
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

cammae · Urban
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


STRUGGLING TO OPEN her eyes, Zoe slowly lifted her head, only to be pushed back by someone's gentle hand.

"Sleep. I'll wake you up when surgery's done."

Even though Zoe was still half asleep, she still recognized the voice of her husband and she only understood his first word since her mind was still not fully working.

Sleep... she was commanded by Hans and she has no intention to disobey it. So she laid her head comfortably again and went back to sleep. She's still sleepy that in a matter of seconds, she fell in slumber again.

With the warmth and scent of Hans embracing her made her sleep peacefully. It can completely take away her exhaustion.

A little tap on her shoulder made her slowly woke up.

"Wake up, Zoe... Marcus' surgery is already done."

When she heard this, she regained full consciousness and opened her eyes. She quickly stood up but her vision went blur so she shut her eyes. Her hand immediately searched for something to hold on and she was able to grasp someone's arm.

"You don't need to hurry," a familiar voice sounded pissed.

When she was already in a stable state, she slowly opened her eyes again. Hans was standing beside her, holding her on the waist to help her remain on her feet.

"Ahh sorry. Where's the doctor?"

Her mind only recognized the want to know how Marcus' surgery went.

Without any words, Hans lead her to where the doctor and Marcus' parents were talking.

"Marcus did well in the operation. He's in a good state now."

Zoe heard the doctor's words as soon as they reached them. Her eyes teared up, knowing that Marcus will be fine from now on.

"Miss Zoe," the doctor faced her, "We will just transfer the kid to the intensive care unit for observation and recovery."

"Yes, please. Thank you so much," Zoe stopped herself from sobbing.

The doctor nodded and took their leave. Marcus' mother was crying as she approached Zoe.

She held her hand and smiled through her tears, "Miss, thank you so much. I don't know how to payback what you did to my baby.."

"Just take good care of him ma'am..."

"We will! Thank you," the woman gave Zoe a hug which she also happily returned it.

Mr. Walter spoke, "We are so grateful of you, Miss Zoe. Now, our son is saved."

Zoe smiled, "Marcus is a brave little guy. I know he did very well during the surgery."

Mr. Walter was about to approach Zoe to give her a hug as a thanks but when Hans sensed this, he pulled Zoe beside him and spoke, "Marcus is about to be transferred in the ICU, why don't we send him there, sir?"

Marcus' father gave an awkward smile and nodded, "Yes, mister."

Right after that, the operating room's door opened and Marcus who was lying unconscious on a stretcher was being pushed by the nurses to the ICU.

When Zoe saw Marcus, her tears fell because of happiness. Finally, the kid will live a normal life without worrying about his weak heart.

"Why are you crying? The doctor said Marcus is already fine," Hans asked beside her.

They were already following behind Marcus' stretcher.

Zoe wiped away her tears and smiled, "I'm just happy for Marcus."

"If the kid saw this, he will get the wrong idea."

Zoe looked at Hans. Still handsome as always and he carry his signature expressionless face.

"Look where you're going. I won't catch you if you trip on your feet."

Zoe ignored it continued to stare at him.

"Hans..." Zoe called.

Hans stopped in his track and frowned, "What?"

"If you're busy, you don't need to be here. I'm fine here on my own."

"What are you saying? I am here for Marcus."

Then, he took big steps to catch up with the nurses, leaving Zoe behind.

Zoe smiled sadly to herself and continued to walk. Now, she confirmed that her husband was never here for her but for the kid. He was living his role as their Dadi and it doesn't concern her.

Zoe requested for a separate room for Marcus so his parents will be able to rest with him. It will take weeks for his recovery and he will stay in the hospital with his parents. She also hired a caretaker who will help the couple in taking care of their son.

She informed Nurse Wendy about the good news and asked to tell the other kids about it.

When Zoe made sure everything is already fine, she decided to say her goodbye to Marcus' parents and went home with Hans who had his car.

They live in the same house so they went home together. The ride was extremely silent. Hans' car was soundproof and their slow breathing was the only sound can be heard inside. No one took the initiative to speak.

It's already dark when they reached home.

Zoe stepped out of the car after thanking Hans. She headed inside and greeted Aunt Dhalia who was preparing dinner and walked to her bedroom upstairs.

She took a quick shower and went back downstairs to help Aunt Dhalia. Just as she took the last step of the stair, Hans got out of his room. He looks like he was about to leave the house again.

Their eyes met and Zoe gave him a small smile, "Take care on your way..."

After seconds of staring at her, Hans nodded and went to speak to Aunt Dhalia. She waited until Hans got out of the house before she walked to the dining area.

"Aunt Dhalia, about last night, I'm sorry again for making you worry."

"Dear, that's enough saying sorry," Dhalia hushed her.

Zoe nodded like a child and helped Aunt Dhalia serve the dishes on the table. Tonight, it was the three of them again who will eat dinner together.


Another daylight broke into the window of Zoe's room. She was already dressed casually because today is the day Zeke will shop with her.

She's actually excited to spend time with her brother because it was already a long time since they did their siblings' day.

"I'm already here, princess."

Zeke on the other side of the phone said.

"Okayyy! I'll be right there!"

Zoe hang up and closed her door and walked down to meet Zeke.

