

The way he shot me a look, it's as if I had told him bad words, something bad that he has never heard. He jumped from the bed and started pacing up and down brushing his hair using his hands. 

I just told him the truth, why wouldn't he accept it?

"Dee, I know you are not a charity box,  am doing this from the bottom of my heart, am not trying to guilt trap you in it," he said gently while standing near the window.

Well that is how people say them after sometimes they start to boast about how they have helped you grow from nothing and then you don't want to show them some respect 

"I am saying the truth, I spoke to Dr Nick and he said you would love to be a community health officer, and I am happy that for you, all you want to do is help people and that is what I also want to do Dee, so can you please just give me a chance? Just one chance to make something right in your life, I swear I will even bring a contract and that is the thing that will say what I will be doing," he said to me in a pleading tone.

Why is he so interested in offering me the opportunity? What consequences will come with it? What will I have to pay? 

We all don't know the consequence of something, it's like diving into a river yet you don't know whether the whale or crocodile is waiting to swallow you alive.

That is different, I know the consequences. But, would the contract save me? If it will then I would want it. 

We said we are taking a step at a time, and then we learn a lesson a day. What if this is the golden opportunity that I have been waiting for but I am letting it go because I am pretending that I don't need it. 

They say that there is no limit to education, but I seriously need to develop my skill, I know am good with making that local barista, talking to that worried customers and coiling myself into the wall to read my books. 

Come on, I also need to get out there and mingle with other people. How will I do that if all I do is go for work, but in my corner and lote with my books then at the end of the day I go back home, wait for an insult, cuddle with my book, help Fern get back into the house and sleep?

I need to shed off this skin and stop feeling sorry for myself. I should accept that there is this one dream that came true from a bunch that I have been wishing for and take the opportunity.

"You've been thinking a lot and am tempted to think that the smile I just saw at the end of your mouth is a yes," he said while holding my hand.

I smiled and then placed my other hand on top of his, "I want to give it a try, but when am done, I will try and pay you the money little by little Jake and don't say no," I said to him.

He looked at me and his smile broadened and he lowered his mouth to my forehead and kissed me gently.

"Why are you blushing?" He asked while settling beside the bed.

"Am I? I am just smiling," I defended myself. 

I was blushing. His touch just can't make me calm. It sends wild signals to my body and I can't explain myself. He might think that I am acting so irrational and stupid.

"I am good at body language, I can see the heads of sweat on your nose and your cheeks are suddenly pink... Stop lying to yourself," he said while pointing to my nose.

"Nooo, Jake, that is how I am plus am not, so atop it and focus on something else.," I said I pretended to look in a different direction but he was quick and pop pulled me towards him.

"Can you tell me if the diner is okay?" I asked him. Because his men were the first people to find me inside.

"Everything is okay, it is running as nothing happened, Edith said she wi see you but the other workers think you are off," he said while holding my hands tightly.

"Thank you, I know I am causing chaos in your life, I don't know how to repay you, Jake," I said to him while facing him.

I was genuinely about my apology. Trying to fix the dinner within the night and placing everything in order was the hard bit he managed. Though I was mad that he might have left me on the road, I think that was his deal. To leave me somewhere then someone will pick me mad bro g me here. They had to make things easy on my parents to prevent them from worrying too much.

He sighed and sat on the bed, his full body facing me. I am not good at reading the look in his eyes but this is the same look he had when he told me about his sister. I don't know if something bad happened, but I wanted to know what is it that he was goo g through.

He opened his mouth to say something but words were difficult to come out of his mouth. Maybe it's my eyes co can't distract him, I need to avert my eyes to something else, but he placed his hAnds on my cheek and let my eyes bore into his.

He stared into them, before moving his gaze down to my lips. Oooh, Jesus, I couldn't prevent myself from biting my bottom lip and looking down.

He swallowed hard, and I could see his Adam apple moving seductively in his throat. 

My hands voluntarily moved and placed their fingers on his neck.  As much as I tried to remove my hands, they were not cooperating with me, instead, they went on and reached his ears.

He leaned into my touch and gasped a little, his breathing was itched and I could feel his breathe burning on my face, his mint taste was alluring and I wanted to feel it, I wanted that mint.

"Dee," he called in a hoarse voice.

"Uhm," I said back while my hand was still on his neck.

My face involuntary moved towards his and our lips were seconds apart from devouring each other when a knock at the door interrupted us.

"Fuck!!!!" He swear and dropped her head on the nape of my neck.

Dominic popped his head on the door, 

"What now?" He asked in a bored tone. 

Dominic looked at him and gave home a wink before greeting me. I replied and watched as Jake was talking to him. 

Jake nodded while he looked at some things that Dominic was show g him on the tablet.

After they were done, Jake walked back to me, I couldn't read the expression on his face because I didn't hear any shouting when he was talking to Dominic.

He sat beside me and was quiet for a while. The silence was defending and I didn't like it. 

I cleared my throat and faced him.

"Is everything okay Jake?" I asked while snatching his hands from his laps.

"How close were you to Kim?" He asked in a low concerned tone.

Why is he asking me about Kim? I just hope he has not done something bad to him or found some bad things in his camera.

I rubbed the palm of his hands, "well he was my neighbour. Annoying neighbour. Sometimes he would take some photos of my parents while they were basking in their little orchards and threaten to post them online. All he ever wanted was one dollar or ninety_nine cents, that would be his lowest rate he would say," I explained to him while chuckling and laughing.

Jake did not say anything instead he took my hands from his and squeezed them tightly. Things were not right. The way he was just squeezing my hand and facing the door without even humming the way he did to me or clearing his throat.

"Is Kim alright?" I asked. 

He stirred on his seating position. I saw how he was finding it difficult to say a word. He tried, talking or telling me anything but nothing could come out of his mouth. 

I know he was not okay, I was just trying to satisfy my curiosity. But I hoped that it was something that will be remedied within time. Maybe he just punished him and gave him some money or he wants to send him far way where he can never use his camera again.

"He is dead!"


Thanks for reading❤❤❤

Please follow me on Instagram: coffee_ciggarette