
Sect Master of the Hidden World

Lin Shu, a traverser alongside with a system on the Planet called Blue Star. This system made him a Sect Master and gave him a 'Hidden World'. In which every time he accepts a disciple that passes the qualification, the aura thickness on that 'Hidden World' increases by 1x which is based on the aura in the outside world where his entrance to the 'Hidden World' is located. ... 1 Year later. The Linshu Sect accepted it's 10,000th disciple. Now, the aura in the hidden world is so thick that, when a regular person breathes in the air in that world. It will allow him to transform into a Warrior with a thousand year vitality 3 Years later. The Linshu Sect accepted it's 100,000th disciple. The aura is so thick that, whenever a disciple enters the hidden world. This aura activates the hidden Ancient Bloodline in the depths of their bloodline. Great Demon! Ancient Dragon! Angel! And even the legendary Pangu, although it is incomplete, but still. That's Pangu!

Zoroku · Fantasy
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29 Chs

A year later...

[Lin Shu(Level 6 723,394XP/2,500,000XP)]

Cultivation: Tier 12 Sky Immortal Realm


Disciples: 100,000

Handyman: 1,203,455

Qi Refining Realm -- 0

Body Refinement Realm -- 0

Foundation Establishment Realm -- 0

Mortal Core Realm -- 692

Earth Core Realm -- 2,503

Heaven Core Realm -- 16,409

Nirvana Tribulation -- 55,213

Divine Origin Realm -- 19,985

Nascent Soul Realm -- 4,702

Soul Serving Realm -- 1,203

Earth Immortal Realm -- 362

Sky Immortal Realm -- 21

-- Outside World [Multiplier: 2,000x]

[Inner Disciples: 7298]

[Outer Disciples: 89239]

-- Hidden World [Multiplier: 57,500x]

[Inner Disciples: 508]

[Outer Disciples: 3155]


[Aura: 1,800,000x(Free: 59,500x)] [Multiplier: 3xCurrentLevel(6) = 18x]

Multiplier: The amount of multiplier depends on the strength of the sect and it's disciples. Which will then be multiplied depending on the host's current system level.

Current evaluation: 3!

[Low-Tiered Magic Stone - 100,000/min (1.83%)] -- [0.33x Multiplier(1/min)]

[Middle-Tiered Magic Stone - 2,500/min (4.58%)] -- [33x Multiplier(1/min)]

[High-Tiered Magic Stone - 500/min (6.94%)] -- [250x Multiplier(1/min)]

[Top-Tiered Magic Stone - 150/min (8.33%)] -- [1,000x Multiplier(1/min)]

[Earth-Tiered Magic Stone - 10/min (2.77%)] -- [5,000x Multiplier(1/min)]

[Sky-Tiered Magic Stone - 3/min (16.66%)] -- [100,000x Multiplier(1/min)]

[Heaven-Tiered Magic Stone - 1/min (55.55%)] -- [1,000,000x Multiplier(1/min)]


Low-Tiered Magic Stone - 1.7B!

Middle-Tiered Magic Stone - 1.3M!

High-Tiered Magic Stone - 238K!

Top-Tiered Magic Stone - 42K!

Earth-Tiered Magic Stone - 7.7K!

Sky-Tiered Magic Stone - 4.1K!

Heaven-Tiered Magic Stone - 1.2K!

Lin Shu sighed, feeling a sense of boredom and restlessness. He had reached a high level of cultivation and had a massive number of disciples and handyman under his command, but there was nothing left for him to conquer or explore in this wasteland. He longed for adventure and excitement, and the thought of other continents filled him with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

As he gazed at the map, he noticed a small island on the edge of the continent that was marked with a mysterious symbol. His curiosity piqued, Lin Shu decided to investigate the island and set out on a journey with a select group of his most trusted disciples.

Upon arriving on the island, Lin Shu discovered a hidden cave system that led deep into the earth. The air was thick with a potent aura, and he knew that he had stumbled upon something extraordinary.

As he delved deeper into the cave system, he encountered fierce monsters and ancient guardians that tested his skills and abilities. But Lin Shu was a formidable warrior, and he overcame each challenge with ease.

Finally, he reached the heart of the cave system and discovered a hidden chamber that contained a powerful artifact. The artifact was an ancient scroll that contained the secrets of a lost cultivation technique that was said to be able to unlock unimaginable power.

Excited by his discovery, Lin Shu eagerly studied the scroll and began to master the lost cultivation technique. He spent months meditating and honing his skills, gradually unlocking new levels of power that surpassed anything he had ever achieved before.

With his newfound strength and knowledge, Lin Shu knew that he was ready to explore the other continents and see what wonders and dangers awaited him there. And so he gathered his disciples and the higher-ups of his sect and told them that he would set out on a new adventure, out of the eagerness to discover what the world had in store for him.

With that said, he gave out commands, plans, and other stuff to his elders of the sect to make sure that the Sect would run smoothly regardless of his presence.

It was also thanks to the old man from the Heavenly Temple that he was able to gather the information about the existence of the other continents in this world.

The old man also told him that the 'continent' they are currently on is considered just an island to the outside world, and this island is also a wasteland for the outside world.

The aura here is so thin, that the people from the outside world does not bother on taking a trip to this so-called island.

Staring at the vast sea with a melancholy look, he started his long journey of travelling to the outside world.


Leaving a golden stream of light in the air, he officially started his journey to the outside world.

Some disciples left with a tear seeing the fading golden stream of light from their very eyes. While some clenched their fists and made a vow that they would improve their strength so that they could follow their master to the outside world.

A few days later, Lin Shu whose speed is still increasing can obviously tell the difference between here and 'Hukui Island'(the place where his sect currently resides.)

One, the aura here is more pure, vast, and thicker. Just an hour of cultivation here alone can already be worth a few days worth of cultivation in Hukui Island. Of course, his hidden world's aura is obviously much more purer than the one here as it was created with the help of the system's abilities.

Using his vision, he stared at a large plot of land tens of thousands of miles away gradually enlarging before his eyes.

And as he got closer and closer, the originally already pure aura concentration gradually multiplied over and over again.

"With this rate, it should be a percentage worth if I'm gonna compare it with my hidden world's concentration." With that said, he landed on an open area right beside the seashore.


Landing on the open area of the beach, he noticed something.

"That's weird. With the amount of strength when I landed here, there should be a large crater formed right?" He looked at the crater he made with a span of only a few tens of meters.


[It is due to the fact that the aura here is much concentrated that the host was not able to leave much destruction around.]

