
seeker of the arcane book 1: a journey to magical supremacy

seekers of the arcane, is a story of fall and ascension, of wins and losses, a story of man fighting against the will of the gods, a story of one's resolve to escape the hollow wheel of faith Raphael Leeroy humanity's greatest engineer died only to find himself in a never-ending loop of reincarnation, intil he reincarnates in s magical world called Avalon, in this new world he has only one goal, to escape this wretched and master this world's magic

the_Mr · Fantasy
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I'm not a good writer so don't expect a

smooth good writing

i just take tropes and tape them in my mind

but i will do my best

and with that said let's dive in shall we

* * *

it was an old man, he looks to be at his 70s, his face was full of wrinkles, he had silky white long hair that was pull backwards and a well groomed beard the went to his chest,

he wore a white kimono that covers every part of his body exept his head, in his right arm he held a staff that went to the hight of his shoulders

he moved toward me, close eyed giving me a warm smile, like that of a grandfather when visiting his grandchildren for the firs time in a while

"um, excuse me but, are you god?"i said after a moment of pondering

hearing that, the old man chuckled a bit befor responding

"hohoho, no friend i'm no god, i'm but a humble survent"

the old man turned around signaling for me to follow him as he disappeared within the the wall of palm trees

i did as told, and followed him through the trees,

few steps later, the ground changed from the beautiful soft sand of that beach to the dirt of a forest,

as i steped out of the tree wall, i found my self standing on a green sea of emerald green grass,

grass that like every thing in here, had a soft glow to it

and in the middle of my vision is the old man, calmly sipping a cup of what i assume to be tea, sitting in a gazebo that looks to be made out of marble and decorated with jewels,

chiseled onto it is multiple depiction of various fantasy creatures with a level of detail that isn't possibl with the current technology of my world

i walked toward the old man, enjoying the feeling of the soft grass brushing against my feet, and the cold breeze flowing through my face and the wite robe that i'm wearing,

it was just a short walk but to me it was the best walk of my life, however good things don't last forever,

for before i knew it i was standing before the old man

"take a seat friend" he said, as from the flore of the gazebo rose a fluffy chair that looks to be made out of fur

at first i was a little started, but i brushed it off and did as i was told,

upon sitting the old man put down his cup and said

"would you like somthing to drink, a beer maby?"

he clicked gently on the table and a large glass of beer rose from the table in the same manner as the chair,

" I would prefer a cup of tea if you don't mind, i'm not in the mood for alcohol right now" i said

the old man shrugged and clicked on the table again, as the glass of beer sunk down in the table,

and a small cup of tea rose in it's place accompanied by a small pot of sugar,

the tea had a fresh delicious smell of herbs, and the cup was elegantly designed with golden paintings of plants decorating it

i took a small sip, and my god was that the best tea i ever tasted, no i can proudly say that this was the best tea in the world

" i see that you enjoyed the tea friend" the old man said,

i nod in response and take another sip

"well that's good to hear, now you must be confused and probably you have a lot of questions, all of which i will answer to the best of my ability, you can ask anything you want" he said

hearing that i put down the cup and asked him

" where am i and how did i get here?"

" right to the point i see, good, well to answer your question we need to start from the basics"

he said

"the basics?"

" yes, the basics of this world and how it was created, are you familiar with the term god?"

he asked

"yes, is he real?"

" yes he's very real, just not in the sense you think,

he is what we call the supreme creator, the entity that created everything, and the entity that stands above all"

he stops briefly to take a sip of his tea and say

" long, long ago, at the beginning of time there was only the supreme creator, out of boredom he created your world, the prime world as a way of amusement,

however due to the imagination of it creatures, another universe was created and from that moment to this day more universes are still created,

somthing the supreme creator didn't know would happen and somthing that intrigued him, he wanted to know more about these new world,

he was like a child that was given new toys to play with,

however due to the fact that these worlds were not his creation but the creations of the creatures he created, he wasn't able to access them, they were outside of his reach, this infuriated him, he was going to destroy all of the new worlds and this is were we came in"

"we?" i interrupted

"yes, we, the inhabitants of the first world he targeted, luckily we managed to strike a deal with him,if he spared our world we will give him a solution to his problem, and that solution was simple, if he can't reach those worlds then their creators can, tell me friend, are you familiar with the concept of reincarnation?"

