
seeker of the arcane book 1: a journey to magical supremacy

seekers of the arcane, is a story of fall and ascension, of wins and losses, a story of man fighting against the will of the gods, a story of one's resolve to escape the hollow wheel of faith Raphael Leeroy humanity's greatest engineer died only to find himself in a never-ending loop of reincarnation, intil he reincarnates in s magical world called Avalon, in this new world he has only one goal, to escape this wretched and master this world's magic

the_Mr · Fantasy
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the fall


im not a good writer so don't expect a

smooth good writing

i just take tropes and tape them in my mind

but i will do my best

and with that said let's dive in shall we

* * *

'Peaceful, it's so quite and peaceful'

those were the thoughts that crossed my head as i woke up in this abyss

thoughts i didn't think I would have in such circumstances, normally I would be having a panic attack by now due to my necrophobia

(fear of the dark)

however, it doesn't matter does it?

no, it can't matter, after all I'm dead,

that i'm sure of, because I was the one to end it

I wanted relieve my self from that miserable life,

from all the guilt that was weighing on my conscience, from all the blood in my hands

I wanted peace, and it looks like I got what I wanted, however I can't help myself but think back on what has gone wrong,

as I closed my eyes and allowed a wave of painful memories to sweep across my mind, not like it would change anything anyway

let's start with the beginning shall we.

my name is Raphael Leeroy, i was humanity's greatest engineer of the 22nd century, but most importantly to me i was the most

magic and fantasy nerd of all time,

ever since I've been a child, i have been fascinated by the concept of magic, i wanted to be a wizard when I grow up

however magic doesn't exist, and when I learned that, my dreams were shattered, i was devastated and my reality came crashing down on me,

however I didn't give up, since magic doesn't exist

I went for the next best thing science,

which is technically our world's magic system

I chose to became an engineer, and i worked hard until I becamed the best at it, at first it was boring, however with the help of the internet and a bit of persuasion with myself, i managed to trick myself into turning all the boring informations into a magic system like knowledge

I was in my time the leading figures of my field,

I was successful i worked in a job that i liked

with huge names like Google Microsoft i even made rockets for Musk

one day I received a work offer from the government, there I met my wife Elina Willard, two years after we had a child we named Clara

it was going all and well until i accidentally made a discovery on how to turn matter into energy

it was a far better method than any on earth,

however instead of using it to better the people's lives it was turn into a weapon of mass destruction, at first i was reluctant to make such a thing,

after all I viewed my magical creations as pieces of art not weapons to kill,

alas I was naive at the time and believed them when they told me that it was for the greater good, so i ended up reluctantly creating the weapon later known as the grim reaper

a weapon that ended up causing world war3,

it all started when north Korea launched a

nuclear missile that supposedly went out of control and hit the USA specifically Ohio

the negotiations did not go as planned and the war officially begun, at first it was only guns and rockets but things quickly went out of hands, so when North Korea and China threatened to lunch nuclear weapons the USA lunched my weapon

at both of them which ended up causing the death of 40 million, when I heard about it i was devastated I was overwhelmed with guilt and c

shame in one day my whole life was destroyed,

in one day I turned from the Einstein of this century, to the biggest mass-murderer of this era,

my wife and my ten year old daughter left me, and honestly can you blame them, i my self was sad but deep down I felt relief that they left

i left everything and went in hiding, i ran in shame to a secret underwater bunker where I spent the rest of my days in self hatred, drowning myself in alcohol until I couldn't take it anymore,

and so after one month I decided to end it all,

I prepared every thing but before that i uploaded an hour long stream to the internet, it was my apologies and a last message to my family

before I took a lethal injection and end it all

and so that was my story, ironic don't you think, i spent the last days of my life alone, hiding in one of the most dark place on earth only for me to find peace in this dark abyss surrounded only by dancing shadows all around me

* * *

end of the chapter

hi author here

this is a story i am working on right now

and as i said in the disclaimer i am NOT a good writer

but if you enjoyed the chapter so far, then thank you for reading this novel