
Seeking Revenge

Sama_khalifa · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Lila's POV:

     I don't get how someone could get so lost in someone's eyes like this. His eyes were this amazing shade of blue, I mean they are crystal and at the same time baby blue eyes. How is this possible? (It's possible, have you seen Ian Somerhalder's eyes).

     The instant I locked eyes with him, I knew that love at first sight exists, I mean, I never believed in it. My mom, on the other hand, does, she'd tell me how you'll believe in love at the first sight when the right person walks by. In my defense before all of you call me a dumbass for thinking that maybe this is love. He's handsome, amazing eyes, and he's tall. It's like there is nothing wrong with him because there really isn't, he's perfect. Except for the fact that I have got no idea what his name is or where he's from or he's personality. I mean he could be a great looking person but at the same time have a shitty personality that makes you want to punch him in the face or kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

     "Are you alright love?" He asked snapping me out of my own thoughts and daydreaming. Wait did he just call me love? Omg this couldn't get better, I mean he's British, and man what can a British accent do to a girl you may ask, a lot because it sounds like singing in our ears. I was the kind of person who always thought that the only British person who says the word love better than any British man ever was Niklaus Mikaelson but I think I have a new favorite.

     "Yeah, I'm great, I just wasn't looking to where I was going, I was in a rush. I am so very sorry." I finally gave the man an answer because let's be real he was looking at me weird and it felt uncomfortable.

     "Nonsense, I dozed off when I was walking and I wasn't paying attention to anyone in front of me and I bumped into you, glad you didn't fall." He stopped talking, in the very exact moment that I was about to talk he started talking again. 

     "Where are my manners, my name is Carter, nice to meet you," he said while taking my hand and kissing it. 

     "I'm Lila. Nice to meet you too." I answered.

     "Oh you're Lila Smith, I know all about your father's companies, great fan." He answered, weird but okay I'll accept his weirdness because he is so charming.

     "Great to hear that, he's actually sitting over there if you want to talk to him," I said pointing to the table where my parents were sitting.

     "Now if you'll excuse me, I really need to use the bathroom. Again nice to meet you, Carter." I gave him a smile and made my way to the bathroom.


Carter's POV:

     I made my way to the table that she pointed at, forgetting all about the fact that I really need to use the bathroom. This was a great opportunity to get to know him and to start plotting my revenge against him. I reached the table and all of a sudden everyone stopped talking and all the attention was on me, kinda not comfortable but whatever.

     "Hello Mr.Smith, I'm Carter William's so great to finally meet you."


Lots of love,
