Man, I will be a multi trillionaire.

(Selina laughs hysterically.)


(Richard is furiously yelling at the doctors after hearing Selina's escape, Helen walks in to calm his nerves.)

RICHARD: you all are incompetent fools. You can't handle a girl.

HELEN: don't stress yourself too much, Rich. Look on the bright side; you won some billions.

(Richard hangs up angrily and sits.)

RICHARD: we paid them for nothing. Well, you are right. I should look on the bright side and celebrate my victory.

HELEN: (smiling) exactly my point!

RICHARD: two glasses of whiskey then.

(Helen leaves the room to bring whiskey, while Richard contemplates on his choices to pay the doctors the remaining amount.)