
Sect Master of the Hidden World

Lin Shu, a traverser alongside with a system on the Planet called Blue Star. This system made him a Sect Master and gave him a 'Hidden World'. In which every time he accepts a disciple that passes the qualification, the aura thickness on that 'Hidden World' increases by 1x which is based on the aura in the outside world where his entrance to the 'Hidden World' is located. ... 1 Year later. The Linshu Sect accepted it's 10,000th disciple. Now, the aura in the hidden world is so thick that, when a regular person breathes in the air in that world. It will allow him to transform into a Warrior with a thousand year vitality 3 Years later. The Linshu Sect accepted it's 100,000th disciple. The aura is so thick that, whenever a disciple enters the hidden world. This aura activates the hidden Ancient Bloodline in the depths of their bloodline. Great Demon! Ancient Dragon! Angel! And even the legendary Pangu, although it is incomplete, but still. That's Pangu!

Zoroku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Season 1


[Conversion Rates]

Low-Tiered Magic Stone - 0.33 Coins

Middle-Tiered Magic Stone - 33 Coins

High-Tiered Magic Stone - 250 Coins

Top-Tiered Magic Stone - 1,000 Coins

Earth-Tiered Magic Stone - 5,000 Coins

Sky-Tiered Magic Stone - 100,000 Coins

Heaven-Tiered Magic Stone - 1,000,000 Coins

Nirvana-Tiered Magic Stone - 10,000,000 Coins

Divine-Tiered Magic Stone - 100,000,000 Coins

[To be Continued]


For the current Lin Shu, what he needs to do now is to focus greatly on his cultivation.

"Now, are there any things in the mall that will help me on my cultivation?"

As he scrolled down rapidly on the system mall, he found something interesting...


Tier 1 Proficiency talisman - 5,000 coins

Description: As the name implies, when used, the user's proficiency dramatically increases. (Limited to 3x uses)

Tier 1 Cultivation Insignia - 100,000 coins

Description: When worn, the user's cultivation is multiplied by fivefold.

"Yes! Just what I need. If I used both of them at the same time, I wonder how fast my cultivation increase?"

"I guess I'll also take back my words as someone who's selfish and cares greatly for his disciples"

With that said, he adjusted the multiplier distribution on the system panel

[Multiplier: 9,239x(Free: 834x)]

[Low-Tiered Magic Stone - 100/min (4%)] -- [0.33x Multiplier(1/min)]

[Middle-Tiered Magic Stone - 25/min (10.01%)] -- [33x Multiplier(1/min)]

[High-Tiered Magic Stone - 5/min (15.17%)] -- [250x Multiplier(1/min)]

[Top-Tiered Magic Stone - 5/min (60.6%)] -- [1,000x Multiplier(1/min)]

More than 20 minutes later...

He was finally able to buy the talisman and insignia.

In front of him, a golden talisman with a bright, glowing red coloured text in the middle appeared revealing a vibrant golden glow, and right beside that, a jade green coloured insignia with a bunch of random shapes encircling a star in the middle.

"Now... How do I use these things?"


[To use the talisman, the host can inject his innate aura to the talisman and it will automatically be used on the host.

As for the insignia, the host can just put it anywhere in his body and it will automatically bind on the host.]


"With these two things, coupled with the second volume of the scripture, my cultivation should skyrocket like before right?"

Before using the two, he held them curiously to find out if he can crack these things and mass-produce them for his own use or his disciple's use.


After fiddling with them for an hour, but to no avail, he was not able to find any clues on how to make a copy of them.

After doing so, he held the insignia with one of his hand then guided it into the back of his other hand.

Which, surprisingly, passed through the hand like a ghost.


Suddenly, in the sky, a much larger vortex of aura slowly converged in the sky of the hidden world.

Talisman. On!

He also started to run his cultivation using the second volume of the scripture.


In the sky, multiple golden orbs of light appeared on this vortex.

Each golden orb, slowly flew in certain directions and eventually they scattered around and stopped slightly above his eye level forming a circle.

Lin Shu: ???

Out of confusion, he tried to touch them lightly, and before you know it, when his index finger was about to touch the orb, it quickly rotated faster and faster


Lin Shu's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the tornado of aura gathering above the temple. The golden lightning and dragon's roar that occasionally erupted from it only added to his astonishment.

"What is happening? Is this the power of the talisman and insignia combined with the second volume of the scripture?" he wondered.

As he continued to cultivate, the tornado above him grew larger and more powerful, the golden orbs of light now swirling around his body at an incredible speed. The aura in the hidden world was being drawn towards the tornado, causing the area to shake and tremble with the force of the gathering power.

Lin Shu felt an intense energy building up within him, his cultivation advancing at a rate he had never experienced before. His mind was completely focused on his cultivation, and he was unaware of anything else around him.

