

"He is dead?" 

I jumped from him and pushed him away. He fell on the floor and started to groan.

"I told you he was not a bad person why did you kill him? Why Jake?" 

I was now burning with rage and anger in my stomach. I didn't tell him to kill Kim. He was supposed t pick his camera and delete the photos then return the camera to Kim. 

Why did he kill him even after I warned him not to do anything bad to him? Is he always like this, killing people even without bothering how their loved ones are going to feel? How does he get away with murder? Even if he is rich, this is not fair.

Who is going to take care of Kin's grandmother now that his only grandson has been killed? I guess he has probably thrown him in some big river or just tossed his body in some morgue.

Kim was not a bad dude, he was only trying to get money for his grandmother's medicine.

"Jake why? W..hy d..i..d you do that?" 

I was now crying and my words were not clear when talking to him. I was in pain, not because of the needles but the pain of killing Kim even though he was a nuisance sometimes was so painful. 

"Dee, listen to me," he said while coming close to me but I didn't want his touch anywhere near me. I don't want to see his pretentious face around. 

How was I so foolish to believe that even for once he was a good person?

Well, I have read books about Mafia bosses falling in love with innocent girls, murderous turning around because of love, but that is in books and fantasy. We are in the real world so I am not going to act foolish and sit here knowing very well that he murdered Kim and how many others he has put a bullet in their heads for disobeying him.

My brain was not even working very well. Maybe even the story he gave me about his sister is all false. He might be using me so that he can add me up as a statistic.

I don't want to let my guard down, because I don't want to be one of his statistics.

"Just get out of my face, I want to be alone Jake!" I shouted at him while using my might and throwing him the pillow that was on top of my bed.

I was a fool once, I am not going to fall for another lie. Not when I can see with my two eyes, no!

He caught the pillow and tried coming closer and I let out one scream at him. His bodyguards came running into the room. All their guns pointed at me!

I told you, out here you don't trust anyone, just yourself, sometimes your instincts are also wrong. Look at them, why are they pointing guns at me yet they haven't even seen what is happening. 

Is this how they jump to an unorganized conclusion and shoot people around for no reason? 

"Lower your guns now!" He ordered, "it's just her reacting to medicine," he said.

"Noo, I'm not reacting to medicine, and for Christ sake, I need him out of my sight I don't want to see him around!" I shouted at them while they were placing their guns back.

Wait a minute, where did all this courage and voice come from? I used to know I am a peaceful person, what happened?

I looked at them shake their heads and move out of the room leaving Dominic and Jake alone with me. 

I guess Dominic was the one who killed him because Jake doesn't do the dirty work, instead their workers do it.

"How much is he paying you?" I asked Dominic who was now whispering something into Jake's ear.

They shifted their focus at me and gave me the 'who' look.

"Stop pretending Dominic, how much did he give you for killing Kim?" I shouted back with tears choking me.

"What?" Asked Dominic.

"I asked H.O.W M.U.C.H I.S H.E P.A.Y.I.N.G Y.O.U?" I asked him while stressing over every word that was coming out of my mouth.

Dominic looked at Jake, Jake in turn was looking at me, "Did you tell him that I am the one responsible for Kim's death?" Dominic asked him.

Jake brushed his hair with his hands and asked Dominic to leave. He then turned to me, 

"Can you please stop making accusations before someone explains the whole deal to you Dee?" He asked with an angered voice. 

Wait, was I accusing someone of doing something bad? I thought I was saying the whole truth to them?

He moved from the door and started pacing around the room while pulling his hair up. I sat on the bed, just looking at him pull his hair, walking up and down which is irritating but I don't have the voice to tell him that it is Fucking irritating!

He suddenly picked the stool that was on the corner of the room and sat closer to me. 

I didn't want to face him, I turned my face and looked at the wall, sliding my hands up and down the wall. 

"Kim was in the basement dead, his grandmother was also dead next to him in the most obscene way I have ever seen," he said in a low voice. 

"What? His grandmother is dead?"

His words caught my attention and I Faced him fully, forcing myself to sit upright on the hospital bed once again though it was paining me like a bitch!

He looked at me and nodded his head. 

"I just talked to Kim in the morning, I was with him, talking, him asking for money," I said to him.

He held my hands and looked straight into my eyes. My tears were fighting for space on my cheeks the crawled freely. I just hope it's not some addition of a nightmare that I will have to hear. He cleared his voice and brushed the strands of my curls out of my face.

"I know that Dee, I know this is going to sound absurd but the person you were talking to in the morning was not Kim, we think, well and my team thinks he might be an imposter who might have also tried to harm you," 

I could believe his words. First, he said Kim was dead, now there is an imposter who is trying to act like Kim and was going to harm me? 

Why would I believe his words? 

"Give me a minute," 

He cut me from what wanted to tell him. I just wanted him to tell me the truth because what he was saying seem hard for me to believe.

He placed his hands into his pockets to reach for something and he suddenly removed his phone from it. 

I assumed he is probably calling someone or wants to read a message, you know rich people with how they behave.

I played with my hands avoiding seeing what he was doing with his phone.

"Shhhh, maybe he has been sent some nudes," 

I chuckled at that idea and forgot that I was supposed to shout at him and went on fumbling with my hands like a baby.

He then shot me a look after hearing my chuckle, "what are you laughing at?" He asked in a serious voice while waving his phone on my face.

I looked at myself with a smile it's like I was not shouting and crying some few seconds ago.

The smile quickly disappeared after I saw what he was waving on my face, 

The content of my stomach came rushing out of my throat and I couldn't hold them anymore, seeing my reactions, he picked the wastebasket that was beside him and held my hair as I pour the content into the basket.

"What the fuck Jake? Where did you get those, that's fucking disgusting," I said to him amidst my puking.

He didn't say out any words instead he went on rubbing my back until I was done. After settling, he handed me water before going on with his explanation.

"This is how they were found, I didn't lay a hand on them I don't even touch them Dee neither did my men touch them," he said to me and quickly returned his phone into the pocket.

"I Am not some detective, but is that enough to believe that someone is telling you the truth and not lying?" 

I wanted to believe him, I wanted to trust him but it was hard.

"It's hard to trust someone Dee, but I want you to see this," 

He checked his watch and it was nine in the evening. He went and opened the Tv and let me watch it. 

Al the news was there, I could even see my parent among the crowd trying to see what the police were doing. 


Thank you for reading.❤❤

Please, vote and comment on anything you feel aren't right or you want me to work on. I will appreciate. it

You can also read my other work: Lost In Between.

Follow me on Instagram: coffee_ ciggarette