
Best Man and Maid of Honour.

🥀Happy Reading❤🌹

               "So, how is the bride feeling?"

Today was D-day, today was the day that Claire and Dominic would say their vows and live forever happily after. Claire had not seen Dominic for two days. She had been told that it's not good for the bride and the bridegroom to see each other before the wedding it will bring a bad omen. Though she protested about it, Dee was able to calm her down and wait for this day to arrive. Sitting on the bed, Dee was hovering around her trying to make her hair that couldn't be tamed. They were waiting for the hairstylist whom they were told will be arriving anytime.  Her dress was not yet from the closet, Dee had hidden it to prevent Claire from looking at it every second she gets.  

Claire was excited about this day, she wanted to jump up and down, shout all over the place and thank God for giving her this chance but she was keeping her cool. She knew she didn't need to shout or do anything to show that she was excited. She kept smiling at Dee for nothing and when she went back to the first day she had met Dominic, she didn't believe that one day they will end up like this.

"Why are your cheeks that pink?" Asked Dee when she saw her cheeks turn the colour. 

"Come on, it's nothing, I am just excited for the day, I mean who won't be?" Said Claire quickly trying to hide her face in her palms. 

Dee raised her brows and removed her hands to look at her. She knew Claire was hiding something from her and that didn't have anything to do with her being happy. 

"Okay, this is not about that, tell me something that I don't know, I know you are excited, butterflies can't stop jumping up and down in your stomach and you can't wait to see your baby, but uh, nope, that's not the deal, I don't think so. Tell me something that I don't know about."

Claire looked at Dee and they locked eyes, she cleared her voice and started fumbling with her hands like a small baby. 

"I was thinking of the first day that I met Dominic. To me, when he interrupt Jake's birthday party, I didn't have the idea that he was having problems, I saw a light, I saw my saviour and every time he talked in her sluggish way the more I was interested in him. Turns out he had seen me every day going to the flower shop where I could spend most of my time but didn't know what to do. Though he knew my brother was a big jerk, he later told me that he wanted to prove himself to my brother and show him that he can be a man enough to be by my side. I didn't know about that though, so when he crashed the party, I was smitten by him, I told my brother to allow him to stay because he was jovial. His stay was extended and every day I just peeped to see him. I was so stupid like a silly girl who has seen her crush and can't get over him. I would be the first to get him breakfast even before my brother. When my brother found out that I was falling for him, he was mad at first but Dominic was a gentleman, he offered to protect Jake if he was going to stop being a baby about us two falling in love.  Jake was afraid that he would lose me and Dominic was going to mess me up and break my heart. He showed that he was not that type of person. He was gentle with me and he showed me how to love myself and I can't just stop forget of every effort he made to make sure I was comfortable. I bet I would have never found someone like him in my life. Apart from Jake. So to keep things going with me, he brought Pete in and Pete was trained to guard me as Dominic guarded Jake who was trying to make his way in the business world. I remember, when Jake made her first profit and he wanted to celebrate it with me and Dominic, that's when Dominic found out about the incident with my father. He got mad and told Jake but Jake was wrapped in his mind. I don't blame him, he was young and all he could think of was kicking my dad's ass out of the business world. I am still happy that Dominic was the man who helped me, took me under his wings and trained me to be this strong person. I can't help but get excited about that Dee. I will be grateful every day and if I was asked to choose, I would still choose him for the rest of my life."

Dee wiped the tears that were now fleeing down her cheeks. She didn't know that these two were such love birds since the first day that they met. She admired how Dominic was brave enough to save Claire during her hard times and let her enjoy herself during her happy moments. Claire hugged her tightly and helped her wipe her tears.

The hair stylist and the fashion designer were ready to make Claire excited and happy. She didn't want to leave Dee behind. She was her emotional support everywhere they went. Dee had to make sure she looked beautiful and that nothing was wrong with her hair or clothes.   She doesn't want to imagine that this day was finally arriving and Claire was going to be Mrs Dominic. 

"So, should we start calling you Mrs Dominic?" Asked Dee when the hairstylist was done doing her hair. 

"Stop it, that doesn't help, it makes me want to cry already and I am not going to cry at this point to ruin anything." Said Claire pressing on Dee's hand. 

Dee understood weddings are very important celebrations in people's lives and everyone would want to walk down the aisle one day. She was excited that today was Claire's day. Looked at her phone. 

Jake: please, don't tell me she is crying the whole Nile right now?

Jake wanted to know whether her sister was going to cry all over the place or she was trying g to compose herself from all that drama and do what she is supposed to do.

"Siz, Jake is asking if you will be crying the whole Nile or you will be holding it in? "

"Tell him to shove it back, I am not crying, I am being me and there is nothing bad about that, I mean who won't cry? Can I speak with him?"

Claire wanted to speak to Her brother but Dee refused and told her to wait until she was done with everything before she starts to speak with her brother on the phone. Plus he will be walking her to the aisle, so there was no need to talk to him. They had done a lengthy conversation on how Jake should behave and even reprimanded him. Claire feared, that Jake will think this is one of those meetings he is going to where ye wakes up too fast and take one minute to walk her down the aisle. Though they had done practise over and over and told him that he was not going for a business meeting but rather and simple wedding. 

Claire sat back and tried to look in the mirror as Dee was talking to her designer, they wanted to help Claire into the gown. This was the biggest part because sometimes the gown may not fit even after it was tried on.

"Okay, let's hope you didn't add weight days before the wedding or didn't lose any weight when you were depressed about the wedding."

"Come on can't girl, I might have added some weight though, I hope that won't affect anything." Said Claire and walked to get into the wedding.

