
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

cammae · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


ZEKE PICKED ZOE early in the morning to his company. Hans was not at home when they left. He maybe took his leave earlier or he left last night and haven't returned yet.

When they stepped inside the building, staffs greeted them a good morning. By just the mood the employees emit, Zoe could tell that it is a friendly workspace. Zeke really is great in managing his people.

"Good morning, boss. You're five minutes late."

A beautiful woman in executive attire greeted them as they reached the top floor where Zeke's office is located.

This has to be Zeke's secretary whom he brought home!

"It took me ten minutes walking from parking lot up to here. Does that count as a late?"

Zeke rebutted. His attitude became one of those cold billionaires as he talked to his secretary.

Zoe's eyes widen. She looked at her brother and his secretary. Something is going on and it's making her more interested.

"Next time, do better, boss"

Her words made Zoe gasped secretly. She's fierce and Zoe liked her!

Before Zeke could answer, his secretary greeted her, "Good morning Miss Zoe, let's go inside."

The secretary snatched her away from Zeke and they went inside the office. She lead her to a small couch with a coffee table in front.

Zeke followed inside and sat on his desk.

"Bring her a glass of orange juice," Zeke ordered.

Her secretary ignored him and asked Zoe "Do you want some drinks, Miss Zoe?"

Zoe smiled at her, "Yes please, a juice will do."

"Just a minute, Miss. I'll get it."

After the secretary closed the door, Zoe smiled mischievously at her brother.

"What's her name?" She asked.

"Natalia Gomez."

"She looks like a strong woman, someone who can have you in the palms of her hand," Zoe teased.

"Mhm.. she's quite difficult sometimes."

Zoe gasped, "You liked her?!"

"Of course not, dummy. She got an attitude and it's annoying."

Zoe looked at her brother suspiciously. It's the first time he accepted a girl employee.

"But why did she became your secretary?"

Zeke was about to answer but the door opened and his secretary came in with a tray with two glasses of orange juice. She put one glass at Hans' desk and gave the other one to her.

"Thank you, miss."

"Just call me Natalia, Miss Zoe."

"Alright, Natalia." Zoe grinned, "so how did you became my brothers employee?"

"I don't know, Miss. I just woke up and found out that I will be working under him," Natalia wasn't happy about it.


"Natalia, go back to your work now," Zeke ordered in an annoyed voice.

The secretary rolled her eyes, "I'll be out there when you need something, Miss Zoe."

Then she went out again, leaving Zoe somehow confused.

"Don't mind what she said. She basically sent an application and she was qualified to be my secretary," Zeke explained.

"Okay.." Zoe nodded, shaking off her confusion.

Zeke had a meeting after and Zoe found herself reading a book inside his office to pass time.

After some minutes, a knock interrupted her reading, "Come in!"

Natalia entered gracefully, "Miss Zoe, boss had ordered me to show you around the company."

"Okay! Please take care of me."

Natalia nodded and motioned her to follow her. Zoe noticed that her brother's secretary doesn't smile and she had this serious look on her face. But she's still gorgeous and stunning with her small face and brown eyes.

The company's building consists of fifteen floors and Natalia gave her a tour in different departments.

It didn't surprised her when she noticed that there were more men employees and only a few women working at Zeke's company.

Just as Zoe thought that Natalia already finished her job, they went inside the private elavator and she pressed the button with letter B in it.


"Yes, Miss Zoe. Boss said I can show you around the basement," Natalia answered.

"What do you guys have in the basement?"

"You'll see, Miss."

The elavator opened and what greeted Zoe was something she haven't seen before.

Hightech equipment, car parts and workers in their protective suits. This is where they make their cars. Zoe saw cars with unique designs, probably weren't showed in public yet.

"Is it fine with me seeing this?"

"Boss gave his permission so there's no problem in it."

Zoe smiled and nodded. Natalia accompanied her around the basement, giving some information and introducing her to the engineers working at the moment.

Time was ignored as she admired the different car models. Zeke was really a genius when it comes to his passion and it amazes her how he made the company grow more in just a few years.

"Oh my god. That sports car..." Zoe walked towards the blue sports car that was displayed in the middle.

"Yes. Thats the Z&Z Speed. We will launch it next month," Natalia informed.

Zoe wanted to run her fingers on the sports car but she's afraid that she will stain its very shiny paint.

"I knew it from the first glance."

She studied the car more. The appearance of it was the same as what she and Zeke drew. She chuckled when the side mirrors shaped into wings was really there.

Zeke didn't changed any single detail from their drawing which made the sports car looks like it was for children but it was still cool and unique.

As she was walking around the car to look at it more, her phone inside her bag suddenly ring. She fished it out and saw the caller's name.

Why is he calling her right now?

She got excited at the same time nervous.


"Where are you?" Hans magnetic cold voice sounded on the other line.

"At Zeke's company. I told you last night."

"Wait at the entrance, I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Why are- Hans?" The line ended.

"What's the problem, Miss Zoe?" Natalia who was beside her all the time asked.

"My husband called and he will pick me up. Let's go back."

