
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

cammae · Urban
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38 Chs


THEY ARRIVED AT the hotel where they will stay. Zoe learned that their honeymoon would last for five days and Hans already had an itinerary.

Hans was usually busy everyday. He even barely go home in a week.

How come he arranged a one-week honeymoon?

After their check-in, Hans lead her inside.

"Zoe, this is our room."

The room was spacious with one large bed and a balcony. It looked beautiful.

Zoe was still wondering about it when Hans started to unpack his things.

"So you will sleep here?" she asked curiously.



She thought Hans booked a different room for him. After all, at home, they never shared one bed, nor at least a room!

What was this sudden change of heart?

"I'll sleep on the couch if it bothers you."

"No!" Zoe felt embarrassed after knowing how she refused loudly, looking away, she continued, "You c-can sleep here on the bed with me."

If only Hans could see her face right now.

Zoe was too shy to look directly at him.

However, Hans nodded as if saying thank you.

He turned on the heater of the room and walked towards Zoe. He lifted his hand and brushed a hair out of her eyes.

"You can get some rest while I buy us dinner."

With that said, Hans left.

Zoe couldn't believe what just happened. Was it really Hans who came with her in a honeymoon?

Because of the cold weather in Iceland, Zoe decided to take a hot shower. She opened the luggage Hans had packed for her.

He packed her long-sleeved clothes, sweaters, woolen pants and boots. He also got her thick socks and gloves. She smiled when he brought her shower gel and a hygiene kit was also there!

But her face instantly blushed when realizing that Hans saw her underwear again when he packed those.

After taking a refreshing bath, she wore her clothes and went to the balcony. The chilling breeze hit her face.

The view from the balcony was spectacular. She could see a mountain from afar covered with snow.

She wonder if they will go there.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she felt a warm embrace coming from behind.

She held her breath when Hans whispered near her ear, "Dinner is ready."

His voice sent chills down her spine and goose bumps covering every part of her body. Her cheeks grew warm and she could feel goosebumps on her back.

Before turning around, she took in his scent. A sweet but manly scent mixed with a hint of pine.

She inhaled the familiar smell and slowly turned around.

"T-thank you..." Zoe stuttered.

Hans pecked her lips and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Anything for my wife."

Hans say this but his voice held no emotions. Zoe knew it.

She just smiled, even though her heart was doubting Hans' sudden intimacy.

Is he's playing with her feelings?

That was the first possibility that crossed her mind.

She didn't have a choice anyway. So, she should just accept it like a big baby.

"Let's go eat," she said cheerfully.

When they sat down to dinner, both were silent as they eat the food that Hans bought from a nearby restaurant.

She doesn't know why they didn't eat there, but it's still good having their dinner in their hotel room to keep themselves warm.

After dinner,  Hans took a shower while Zoe was brushing her teeth.

When she finished brushing, she sat on the bed and waited for Hans. When he come out,  wearing only a towel, she pretended not to see anything.

It was the first time seeing Hans without clothes since their marriage.

She almost choked when she saw how toned he was. His muscles were so defined that it made her think back to the day that he saved her with those strong arms.

Zoe tried to distract herself by playing with her phone while Hans was changing in front of her. But it seemed that her mind wasn't working properly because she couldn't concentrate at all.

She didn't want to stare at him but she had to.

Especially when she saw how smooth and perfect his back was. She noticed that his skin was glowing under the dim light.

"You got a hobby of staring at my back, hmm?" Hans spoke as he faced her as he finished putting on some clothes.

Zoe quickly snapped her head up to meet his gaze.

A blush immediately spread across her cheeks. She hoped he wouldn't notice it.

"N-, No! It's not like that! I mean... well, yes! Of course it is like that! You know, it's your fault, you could have changed in the bathroom."

Even though she said something, she wasn't able to hide her red face.

Hans smirked at her reaction and sat beside her.

"Do I really make you embarrassed?"

Zoe denied even though it's really obvious, "Of course not!"

"No? But why was your face so red?"

"Because.. the heater in this room was too warm!" She immediately found an excuse.

The smirk remained in Hans face, "if you say so."

He leaned forward and placed his mouth close to her neck. His hot breath tickled her skin.

Zoe was unable to calm herself and she trembled slightly. She closed her eyes. Just then, she heard Hans whispering against her skin.

"You smelled like roses."

He sniffed and kissed her neck lightly and continued trailing kisses down her jawline until he reached her chin. He bit her bottom lip gently.

Zoe didn't react at all but she let out a soft moan.

"Shall we continue our vacation here in Iceland, tomorrow?" Hans said, still holding Zoe's face.

His voice was low, sexy and deep.

Zoe swallowed nervously and gave a small nod, trying to act casual.

Hans lips curled into a mischievous smirk. He pinned Zoe down the bed and held her hands above her head.

He leaned down, his face was getting closer inch by inch. His warm breath tickling her face as he slowly closed in. She had stopped breathing.

He licked her lips teasingly, trailing his lips along her jawline, to the corner of her mouth before nibbling at her earlobe with a slight nip and sucking hard.

Zoe moaned at the sensation of him, pulling him close, she could feel the bulge in his pants against her stomach and the heat radiating from his body.