         "What do you think Dominic is going?"

"Thinking about what you are doing because you are busy thinking of what he is doing?" 

Claire frowned and got into her gown. It was fitting her perfectly. She didn't look to have added on any weight or reduced any. All she had was herself pretty looking in her gown with nothing to hide. 

Her wedding gown was an off-shoulder with glitters on the chest. She had a perfect burst for it and even his curved well into the dress. Dee was excited that everything was fitting in perfectly and there was nothing off about it. She admired how she smiled and at the same time cried about it. 

   "Are you breathing okay?" The designer asked.

"Perfectly fine, plus my hands are just okay, I don't have any problem with that. Can I wear the shoes now?" Asked Claire when everything was done.

"Nope, we have to make your face look more beautiful, plus it is not yet time. Take all the moments you will need."

Claire signed and waited for the make-up artist to start pampering her whole face with make-up.

Back in the mansion, where the wedding was supposed to take place, Dominic was pacing up and down. He had not even started to prepare. His heart was beating so loudly and he was afraid of the day. Two days were very long, he didn't get to see Claire and that gave him a lot of worrying. Jake had tried to calm him down but nothing worked. 

"Is this how everyone behaves when they are ready to get married?"

 Jake asked Pere who was been busy doing overeating even the cup of coffee that Dominic was supposed to take he had already drunk it all. 

"Some reasons I am not getting married. Imagine he has been pacing for three straight hours, it's like he is not sure if the bride will leave him hanging or if someone will say, ' I reject, they are not supposed to get married' that is going to get worse."

Jake looked at Pete busy talking and was worried now. He didn't know that people object to a wedding. He thought those were matters of the past and they didn't need to be done this year.

"Why would someone just say that at the wedding? He had all the time to look into that. Right now coming mad saying that they don't want the two to marry each other."

"Don't worry, I will give you an example. Let's say, Fern is now under your house and gets better, then you want to marry Dee, she might say you seduced yet and you are pregnant for him during your wedding just to stop the wedding."

Jake looked at Pete talking and he raised his brows to him. He could believe that Pete was even thinking of that scenario that he is sure won't happen. Then he scratched his head and thought about it, anything can happen, Fern might say that he seduced her and forced her into bed with him. 

"Can we just throw those ideas out of the window because I am not going to talk about it anymore, it's frustrating you know?"

Pete chuckled and walked to Dominic leaving Jake to his thoughts. Handing Dominic the sprinkled Donuts, he removed the suit and shoes from the closet and placed them in front of Dominic.

"Yoh, it's Claire, the baby that loves you and adores every part of you. Don't be afraid that anything will happen because your baby will crash anyone that is moving in that direction will be stopped before he even thinks about it. Get your clothes on, and put that ring around her finger because she deserves it. She might also be worried, so give her a reason not to. Be her pillar in everything "

Dominic liked Pete holding his suits in his hands and picking them. He hugged Pete and decided to change into the tuxedo and pair of leather shoes. He wanted to go with the Vans but his designer was against that. When he was done, the make-up artist was invited to help make him look all sexy and amazing.

Done with everything, Baby Jade was brought in. He had his tuxedo all fitting his body. He jumped onto his dad. Holding his tie he started rambling a lot of words that didn't make any sense to the men in the room. 

Jake stretched his hands and he walked into him. Playing with his gold cufflinks. Once they were okay with everything, they were ready to leave the room, head outside and start the day that had long been waited for.

"How is Claire doing?" Dominic asked before he walked out of the room.

"Okay, chill, I have not received any message that she is kidnapped or lost so she is doing just fine where she is."

Dominic nodded and walked to the beautifully decorated flower garden. The place was designed with snow-white colours and some sky blue flowers to match. Andreas and Dave were given the part of flower girls. They had some little flower bands on their head and they had the flowers ready when the bride would arrived. Jake was to act as the best man with Pete by his side. The celebration included the family and some close members from work. Some special agents who had come to see the two ties a knot but under the identity that they were also friends. No one knew that they two were under the special security agent. 

Dominic looked at both Pete and Jake before looking at his baby who was trying to tell him something but he was not listening to it. He hugged them together. They knew the party was to start anytime. They were waiting to be informed about the arrival of the bride before thru begin to walk toward the dais.  The shade was good and they could stay there for some time. Jake watched every area to make sure that everything is okay.  Satisfied with the security details, they waited for a heads-up from the bride. 

"Okay, man, I think you better start walking to the aisle. They were told that the bride will arrive at any second. Dominic wanted her to find him standing at the dais with everything ready." 

Pete helped him walk into the side and stand at the far right corner of the room. They wanted to make this as short as possible when he was done, Jake went back in to look for Claire so that he could walk her to the aisle because her song was just about to start.

On the way, she met with Dee halfway and they almost collided. Jake raised his eyebrows looking at her in the dress that revealed her breast and mid-thigh.

"Baby, don't you think you are going to kill everyone and everything here?" Jake looked at Dee and was not sure if he was going to be okay with all those blessings in front of him.

He held Dee's cheeks and wanted to kiss them but Dee had to restrain him, "darling, why don't we let this cool off a bit? Trust me, I am already dripping but Claire is waiting for us."

Jake nodded and grabbed her hands, they walked to Claire who was standing nervously waiting for them.

"Damn Siz your man is going to die seeing you all this beauty. He was nervous though," said Jake.

Claire smiled and Jake was happy that he was able to cheer her up.

Dee wanted to leave them but was dragged behind by Claire. 

"You two should escort me to the wedding because you became the best man and maid of honour?"

🥀Author's Note🌹

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