They got out of the basement and went back on the ground floor. Zoe told Natalia that she will wait at the entrance and the latter suggested to accompany her. She can't go to Zeke yet because he still have an important meeting.

Ten minutes has exactly passed and a familiar car stopped in front of them. Zoe knew it was her husband. Hans got out of the driver's seat and walked towards her.


"Let's go," he ordered.

Zoe faced her brother's secretary, "Natalia, I'll take my leave now. Please tell Zeke about it later."

Natalia nodded politely, "Yes, Miss Zoe."

Hans already opened the door for her and she had no choice but to get inside. Then her husband got in the driver's seat.


"Ah yes," Zoe put on her seatbelt.

Hans drove away and Zoe doesn't have an idea where they are headed.

"Where are we going?" She finally asked to satisfy her curiosity.


Zoe was shocked, "Iceland?! Why are we going there?"

But Hans didn't answer anymore and drove quietly. Zoe decided not to pester him anymore and just ask later. Her mind was in turmoil, thinking what will they do in Iceland.

Zoe doesn't know how long did she sat in Hans' car when he finally pulled over in an open field. There was a chopper ready to take off nearby. Zoe guessed that they will use it to reach Iceland.

She's still in daze when she realized that Hans was already outside the car and opened her door. When she stepped out, strong winds and the sound of the chopper greeted her.

Hans grabbed her hand and that made Zoe held her breath. His warm and rough palm wrapped around her small hand sent sparks towards her.

Her husband didn't seem to notice how it affected Zoe, he pulled her inside a room and closed the door.

"Have you been in a chopper ride?" Hans asked while fixing her hair messed by the strong winds outside.

"N-no. If we will ride that, it will be my first time," Zoe answered while looking at Hans in trance.

Her heart was beating so fast in front of this handsome creature.

"Mhm.." Hans nodded, "This ride will be safe."

That assurance made Zoe smile, "I will not be afraid if you are with me."

Then the door opened and a familiar face greeted Zoe.

"Yuri!" She called.

"Aww, you remember me Mrs. Donovan," he said with a grin.

"Hehe, of course."

'How could I forgot the one who played the knife game and said that it was a children's game?' Zoe thought.

"Is everything set already?" Hans inquired.

"Yes! We're ready to go!" Yuri grinned.

"Will you come with us in Iceland?" Zoe asked innocently.

Yuri looked at her like she asked a ridiculous question. What's wrong with asking if he will come with them? Zoe doesn't want to overthink so she let it be.

He chuckled and answered, "I want to, Mrs. Donovan but someone will cut my head off."

Zoe knew that Yuri was joking but she can't help but to feel afraid also.

"So I will be your pilot!" Yuri added excitedly.

"P-pilot? Of the c-chopper?" Zoe felt like she doesn't want to ride the chopper anymore.


"Enough talking. Let's go," Hans interrupted.

Yuri went out first and before Hans could go out of the door, Zoe pulled on his sleeve.


"Tell me why are we going to Iceland."

Hans sighed and faced her, "Didn't you asked for it?"

Zoe was confused, she never asked to go in Iceland.

"I didn't asked to go there. What do you mean?" She asked in puzzlement.


With that one word, Zoe understood everything. Her heart rejoiced but she recalled what Hans said. He may be forced to go again.

"But you said-"

"Forget about that."

"Hans, if you are busy, you don't need to. Really."

Zoe doesn't want to bother him anymore. She knew her husband was busy and yes, it hurts her but she can't go if he's not willing.

Hans frowned, "I was the one who arranged it so why would I not go? It is not too late for it, right?"

It left Zoe speechless and stunned. She thought that Mr. Mayor was the one who booked Iceland for them.

"Answer me, will you go or not? If not, I will cancel it immediately."

"Don't cancel!" Zoe instantly answered, "I will go."

"Good. Let's go." Hans snaked his arm around Zoe's waist and they went out the room together.

Her husband helped her climb on the chopper and when they were both inside, Hans buckled her seatbelt and carefully put the headset on her.

These gestures made Zoe's heart flutter in thrill. Hans suddenly became gentle towards her. What happened to him?

No matter what, she's still excited to have their honeymoon. She's looking forward to the things they will do in Iceland. It may not be the usual place to have a honeymoon, but Zoe knew that they will have a lot of fun.

Iceland is her dream country to visit but she really haven't given a chance because of tight schedule.

In the middle of imagining, she remembered that she didn't have any things with her rather than the small bag she's carrying now.

"Hubby, I don't have my stuffs!" Zoe spoke on the mouthpiece.

"Your things were already here, I only packed the necessary and if you need something, just buy it there," Hans replied.

"Thank you!"

Hans never failed to amaze her. He's always prepared and she can't help but to fall even more. This man gives her a feeling of security and she just wanted to depend on him.

Then, Yuri's voice sounded in her headset.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan. I am your pilot, Yuri. Please make sure to fasten your seatbelts and be ready for take off in a minute. Our destination is Iceland and our flight will take six hours. Enjoy flying in the air, everyone!"

Taking a deep breath, Zoe calmed herself.

Hans wouldn't choose Yuri to maneuver this chopper if he doesn't have an experience, right?