It surprised her when Hans was already leading Zeke in the living room. She thought Hans stayed with the mayor last night and didn't went back home.

"Princess, let's go?" Zeke stopped when he saw her.

"Where to?" Hans asked, looking at Zoe with some glint in his eyes that she can't read.

"Oh, were shopping," Zeke answered before she could even open her mouth.

"I'll go with you," Hans was to go inside his room when stopped by Zeke.

"No, no... I apologize you can't come with us because it's our bond time as siblings."

"Can't I come to accompany my wife?"

"I'll take care of my precious sister."

Zoe walked in between them before it result to a worse situation.

She faced Hans and smiled softly, "I'll be with my brother for a while. I'll be home early."

"It depends on me what time I'll bring you home," Zeke mumbled behind her.

She secretly squeezed Zeke's hand.

Hans looked at her sharply and spoke coldly, "Fine. I remembered I have more important things to do."

"Mhm. Take care!"

Zoe kept her smile and nodded even if his words were like knife cutting through her heart. She acted like it didn't bother her since Zeke was there.

But uknown to her, her brother was already throwing deadly glare at Hans behind her.

"Let's go, princess." Zeke draped an arm over her shoulder and look at Hans, "See you later, bro. Off we go now."

"Bye, Hans." Zoe waved her hand to Hans but the latter just gave her a cold stare.

When they were already on Zeke's car, Zoe could still a murderous stare following them.

"Let's enjoy, princess," Zeke maneuvered his car away from Hans' house.

"Yes! But don't forget your promise," Zoe reminded him.

"I won't, ma'am."

When the car stopped in front of a big mall, men in black were already surrounding them. They were Zeke's security.

Well, it's better than closing the whole mall just for them.

"What do you want to buy first?"

"Hmm, clothes."

They went inside a clothing store and Zoe began to look for some thin clothes. Summer was already approaching.

"I thought you like onesies when you sleep?" Zeke said behind her when she's choosing some nightgown and lingerie.

"Ahh Zeke! Why are you here? Go there at the men's section!"

"Okay, okay. Just don't push me so hard," Zeke walked to the other side of the store.

"Don't go here!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Zoe continued to choose some night wear and immediately went to the cashier before Zeke could see what she bought.

"Miss Zoe, your card is declined," the cashier gave back her card.

"Huh? Why?" Zoe took another card, "try this, miss."

The cashier swiped her card but the declined tone sounded again.

Zoe gave another card but it was not accepted again.

"Sorry miss. What about this?" Zoe gave her last card.

"What's the problem?" Zeke came behind her.

"My cards were declined. I don't know why," Zoe's voice had a hint of panic.

"I'm sorry, Miss Zoe, but there was an error with this card."

"What? How did that happened?"

"Use this," Zeke handed his credit card to the cashier.

"No!" Zoe immediately refused, "I told you that I'll buy my stuffs. Can I put them back, miss? I'll withdraw some cash first."

"Dummy, wouldn't that be a bother to the store? You can use my card instead, I will have someone look what's wrong with yours."

Zoe couldn't argue anymore and just nodded. The cashier used Zeke's card for her and his stuffs' payment.

"Next store?" Zeke asked.

"I don't have money."

"Come on, don't spoil this day. I have money so pick whatever you want and you can just pay me back later," Zeke messed her hair.

"Okay. I'll pay you back!"

The two of them shop for more items like jewelries, shoes and more clothes. Zoe picked stuffs that gave her spark and just borrowed Zeke's card to pay for them.

They also took a break to have lunch and went shopping again. Time went by fast and it was already afternoon.

"Why don't you sleep at home again?" Zeke asked as he started the engine of his car.

"No. They will be worried with me again,"

"Fine. I'll bring you to your home."

It took 30 minutes for them to arrive at the countryside where Hans' house is built. Zeke pulled over beside the gate and helped Zoe carry all her shopping bags inside. Uncle Herman and Aunt Dhalia also helped in bringing them in her room.

"I had a great day, princess. Let's shop together again some time," Zeke hugged her, they were outside the gate beside Zeke's car.

"Yes, brother. Please look at what happened with my cards. And I'll pay you tomorrow."

"Ah, no need. Just think that today is my treat day for you."

"Zeke! You promised!"

"I did, but mischief happened so just use your card for our next shopping," Zeke walked to the driver's seat, "I'll go home now."

"Fine! Be careful in driving!" Zoe bid goodbye.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll pick you up again tomorrow."

Zoe watched Zeke's car disappeared in the dark before she turned around to get inside the house when she bumped into someone's chest.

When she looked up, her eyes widen.

"H-hans?! You're here?"

"Why not? It's my house."

"No, that's not what I meant. I didn't heard you coming here."

"You're just not attentive."

Zoe lowered her head, "let's go inside..."

"Where are you going again tomorrow?"

"I.. I will visit Zeke's company," Zoe answered.

"You don't have work?"

"I cleared my schedule for the whole week."

"I see. So you will be busy going out with someone for the whole week?"

Zoe felt like she was interrogated with the sin she committed and Hans was throwing questions to caught her off guard.

"I have nothing to do for the week so I planned to spend it with my family and friends," Zoe finally looked up at him and defended herself.

'Because it was supposed to be our week but you said no before I could even ask you.'