"yes i do, was that the solution?"

" yes it is, you see we looked at how the first world was created and we found a little interesting detail in it that was the same in all the other worlds,

whenever someone died, they go to another realm called the abyss, the same place where you came from, so we made a little change to how that realm"

" which was reincarnation, right?"

"yes, you seem awfully calm about this"

" meh, my situation is already wierd, no, weird is putting it mildly"

"well who am i to judge" the old man shrugged

"anyway, as i was saying we made a little change which is the realm we're in now ^Pyli^,

this realm is blank, just an endless void

in it original state, however when a soul enter it,

the realm take the form based on that soul"

"so you're saying that i made this place?" i asked

"yes, and i have to say you made a gorgeous place

no, gorgeous is an understatement" the old man said, his eyes wandered around for a moment

as if he was apricheating this place's beauty before continuing

"Ahem! after this realm was created,

we made an organization called

^Omniversa Explorus^, our job is to keep the supreme creator entertained so he doesn't try to destroy other worlds again,

we do that by reincarnating the souls of the prime world to the world they created"

" so what you're saying is i'm going to be reincarnated into a world of my imagination, right"

i said


"and are you going to give me system for that?"

i asked

"well, yes and no"

"what do you mean by ^yes and no^?" i said a bit worried

" well ,yes, you will have a system, it's just not what you thing" he said

" you'll need to elaborate" i said with a serous tone

" well, whene a spirit arrives in ^Pyli^ they are met with the ^conductors^ people like me, their job is to greet the new commers to thier worlds,

explaine to them their predicament then give them what we call ,the knowledge system^"

"the knowledge system you say" i said with a serous tone

"yes , as the name imply, the system has a connection with knowledge"

" you don't say" i said sarcastically

"Ahem! the way it works is simple when you reincarnate you gaine the memories of the previous owner of the body-"

"EXCUSE ME! " i shouted

" what do you mean by the ^previous owner of the body^"

"well, there can't be two souls in one body, one will always always overpower and absorb the other's soul, so when we reincarnate souls we send them to recently dead bodies" he said

" so what you're saying is, there's a fairly high chance that i could reincarnate in the middle of a WARZONE or in a mutilated CORPSE"

" yes, but it's a small sacrific for the continuation of reality don't you think,"

"no thanks, i would like to go back to the abyss"

" we-well"

" well WHAT?" i shouted

" nothing, follow me friend" he stod up and walked toward a small lake near the gazebo

tho it may look small, but i can tell at a glance that

it is way deeper than what it seems,

within the walls of it i can see clusters glowing crystals embedded all over, each crystal shining a different color upon the water, giving it a magical glow that make it stand out from the rest of the insanely enchanting scenery

"there you go friend, all you need to do is to jump into the water and you will find yourself back in the abyss" he said

"hmmm, are you sure this isn't just a trick"

i said, looking him dead in the eye

"yes" he said

"you know, i had my fair share of bullshit throughout my life, and what you just said might just take the cake for the dumbest lie ever,

all my life reality ruined my dreams one after the other, and reincarnation to a magical world was a big dream of mine, foolish at the time yes, but i can dream god damnd it, and i'll be damed before i let reality take a big dump at this one too"

" is that so? well it's a shame that we had to go to this point, *tsk tsk* a real shame"

"well it was nice meeting you old man but, i'm not going to reincarnat, now if you could please do me a favor and congure a house for me like what you did with the tea, would be nice of you to do "

" oh you'll get your house alright"


the staff of the old man came hammering down at me, and before i know it, i was laying down froze on the ground, my head slowly sinking into a puddle of my own blood

it was painful, it was as if someone poured molten iron on my head, my vision becamed blurry and clouded by blood, my fingers were twitching but i didn't have the strength to move a muscle

then a dragging sensation of my, and i knew exactly what happened, it was the old man

that stinky old man, that two faced snake of an old man, so much for the nice act

but i have to admit for an old man, he truly packs a punch, an impressive punch

the dragging kept for a short while, before i was flunged in the air like a raggdoll toward the lake

the moment my skin touched the water, a numbing sensation wash through me, a sensation that grew the more water i touched, until i was completely submerged,

the more time i spent there the more numb i became, and the more my vision started to darken,

not long after i was completely blind and paralyzed, back to that familiar state of being

however there was no peace

□system download (complete)

□reincarnation (initiating)