
I Hope She Dies.

🥀Happy reading ❤🌹

"Are you sure your sister is sick or it is just some mere pretence because, for me, I don't believe that biatch?"

Claire has been having issues with Fern being brought into Dee's life. He didn't think Dee had done a good thing by bringing her back in. She had other opinions about this. She wanted Dee to take her to some medical facilities and move on with her life because she didn't see the reason why she would ask Dee for help if she has been surviving on her own for those two years. 

"She is my sister, let's not forget that, as much as she was a jerk in the past, I can't say that she never did anything good to the family. At least on some special occasions, she would take us to dinner and watch movies. That was a luxury back then. I want to help her, I don't want her to be suffering in the street. After she is well, I will tell her to go on with her life and leave me with mine."

Dee was trying to reason out with Claire who was still not agreeing with her idea. They were just trying to get Claire's measurements for the bridal gown. They didn't want to get the already-made dress. She wanted a renowned designer to make her dress. Dee was next to her to make sure she gets a very good dress and the most unique wedding design that no one has ever done. 

"Excuse me? Movies? People go to the movie and that is not a luxury sweetheart. If she was a sweetheart, she could have taken you guys to a very expensive or done something good with that money. Food and movies don't justify that she was a sweetheart. She wanted something to use to defend herself in the future. Is that why she wanted you to help her out because you owed her some expensive chicken wings that they serve in the expensive restaurant and charge one hundred dollars? Give me a break," said Claire munching on some crips. 

Dee was lost for ideas and things to tell her, she thought that she had a good reason to support her sister to be back in her life but she finds out that she doesn't have any solid idea if not for the idea that Jake was pressuring her to take her sister back in because she was in her death bed and can't eat anything apart from soup and her vitamins.

She kept quiet and let Claire get her measurements as she tried to access herself to see the situation she was in. As much as she suggest to Pete that she better regret it later and she didn't need a 9-1-1 call, she felt that maybe she will need one in the coming days. 

"I need a snow-white dress and you better make it that white. I didn't want something that is going to look like cream or milky white, hear me?" 

The wedding pressure was weighing down on Claire. She had to repeat a statement almost a hundred times to be satisfied with what she wanted. All she feared was the wedding gown not fit how she wants it to. 

"Hey, babes, just let the designer do his work, I know he is going to come up with a beautiful design. You don't need to repeat it to him every second. You just chill and enjoy your day as he does the measurements, okay?" 

Claire nodded and Dee forced the straw in her mouth winking to the designer to do his work nicely. 

"So any plans for your honeymoon? Please tell me that you guys are going to Pluto or mars, I am tired of you hitting Hawaii or Maldives."

Dee wanted to relieve her mind from a lot of things. She wanted her to focus on herself other than on her wedding but she refused that asking her about their honeymoon is still making her focus on the wedding part. 

"Stop it, I know what you are trying to do, how long had she been sick?" Claire asked halfway through her juice. 

"Okay, Claire, I know you don't support my decision. Please would you just let me have her? She was like my sister and her family provided a roof over my head for twenty-three years. I didn't want to return bad with bad?" Asked Dee frustrated.

Claire looked at her with shocked eyes, she couldn't believe she is still going back to those twenty there years of her life that were full of drama and constant suffering. 

"I understand you Mother Teresa, Red Cross, Goodwill, which other helping hand or association give people free passage into the country? Are you stupid? That doesn't explain why she got her college money paid for and you didn't? Why would they be lying to you every day? Can you imagine yourself being amidst them but the minute they were going to barbecue your hot ass and sell your kidney to some rich ass punk so that they can live despite their old age?"

Dee was lost for words and she needed to reassure Claire that whatever she was doing was not something bad. All she wanted to do was help her sister and be done with all the drama that she was in. She was sure this was one step ahead of doing charity.

"Charity begins at home, and Claire better the devil I know than the angel I have just met. If I am not helping her, what is the need to start a home for other people who need it? We will be pretending if we think it is just okay to let her suffer and other people benefit from it. She might use that against us in the future and say that we didn't help her and our idea of a home for the helpless is a scam. So, please can she have a second chance?"

"Uh, you are trying to guilt trap me here, but I don't think that bitch deserves a second chance after what she has done to you. All she wanted was to fool people, seal from them and spread their legs. Karma had caught up with her and all I can say, I love that."

"You are right big sis, all this will ruin our baby sister here, she better be careful around that Putta, I won't be surprised if they have a threesome with Jake."

"For fucks sake Pete, can you just keep quiet? You guys have already made me feel bad. Can't you let me focus on this one? I appreciate your reasoning which I also don't appreciate that much. You have given me reason enough and I have thought it through. My final decision still stands, she will be staying with us and when she is only, she will find a way out. Sorry but I am not leaving her!"

All three pairs of eyes travelled to her and Pete turned on the cognition and drive through the road. 

"Okay, we hear you, I just don't want her at my wedding. Plus if I find out that you guys had a threesome, I will fucking strangle her, lets's go home!"

Dee was in a tight position. She didn't want to disrespect Claire. Though she felt she might he offered to step. 

Back at the Condo, Dominic was still staring at Fern sleeping on the bed. She has been out for almost an hour after being sedated. Jake was on his side looking at him staring as if he has never seen her. Her breathing was shallow and sometimes one could fear that she is dead because she took a long to breathe in and out. The oxygen was helping.

Walking back into the living room to where Jade was busy playing with the food that they had given him, Dominic shook his head looking at Jake.

