
Seeking Revenge

Sama_khalifa · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Lila's POV:

     I kinda felt guilty because the second that I brought up the subject of his mother's death I could see that he felt uneasy and uncomfortable. I was about to talk and say that I am sorry for bringing it up when someone else started talking. All of the attention was shifted from Carter to this man who looked like he was in his late forties early fifties. 

     "Father," Carter said, greeting his father with no emotion on his face, and damn that British accent of his is amazing. Lila what the hell are you thinking about right now, this isn't the time or place to think about that. I kept reminding myself to keep cool so I don't make a huge fool of myself. I suddenly felt Carter getting closer to me, I didn't know what he wanted to do. Lila control your thoughts it's not like he is going to do anything in front of all these people like literally this ballroom is like filled with at least 500 guests. Plus what the hell am I thinking about, I just met the dude today, how can I be thinking that he could do anything, I mean I could not be his type, or he could be gay or have a girlfriend, or a fiancee, HE COULD BE EVEN MARRIED. I looked at him to see what he is doing only to see that he is telling me to come close because he wants to tell me something, and clearly it's something that he doesn't want anyone else to know. So I leaned in order for him to tell me what he wanted.

     "Are you sure that your father didn't know anyone named Jeremey in high school or college or even at work?" He whispered.

     "The only person named Jeremey that my father knows is his brother who is sitting on my mother's left," I whispered back. He looked disappointed.

     "Why are you asking?" I was curious, sue me!

     "No reason, it's just my father told me that he went to school with your father and that they were business partners." He answered me.

     "I'm sure he got him mixed with someone else, I mean my father can't be the only person named Jackson Smith in this world." I chuckled.

     "Yeah, you're probably right." He gave me a chuckle which was very fake. He still didn't look like he was satisfied with my answer.

     "Carter, can I talk to you for a second?" His father asked him. Carter looked like he didn't want to go and talk to his father but he did anyway. Shouldn't he be there for his father after what happened to his mom? I mean they should like to be everywhere together. But who am I to judge about anything?


Carter's POV:

     "What are you doing here?" my father asked me. How dare he really, he was in England last I heard off, he knows that I work here in the US and it's normal for me to get to this ball, I should be the one asking him that question.

     "I should be the one asking you the same thing, you were in England last I heard off," I answered him.

     " I had some work here." He gave me a simple answer, work really, he never even liked it here.

     "What work, you never liked the United States, plus none of your companies have any partners from the US and you know that, if it comes down to me I'd say that you're following me."

     "Okay, maybe I am, I just wanted to make sure that you're safe." He said, wait what? why would I be in danger in the first place?

     "Safe from what?" I asked

     "Jackson of course, remember he killed your mom." He said the nerve that this guy has.

     "Speaking of Jackson, he said that he only heard about you but he doesn't know you, never worked with you, never went to high school or college with you. When his daughter brought up the accident he seemed very sympathetic, didn't look like a killer to me, also, you said that he buried her body, but you never mentioned him killing her." I said.

     "I did?" He asked panicked 

     "Yeah, you did!"


Lots of love,
