
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

cammae · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


IT'S BEEN ALREADY twenty minutes since their take off but Zoe's heart was still pounding in nervousness.

Riding a helicopter for the first time is quite tensing for Zoe because it is small and it is scaring her.

There are four of them in the helicopter, Zoe and Hans in the back row, on the cockpit were Yuri and beside him was a man who was giving him assistance.

Zoe played with her fingers as she tried to calm herself down, telling that Yuri got this.

She should trust the pilot!

While looking down at own anxious fingers on her lap, Zoe was stunned when Hans reached for her right hand and intertwined his fingers on hers. Warmth then engulfed her cold palm.

Zoe glanced at the man beside her. He was leaning her head on the chair's headrest with his eyes closed.

He must be tired...

Looking at his side profile, Zoe saw how perfectly sculpted his nose and jawline were. He got his thin lips slightly pursed together and was very enticing from her point of view.

Women would die for this look.

But having this man's heart takes a lot of effort and patience.

And she would gladly invest these two things for him.

A gentle squeeze from her hand brought her back to senses.

She immediately averted his gaze away and looked at the clouds floating with them. Hans might have sensed her stares and she was caught red-handed by him.

"Sit straight," Hans' voice sounded in her headset.

She doesn't know who he meant so she straightened her posture. What shocked her was the next thing Hans did.

He let go of her hand and wrapped his arms around her waist and scooped her closer to him.

In other words, she was locked in his embrace.

His intention was unclear for her, but when he laid his head on her shoulder, she understood that Hans wanted to sleep.

She slowly adjusted herself so that Hans would be in a comfortable position. There's a few inches difference between their height and she's worried that he will wake up later with a stiff neck if he chose to lay in her shoulder.

Subconsciously, her free hand reaches his hair and caressed it gently.

In a soft voice she asked, "Hubby, are you tired?"

"Mhm..." Hans hummed on her shoulder.

Zoe couldn't see his face because of the angle but she knew he already had his eyes closed.

"Okay. Go to sleep for a while," Zoe stroked his soft hair.

She didn't heard any reply from him but Yuri spoke instead.

"Aww.. I'm jealous. I want to sleep also."

Zoe stiffened and hissed in a low voice, "Yuri! Don't you dare fall asleep while flying this thing!"

She heard Yuri's chuckle, "Yes, Mrs. Donovan, I won't."

"Just sleep after we arrive at Iceland, okay?" She also felt sympathy for Yuri because he will drive this helicopter for almost six hours.

"I just wished I could also have someone like Mrs. Donovan who will coax me to sleep," Yuri said in a playful voice, "like my friend there."

So she guessed right. They were really friends.

Before Zoe could reply, Hans speak in a firm voice, "Silence."

Yuri laughed, "Apologies, mister butler. Go back to sleep."

Hans remained laying on her shoulder and his arms around her tightened even more, as if he was afraid that she will jump out of the chopper.

She just let Hans and didn't speak anymore. Again, her hand found its way back to his hair and stroked it gently, thinking that it will help him sleep.

On the other hand, Zoe's nervousness earlier vanished and she's now at ease because Hans was holding her. She thought that even if the chopper they're in will crash, with Hans' strong arms around her, she felt that she will still be saved.

That's how great the sense of safety Hans is giving her.

Thankfully, their flight remained smooth. Zoe could tell that Yuri was really an experienced pilot. He would constantly speak to ask her if she and Hans were good. He also never forget to inform them their location and the status of their flight.

Meanwhile, Hans slept on Zoe's shoulder. She doubt if he's really asleep because his arms around her were always tight.

She doesn't know how long it was that her shoulder began aching. But Zoe endured it, not wanting to disturb Hans' sleep.

Most of the time in their flight, Zoe's mind wandered. She had a lot of thoughts running in her mind while she gazed outside the helicopter's window.

Why did Hans agreed to have a honeymoon? Why in Iceland?

And most of all, why did he suddenly became intimate with her? As far as she knew, he doesn't want her presence.

There's so many whys, but only Hans could answer them. And there's no guarantee that her husband will answer if ever she tried to ask.

So she was left with the choice of overthinking.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice Hans getting up from her shoulder.

Hans planted a kiss on her shoulder where he laid his head. She was wearing a halter top so his lips directly touched her skin.

This startled Zoe and she almost jumped in her seat, but Hans held her in place.

"Y-you're awake!" She blurted out.

"Yes..." Hans mumbled as he pulled her close, his voice was a bit hoarse.

"You opened your eyes just right in time, mister butler. In ten minutes now, we will land in Iceland. Secure your seatbelts," Yuri announced.