"What, just say what you want to say. I hear Claire is disapproving of her and does not support it."

Dominic looked at Jake, his head was also on the same thing. He was not supporting anything about Fern visiting them. Fern was sick and needed their help. 

"What if Dee was not with you, where would she have stuck her pitiful face? This is all bulshit, you better make sure she doesn't want to suck your dick bro," said Dominic feeding the baby.

"Dude, your baby is right here, can't you use some appropriate language? Plus I am only interested in Dee. Fern, she has never been any person to make me feel anything so remove all those explicit ideas off your head and think about something else. Think of how you and Claire will be turning over and over in your vacation."

Dominic laughed at him and watched how he was trying to evade everything that he was talking about. 

"You think when I was given that woman, nothing happened to me? Trust me, the moment she touched me, I lost it, I had a boner and I was almost giving in then I remember when Claire warned me that she will chop my dick off if she heard that I slept with any woman and everything didn't work. I decided to call another person to do it for me and we paid the lady get, plus the person was dying of dry spell."

Jake laughed at him saying that. Dee has never warned her anything about chopping his dick off, he had nothing to worry about. Though he feared that Claire must have told her to come to threaten him with some severe consequences if he cheats. Though that was not bothering him. The only thing that was bothering him, was the sick person besides their room and at any minute she can be pronounced dead. 

"Do you think she will pull through? I don't want her to die in this place you know," asked Jake in a worried voice.

Dominic looked at him and wondered why he was worried about Fern dying under his roof rather than worry about other things that might go down as a result of bringing her into their lives this was a chapter they had closed. Fern was dead to them and Dee even changed her name. Now she is back, The Kings have nothing good as their name suggests. 

"I hope she does though, they are a nuisance and almost cost Dee's life. As much as she was excluding herself from all that drama, I still fear she had an upper hand in that," said Dominic wiping his son's mouth.

"Dude, that is not helping, when did you become merciless? Just pray she becomes well and gets somewhere to go to," pleaded Jake looking at him.

"As long as she is not coming to my wedding because I don't want her presence near any of them, you can stay with her all you want and even feed her some jelly the way you were and show her some sympathy, psst, not me," said Dominic.

Jake was now frustrated, he wanted to come up with a different discussion to change everything about what they were having. Dominic was making him regret every reason to ask Dee to bring her in.  

"I am going to look for help with my fertility, we talked about it with Dee, I want to make her happy man," Jake was trying to be reasonable with Dominic.

"That's good, but the issue is not making Dee happy, the question is are you happy with your situation and you want kids?" Asked Dominic pointing at Jade.

"I want them someday, that's what Dee and I want. We are not rushing things but we are planning for everything in advance. We want to look for some important doctors so that they can know how to do this. So that in case she wants a baby, I am there, depositing my part of shares."

"Eeew, dude, stop saying that. You are making it look weird. Stop it. Please say something else instead of saying that, this is now making the whole conversation weird."

They both played making Jade laugh too. Jake thought that was the gold to say all this. They heard footsteps from the door side and Claire and Dee were already from their appointment. Jake noticed the change in Dee's expression but suddenly she changed her sad face with a smile when she looked at him.

Claire went ahead and kissed Dominic on the lips making Jade jump with excitement. 

"How didn't go?" Asked Dominic.

"Good, I know they are going to make me something good, so let us not pressure about it, okay?" 

Dominic nodded to her request and handed her the baby who was now jumpy from his father. The baby was also busy kissing her cheeks. Claire couldn't get more excited about it. 

Dee pecked Jake on the cheeks and sat next to him. Jake wanted to ask her if she was okay but the baby rushed to her jumping on her lap and kissing her cheeks too. She removed a fruit sweet and give it to him. 

"Thank you," said Jade happily sitting next to her.  He didn't want to leave her alone, he handed the sweet to Jake to open for him. Meanwhile Jade was busy trying to talk to Dee as if he had something important to tell her. 

"Jake, how is our patient doing? Hope she is dead the next time we look at her," Claire said looking at the ceiling.


"Claire, stop it now, I thought we were done with this?" Warned Dee but Claire was throwing her a glance. 

De felt irritated and jumped from her seat and went to her bedroom to stay there. She was just frustrated that no one thinks that she did a nice thing. The way she was excited about bringing her in and helping Fern. All she was seeing now were red lights all over her.

Her door was knocked and Claire let herself in without Dee answering. She sat on the space next to her, held her hands and looked into her eyes. 

"I don't know why I am against her, but my lady intuitions can't help it I feel like she is not here just to get better. It's either this is one big deal that is going to destroy your life Dee or maybe it's going to change but not in a good way which still takes me back to destroying your life." 

"She can't even hold something in her hands, Claire, she waits to be fed, she can't store food in her belly. I mean for jelly and soup she does very well but not for other things like real food or even simple rice in her mouth. She will just throw it all out the moment it gets into her mouth, can you at least let her be? I will have to pay if she destroys my life but I am ready to give her a second chance Claire, I am not going to let her suffer out there for something I don't know. I am not that person so don't make me feel worse than I am already feeling."

Claire watched her beat herself up. She knows very well that maybe Dee is being guilt-tripped that if she doesn't do something good to Fern then she is not a good person. 

'She has been a good person her whole life, and if I were her, that wouldn't kill me nor will it mess me up. She doesn't need to support anyone or help her asshole of a sister who couldn't place some unique locks in her legs apart from a slide and open lock. I just hope Fern is not here to kill her and make her feel the worst of herself, I bet you don't hope for that too.'