
seeker of the arcane book 1: a journey to magical supremacy

seekers of the arcane, is a story of fall and ascension, of wins and losses, a story of man fighting against the will of the gods, a story of one's resolve to escape the hollow wheel of faith Raphael Leeroy humanity's greatest engineer died only to find himself in a never-ending loop of reincarnation, intil he reincarnates in s magical world called Avalon, in this new world he has only one goal, to escape this wretched and master this world's magic

the_Mr · Fantasy
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The ascension


im not a good writer so don't expect a

smooth good writing

i just take tropes and tape them in my mind

and please leave a little comment on the story

but i will do my best

and with that said let's dive in shall we

* * *

it has been quite a lengthy time since I woke up here, or maybe not a second passed, that if there was a concept of time in this place,

but that is not important, no it isn't, the important thing now is somthing that i spotted in the horizon, somthing that i didn't think I would see again, and frankly, something I don't know if i want to see again

I saw light.

at first it was just a small shine in the distance, but slowly and steadily it was growing, it was expanding,

no it wasn't expanding, but rather, i was floating towards it,

i wanted to resist, but, all my attempts were futile,

so i surrendered, and for the for the first time since I woke up here, i was afraid

a feeling that started to grow by the second

as I floated closer toward the light,

the light grows stronger and stronger until

I felt it, i...I don't know how but I felt it,

I felt air, it was just a gentle breeze but I felt it pass by me,

not only that, i felt water droplets on my skin

all falling towards a

bed of water that i appeare to be laying in

I stop and relax as i try to take in all of these sensations, all of these memories and emotions,

however that didn't last long, as I heard something, or more specifically someone

"Oh my, what do we have here" came a voice from near Raphael, the voice was deep and ancient,

yet it was full vigor and hope

hearing this voice surprised me, not like this situation wasn't bizzar to say the least,

but spending what felt like eons of solitude in an abyss as a floating consciousness without experiencing anything but peace,

only to find yourself in a new place that brought new sensations, not only that but also knowing that you're not alone, will surely take a reaction out of you

i shot my eyes opened and jumped up to look for the source of the voice, only to be stunned by the scenery infront of me

the first thing to grab my eyes was the sky, it was beautiful,The most beautiful thing i ever saw,

it was dark darker than charcoal, but that darkness was broken by the giant moon, who shined a worm and gentel light upon this realm,

however the moon wasn't alone, for a cluster of magnificent nebulae danced around it in a gentle manner, like a small fish swimming in a little pond

i stood up slowly, enchanted and dazed by this place's beauty, i take few steps as my legs crashed with the small tides

causing a splashing sound that drawed my attention downward,

i saw a vast sea spreading as far as one can see, the water was clear, as clear as glass,

no it was more clearer than that by thousands of times,

the surface of it had a ting of blue in it, likely due to the moon light shinning at it,

the surface was disturbed by small waves breaking it smoothness

and deep within the water if you focus enough, you can see shimmering wisps of light dancing at the bottom

as i stared, enchanted and amazed, marvelling at this place's beauty, i heared that voice again.

"It's quite the view isn't it, friend " it said snapping me out of my daze.

startled, i turn around violently looking for the source of the voice, my eyes moving rapidly before landing on their target,