It was Hans who checked her seatbelt and when he was satisfied with it, he hugged her again.

Zoe was stupefied. Her former calm heart wildly hammered inside her chest again.

'Did you hit your head so hard, Hans?' Zoe wanted to ask her husband.

But she can't voice out her thoughts.

In Hans embrace, Zoe sat still in confusion until Yuri expertly landed to what it seem the country's airport.

Hans took off her headset and helped her get down the chopper.

When she set foot on the ground, the chilling fresh breeze of the country seeped through Zoe's skin, hitting deep unto her bones.

She was in Iceland...

Earlier, she was in Zeke's company and with just some hours of flying, she already reached a different country.

Compared to Texas, Iceland's weather is a lot colder. The temperature was freezing for her since she came from a hot state and it was still in the near end of winter.

Hans pulled her in a safe distance under a shed and went back to unload their luggage.

While waiting, Zoe took the opportunity to appreciate the surrounding while hugging herself because of the cold. The sun was nowhere to be found even though it's still four in the afternoon.

After a while, Hans came back, pulling two luggage. Yuri and his co-pilot also got off.

Hans approached her and spoke in a loud voice since the rotors of the chopper were still on, "Come here."

Zoe took one step forward since Hans stopped close to her.

She watched as Hans took the folded parka on his arm and draped it over her shoulder.

"Put your arms in," he ordered.

Zoe followed, wearing the coat in daze.

Lowering her gaze, she watched the slender fingers of her husband closing the zipper of her coat. He carefully wrapped a scarf around her neck and also put gloves on her hands.

Normally, Zoe would wear these on her own. She got hands to do it!

But if Hans was doing it for her, she could only stand in place like a child being taken care of her parent.

Zoe gathered all her courage and looked up straight into Hans eyes.

She studied them. She searched for emotions.

But when Hans met her gaze, there was nothing but coldness in his gray eyes.

Colder than the chilly weather.

"What are you thinking?" Hans asked as he fixed her hair and gently put the hood on her head, covering up to her ears.

Zoe shook her head, she answered, "Nothing."

'I was confused, Hans. You're so caring towards me but your eyes only showed the opposite.'

"Tell me later," Hans patted the top of her head.

Zoe nodded and Hans started to put on some warm clothes to atleast beat the cold temperature.

While waiting, she saw Yuri coming back from somewhere carrying a gallon on his one hand. She frowned.

What is that?

"Arghh! Thank goodness we landed on time before the fuel runs out. I got so lucky for my first time flying a chopper!"

Zoe almost fell on her knees when he heard Yuri from afar. His voice was loud enough that she understood it clearly despite the noisy rotors.

"Don't listen to him. That chopper's full tank will last ten hours and he is a registered pilot," Hans spoke beside her, already wrapped in warm clothes.

She sighed in relief, "But why did he said that?"

"Basically, to tease you."

"Crazy Yuri," Zoe uttered.

As if he had heard this, Yuri approached them with a grin, "Enjoy your honeymoon, you two."

Zoe smiled, "Thank you for safely bringing us over here, Yuri."

"Ah, no problem. I'll take my leave now because it's so cold here."

"Already?" Zoe asked. He could have a rest before going back.

"Why, Miss Zoe? You want me to tag along?"

"No." Hans spoke, "leave now."

"Just as I said, I'll take my leave now," Yuri said as he retreated back.

Zoe smiled and waved her hand, "Bye Yuri! Careful on the sky!"

Hans grabbed her hand on the air and put it down, saying, "He will be careful."

Yuri laughed and waved back as he rode the helicopter.

Hans took their luggage with one hand and his other free hand was holding Zoe's hand.

"Let's go."

Zoe let herself be dragged by Hans to where he is headed.

Someone checked their passport and Hans passed some documents that she didn't know he prepared in advance.

Her husband was very efficient. No wonder he became the mayor's butler.

They left the airport and got into a white car parked outside.

"You got a car here?" Zoe asked after Hans secured her seatbelt.

Hans started the car's engine and drove through the city of Reykjavík. He said, "I rented it."

Zoe smiled at his reply and decided to just watch his driving.

Then a question popped in her mind, "Why did you chose Iceland, hubby? I mean, some would go to Bali or Maldives for a honeymoon."

"Your friend said it was your dream country, aside from Japan."

Zoe was stunned. Hans really asked Fern what country she wanted to go?

It's true that she love nature, especially snow. It has always been her favourite place on earth.

And now this man, who never even heard about her childhood fantasies, went ahead and rented a car to travel around Iceland.