She bit her lip. A small whimper coming out, she couldn't help it. It wasn't fair.

He pulled away smirking again. He then kissed the tip of her nose before letting go.

"Go to sleep now. Tomorrow will be an exhausting day," he said softly, leaving Zoe laying there on the bed, still slightly aroused.


Zoe woke up in the feeling of someone's hand caressing her cheek. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Hans looking down at her.

"Good morning." Her husband whispered in her ear, kissing her neck gently.

"H-hans..." Zoe mumbled in a raspy voice.

Last night, she saw Hans got out of their room and she didn't know what time he came back since she already fell asleep.

She felt her husband's lips trail down her collarbone. She suppressed a moan and slightly pushed Hans away.

"What time is it?" Zoe asked in sleepy voice.

Hans pulled her up and hugged her waist, whispering, "It's five in the morning."

Zoe doesn't know where to react, Hans being clingy or the fact that it's still early in the morning.

So she went with the latter.

"Why did you wake me up so early?" She whispered, "I'm still sleepy..."

"We need to leave early for our first trip," Hans mumbled on her neck.

"A-alright..." Zoe breathed, trying to keep herself calm.

Zoe never thought this would happen. Hans being so clingy towards her and acting like a cute child.

Her mind wanted to explode at this time, but it also wanted to enjoy moments like this. Who knows when will Hans go back to his usual cold and aloof personality.

"Let's bath together~" Hans whispered in her ear.

Zoe gasped, her sleepiness vanished, "What?!"

"You know, to save water and keep ourselves warm under the shower," he said seductively.

"No, no!! I'll shower first!" Zoe struggled out from Hans' arms and grabbed a towel before running to the bathroom and making sure the door was locked.

She heard a faint chuckled on the other side of the door.

'What's wrong with you, Hans?!'

Zoe quickly took off her clothes and stepped under the shower. She squealed and shivered when the cold water hit her bare skin.

Because of panic, she forgot to adjust the water temperature!

She turned the water warm and let the relaxing feeling penetrate into her bare skin.

As she cleaned herself under the running water, her mind was in trance. The events of last night and earlier had played over and over again in her head.

Hans was acting strange since yesterday.

Something wasn't right. And that is what scared her most of all. He never acted like this around her.

He held her and kissed her like a loving husband should do.

It feels like Hans is tempting her and when she's finally giving into the feeling, he would stop and leave her.

No! It should be her who should seduce him. She should take charge. Zoe doesn't  know the consequences if she fell into his trap and fall for him deeper.

Her hands moved faster as she rinsed the soap away from her body.

The hot water ran down her body causing shivers to run through her spine. She looked at the large mirror hanging next to the sink and saw her reflection. Her skin glistened with clear water.

She smiled to herself and tightly wrapped the towel around her body.

If Hans playing games with her, then she won't lose to his tricks.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the bathroom, only wearing the towel around her body.

Her bare feet made their way towards the bedroom, leaving wet footprints on the floor.

She could feel her heart beating fast and heavy inside her chest. A light blush covered her cheeks.

"You forgot to bring some clothes, I prepared it for you," Hans spoke as he pointed the new set of thick clothes laying on the bed.

Zoe smiled, "Thank you, hubby~"

She walked to the bed and took her new clothes. She acted like she was about to drop the towel covering her body, but stopped and turned back to Hans who had a serious expression on his face.

"Hubby? Are you just gonna stand there?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Without saying anything, he walked towards her. He reached out and grabbed her arm, gently pulling her closer to him.

Zoe secretly held the towel around her so tight.

She met Hans dark gaze. He stared straight into her eyes with unreadable emotion, making Zoe uneasy.

Suddenly, Hans pulled her body closer. His lips were inches away from hers. He slowly raised his hand towards her cheek, but Zoe took a step back.

"Hubby... what time are we going again? I think we should hurry now. Go and take a shower," Zoe smiled sexily and softly added, "I'll just change here."

Hans remained silent and looked at her. He closed his eyes and nodded his head, before walking towards the bathroom.

Zoe sighed and when she made sure Hans was already under the shower, she quickly dressed up. When she was done, she felt warm because of the several layers of clothes on her body.

Perfect for the cold weather outside.

She opened the door through the balcony and the biting cold breeze rushed towards her. She immediately hugged herself to keep warm.

As she waited for Hans, her eyes scanned the scenery. The sun hasn't risen yet in the country even though it's already nearing six. The trees swaying in the wind gave her a peaceful view.

When she felt someone wrapping their arms around her, she automatically panicked but relaxed immediately. She leaned against Hans' chest and enjoyed the warmth radiating from his body.

"Are we going now?" she asked.

"Yes. Let's go," he said.

They both started walking towards the car with Hans holding Zoe's hand.

"So where are we going?" she asked once they're seated and ready to drive off.

"We will buy some warm clothes, grab a breakfast and tour the Golden Circle," Hans replied calmly.

Zoe's eyes lighted up in excitement.

Hans will go shopping with her for the first time and they will go to the Golden Circle, one of the Iceland's must go to place.

The Golden Circle is located at the southern part of Iceland. It has beautiful landscapes, good beaches and many beautiful restaurants, which have the best food. This place was also known for being one of the most famous tourist attractions of the country.

Who wouldn't be excited?