
Seeking Revenge

Sama_khalifa · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Carter's POV:

     As I made my way towards her parent's table, everyone suddenly stopped talking and all the attention was on me. Kinda feel uncomfortable here not gonna lie but whatever can't chicken out now, right?

     "Can I help you with anything son?" Her father asked me. Well, he seems nice and looks nice to be a murder. Oh yeah, you can, I just wanna say that I am here to start my plan for avenging my mum, you know the one that you helped my father kill her! But of course, I wasn't going to say that it was all just in my head. What I am going to say is the following.

     "Yes, you must be Mr.Jackson Smith, heard really great things about you and your success. My father told me that he worked with you more than once and that you guys are great friends. Shame that he couldn't come with me tonight." I said. He looked confused, well, me being dumb me forgot to introduce myself so of course, he wouldn't know who I am. Dumb move Carter dumb move. But it's true, my father told me that he worked with Jackson Smith more than once, hell he even confessed that he helped in killing my mum but you guys already know that so no need to keep bringing it up.

     "Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Carter Williams, I really don't know if any of you heard about the William industries or not since we're mostly in the UK you know." I finished talking feeling very nervous, I did not think this through, I mean what will be my next step, make his daughter fall for me and then kill her. Wait no Carter you're not a killer don't be like your father. Why in seven hells would I even include his daughter in this, I mean she has no idea what her father did. Or maybe she does and she's helping him cover it!

     "Oh yeah the William industries, heard great deals about it, congrats on your new company by the way." Her mum was the one to talk to this time.

     "I too heard great things about it, but I am sorry, I have never met your father or even worked with him from different places." Her father sounded serious and looked like he had no clue about my father and his industries. But how is that even possible and why would my father lie about something like this in the end. Then again, he killed my mum, who is his wife and his partner in life.

     "Are you sure because he looked and sounded like he knew you very well, he said that you guys attended college together?" I was now panicking because I looked like a fool and even a bigger fool of myself.

     "Why don't you sit down," Jackson told me. I took the empty seat and sat down.

     "I can assure you that I and your father didn't go to college together because I was homeschooled due to the fact that I was being bullied and nearly died in the process, so from freshmen year till senior year college I was homeschooled, there is no way I have went to school with your father. Maybe this is just a misunderstanding and you mixed me with someone else." Jackson finished talking and I couldn't believe myself. Well one of them has to be lying, either my father about knowing Jackson Smith, or Jackson about being homeschooled. Well, only one way to find out. I'm going to have to ask my father. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the chair beside me being dragged from its place and someone sitting down. I looked to find it was Lila, I totally forgot that she went to the bathroom.

     "I see that you guys are being engrossed in a conversation." She said while laughing, she looked like an angel.

     "Carter Williams, that is where I feel like I heard the name before, I knew that I knew you when you introduced yourself earlier, I read an article about your mother's death before. I am so sorry for your loss." She had to bring it up.

     "Thank you, it's hard but well, I'm managing," I replied with the fakest smile on my face.

     "Carter I didn't know that I will find you here." He had to come, didn't he?


Lots of love,
