
The D........ Ick

🥀Happy Reading💓🌹

Dee gave her the big eyes looking at her, she didn't understand why Claire would want to be escorted by both Jake and her. She thought Jake was the one to escort her. Looks like she had other plans in mind, and that didn't involve Jake alone but also her.  She cleared her voice to say something but nothing came out of her mouth. Instead, Claire narrowed her eyes at her. She wanted to tell her that it was okay and she didn't have to fear anything. She wouldn't think of any person to do this. Pete was already at the alter acting as Dominic's best man but at the same time, Jake was also supposed to act as the best man because Dominic had asked both of them. They didn't have otherwise but to stand on both sides. Jake is in the right hand and Dee is in the left hand. The music began and all they could see was Claire's happiness as Chord Overstreet's 'Hold On was playing. Dee knew why Claire and Dominic had played that song. It was all about waiting for each other, holding each other for another chance in their life. 

When the audience saw the three walking in tow, they all stood up. Dave and Andreas were leading the way, scattering the petals all around the area and making the area look beautiful. Later it was Claire with the most important people in her life. 

People were awed by her beautiful snow-white dress that was sweeping the floor. Walking gracefully without any problem, other people were taking pictures but they were stopped because that was the cameraman's job. They had hired about five cameramen. They wanted every part of this event captured and nothing left. Dee thought it was too much for people but in the same tone, Claire defended herself and said, when one cameraman would be taking a video of her getting into the venue, the others are going to capture the attention of the audience, there is a group that is doing aerial view and some just taking pictures at every Angle.

The beautiful flowers of white and sky blue dominated the area, Dominic was now looking at Claire walk down the aisle. He couldn't believe that the girl he had once just seen and fallen in love with is the same woman that he will be spending the rest of his life with. Though he had made that decision a long time ago, he still couldn't believe it came to reality and it was happening right away.  He was grateful for having her around. She has built her and shown him a lot and every time Claire would take a step, it will bring him another tear that he can't keep away.

"Why is Dominic Crying?" Asked Claire while they were in the middle of the aisle. 

She has never seen him all these wary, the only time she saw him this teary was when she gave birth to Jade. He couldn't stop shading his tears. Every time he looked at the baby. Seeing him do the same, she couldn't help but also shed a tear. She wanted to jump from the aisle and rush to him, hug him and tell him that she was going to be okay. Instead, she couldn't do that because she had to follow the protocols of walking slowly at the wedding.

"That is what men do at weddings, you have tied him down, why can't he can't cry?" Blurted Jake and Claire pinched his chest discreetly.

"Jeez, hun, no, he is happy, that's how it works. They are happy when they see their girl walk towards the aisle looking like the little goddess they are."

"Thanks, hun for that," Claire thanked Dee for being supportive in that area. She didn't say anything to support Jake's idea. When they arrived at the dais, Dominic stepped forwards to welcome her up to the priest. 

They stood at the altar and Claire couldn't stop licking her lips. Dee quickly helped her to apply some balm to make her lips soft before Claire turned her gaze to Dominic. 

"Okay, Dominic, just don't make her cry because that will force me to slit your throat, be a good husband and brother-in-law though you are still my brother. She doesn't have any marks on her body so don't make her have one when you are with her. Plus she is healthy and has a hot ass, don't ruin that, "  Jake warned Dominic. Dee had to shut him before he could take the other long one hour explaining to Dominic whom they meet every day that he shouldn't do anything bad to Claire because he would kill him. 

Claire and Dominic turned to the priest in front of them and did a little sermon to welcome them into the martial family. They were taught a lot of things. They were asked to solve their problems without causing drama or a fight. The audience clapped after the priest said something nice. Jake and Dee were sitting together listening to what the priest was saying.

"That's like everything we do hun, do you think there is a reason for us to do a wedding because I don't see any use for it." 

Jake was trying to Dee, Dee's mind was not even at that place. All she could do was look at both Claire and Dominic all happy and excited. 

"Can we just focus, Jake, wedding or no wedding, I am happy where I am. We don't need one if you don't need one." 

Dee felt that recently every decision that Jake makes she has to follow it. She didn't feel like she had any say in what was happening. If Jake says they can't talk about a baby, Dee won't talk about it, Jake was the one who insisted that Fern should be brought into the family and Dee had to obey it. She felt like everything now had to be Jake's decision and she had to follow. She didn't want to ask him any questions because Claire deserved some happiness at her wedding, so she just shut quiet letting him do everything he wants to do and say. Though she can't say she is not affected by what Jake just said. Sje has been creating images in her head about her wedding, Jake proposing to her but having to erase everything in her mind because she doesn't think any of that was going to happen. She was beginning to lose hope in their happily ever after. She smiled as the priest asked all of them to stand for the prayers before they begin the other part. 

The congregation stood up and sang a hymnal before sitting down to listen to their vows. They chose to give their vows because that's what people do nowadays, say their views unlike the vows in the Bible which are already common.

Baby Jade was guided by other important stiff and asked to bring the basket that contained his parent's ring to the altar. Both Claire and Dominic preferred they bring the rings because Jade was a symbol of unity in their life. They felt that he is the main thing that has happened greatly in their life. They didn't even think about having him. Jade walked slowly, to the rhythm of the song. He smiled looking around and held the basket brightly in his hands as he reached their parents. Claire and Dominic were already standing waiting for him to arrive. When he arrived, he placed the basket before them, hugging his father and mum before Dee signalled for him to sit next to her. Instead of sitting, he jumped on Dee's lap and watched what was taking place. 

Dominic was the first to say the vow. Surprisingly, he had written everything down. The paper was not long but who knows what the words inside held. That's what mattered. Damien helped to hold the microphone for him as he read the vows. He was sweating and had to massage his forehead twice before looking at Claire.

"They say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, that's so cliche but not when I see you every day, every minute and every second. You are a beautiful baby. In all ways, I love your hot ass," everyone busted out in a laugh. Claire was now creasing her brows looking at Dominic.

Dee was worried that Claire might slap his face-off, they didn't know what Dominic had written in the views, though Claire has a hot ass.

"You are a storm worth waiting for, a sin I can commit daily and a fruit that is worth waiting to ripe. You have taught me a lot. Ever since we met at your brother's party till now. You have taught me that every person in life is important, you've taught me that sometimes you don't have it all na and you have to wait for your time to have it all. With you, I can't make another choice because I will always choose you no matter what. If I had to choose, I will choose another you. You are, feisty. I know there are a lot of people who wanted you out there but you still waited for me to come, you waited for me when I knew very well no one would have waited for me. You've helped me fight battles, both big and small and all I can say is I couldn't have found someone else. I love you, your personality. I love you, Claire Templeton. In front of Our little champ, Jade, our family members and this fraternity, I place this ring in the name of the father, son and the holy spirit, Amen."

The whole congregation was now clapping and some were shedding tears. They loved the vow that Dominic had to give. Though it was written on a piece of paper, it came down from his heart. Deep down. It highlighted all the love that he had for her. Everything he wanted was with Claire.  Claire shed a lone tear listening to all that. 

    "I can't believe you are a poet, in didn't prepare one though." 

Claire murmured amidst the audience shouting and clapping when they calmed down, it was now her turn to say her vows. She was afraid that she might go offline on the way because she had nothing to say. She was excited that Dominic adored her in all meaner. 

Pete held the microphone for her and she cleared her voice three times before coming up with something to say.

"You know we settled on the name, 'baby' because to me you were my favourite little human being. You saved me from all the drama around me, you replaced the fake smile on my face with a real one. You helped me grow and taught me some karate just in case you couldn't protect me so that I could do the same to you. You are my hero Dominic. The first day we met I was glued to you. I wanted you to be around me all the time but I didn't know how to say. I remember, I used to sneak around and peep through the keyhole just to make sure that you are doing okay, that you are sleeping okay. When I saw a blanket not covering you properly, I couldn't hesitate, I would gently walk in and make sure that your body was warm and you were safe. I wanted to take care of you because I felt you needed it more than I did, but you taught me that sometimes it's good to think about ourselves than just other people. Your game is on point and I bet that girls want to touch your abs, but no, that's only for me to touch, our baby can still enjoy it because he is our little prince. So today, I take this vow, Dominic Templeton, as long as you keep up with your good 'D' game, your good body, your richness and your humour, I would always be by your side, but if you lose your good 'ick' game and start being Dick if you start eating shit every day and have a belly, men I would look for another man to replace you. With that, I take thee, to love you, in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit."

Everyone was laughing. They didn't expect anything less. Dee shook her head just thinking of what she said. She couldn't imagine that she went ahead and said that.

"Was she planning all that? She is scary as hell!" Said Jake looking at her.

"She didn't plan anything, but it's Claire, we all know how she is, I didn't expect anything less. So Dominic is done once he doesn't have the game, men he must be scared to hell."

"You don't say, she even threatened to chop off his balls if she finds out he slept with another woman." Said Jake and Dee raised her eyes and started laughing hard at that. She didn't believe that her crazy sister was crazier than she thought. If she dared to stand in the middle of all the congregation and warn him of the dick game then she can say anything. They took that as a joke though. They know the two would be each other to death with nothing to fear.

They wore the rings and signed the marriage certificate. Claire flaunted the certificate before placing it inside her breast. Everyone was excited that she had given that point.  When the cake cutting ceremony began, everyone was anxiously waiting for the cake. It was not a big one, just a normal cake but had some good decorations on them.  They both cut the cake and fed each other. It was a small but big celebration for Dominic and Claire.

So far the ceremony was going on okay and everyone was happy that they were happy, the first dance kicked off and they graced the floor with their amazing dance. Jake had explained to Dee that Dominic and Claire were amazing Dancers. They didn't do everything with fin and a lot of flexibility. 

        "Excuse me, miss, there is a visitor out there for you." 

Dee was called out of the dance by one of the guards who said that someone was waiting for her outside. Since she had danced with Claire and Dominic, she decided to go excuse herself and meet the visitor who was waiting for her outside. She didn't know who it was, she thought many, maybe it was one of the visitors who decided to surprise them. Though they didn't invite anyone else. 

Arriving at the gate, Fern was in her wheelchair and beside her stood some man she didn't recognise. She was surprised that Fern was here. What she didn't understand is how she managed to arrive at the wedding yet she sucked in her bed and that's where she had left her in the morning.

"Fern, I thought you were supposed to be in bed and who brought you here?" Asked Claire in a concerned tone.

"That is it Lyft driver, plus why would I come. Jake said I am one of the family members and I couldn't miss the ceremony Siz. "

Dee knew very well that Claire doesn't want her anywhere near her wedding and saying that was going to hurt her feeling even more.

"Fern, we talked about you staying in your bed until you get better. Even the doctor suggested that you don't leave the house, you know you will get worse plus you don't have any heavy clothing."

     "Am I not needed at this party? Or you are not excited about showing me to your friend?"