On the other side, countless disciples looked at tornado almost engulfed the whole temple, although the wind's strength barely affects them thanks to their efforts themselves of improving their cultivation and strength.

To their surprise, the tornado also gave them benefits such as the aura absorption in which quickly boosted their cultivation.

And so... They took advantaged of this situation and cultivated to the point where they barely moved an inch the moment they closed their eyes.

Days passed by before the tornado gradually dissipated, leaving a trail of golden aura in its wake. Lin Shu felt drained, but exhilarated at the same time. He had achieved a breakthrough in his cultivation, and he knew that he had the talisman, insignia, and the second volume of the scripture to thank for it.


Before you know it, a year passed by, during this year Lin Shu's sect officially made it's domain to the outside world

Lin Shu stood at the entrance of the grand temple, gazing up at the magnificent structure that had become the heart of his Ancestral Dragon Holy Land. The temple was made of white marble, with ornate carvings of dragons and other mythical creatures adorning its walls. At the top of the temple's spire, a large golden dragon statue stood, its wings spread wide as if it were ready to take flight.

As Lin Shu looked around the holy land, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. It had been a long and very tedious journey to get to this point, but thanks to the system, he was able to expand the sect rapidly in the outside world during which the sect earned the title a Forbidden Sect!

During this year, there were a large amount of forces who tried to have some bad thoughts on his sect, but unfortunately were turned to dust, and their existence eventually became a history on the continent.

Over the past year, he had poured all of his energy and resources into developing the holy land. He had recruited talented disciples from all corners of the world, and had trained them in the most advanced cultivation techniques and combat skills.

And now, with the holy land fully established, he could finally take a moment to breathe and reflect on his accomplishments. But as he stood there, basking in the glow of his success, he couldn't help but wonder what challenges lay ahead.

It wasn't long before he got his answer. A messenger arrived at the holy land, bearing news that a powerful and dangerous enemy was on the move. This enemy was none other than the heavenly temple who repeatedly sent assassin in the sect, this temple had been very envious of Lin Shu's rapid rise to power and had been plotting their downfall for months. Originally, they considered the sect insignificant the moment they found the wandering guardian's existence inside the sect.


They were totally wrong!

It was a tiger!

To be precise, a tiger waking up from it's great slumber!

Lin Shu didn't waste a moment. He immediately mobilized his forces, summoning all of his disciples to the holy land and preparing for battle. He knew that this would be the ultimate test of his skills as a leader and as a cultivator. If he could emerge victorious, he would cement his position as one of the most powerful figures in the world of cultivation. But if he failed, he risked losing everything he had worked so hard to achieve.

The day of the battle arrived, and the two sides clashed in a fierce and bloody conflict. Lin Shu fought at the forefront of his army, his body bathed in the golden aura that he had learned to harness so well. His talisman and insignia glowed with an otherworldly light, amplifying his powers and allowing him to strike with deadly accuracy.

Despite the enemy's overwhelming numbers and superior firepower, Lin Shu refused to give up. He rallied his troops with a fierce determination, urging them to fight on even when all seemed lost. And in the end, his efforts paid off. With a final surge of power, he unleashed a devastating attack that obliterated the enemy's forces and left them in ruins.

As the smoke cleared and the survivors emerged from the rubble, Lin Shu stood triumphant. He had proven himself to be a true hero of the cultivation world, a leader who was willing to risk everything to protect his people and his way of life. And as he looked out over the holy land that he had created, he knew that there would be many more battles to come, but that he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.


As usual, the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land continued to grow and prosper, attracting new disciples and allies from all corners of the world. Under Lin Shu's guidance, it became a bastion of peace and prosperity, a shining beacon of hope in the world.

The disciples of Ancestral Dragon Holy Land had been working hard during the past year, training themselves and improving their cultivation. Lin Shu was pleased to see that they had made great progress and were now capable of defending themselves against any threats.

He turned to his right and saw the very temperamental girl whom he trained occasionally and gave a bunch of resources, Song Wei, walking towards him. "Master, everything is ready for the ceremony. The disciples are eager to see you," Song Wei said with a smile.

Lin Shu nodded and followed Song Wei into the temple. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. It was hard to believe that just a few years ago, he was just a lone cultivator wandering the world. Now, he was the master of a thriving sect.

During this year, Song Wei was bestowed the Holy Saint of the sect thanks to her talent, contributions, and achievements obtained for the sect.

As they entered the main hall, Lin Shu was greeted by the sight of his disciples, all dressed in white robes, bowing in respect. He walked towards the altar at the front of the hall and lit the incense, signifying the start of the ceremony.

"Today, we celebrate the one-year anniversary of the establishment of our Ancestral Dragon Holy Land," Lin Shu began. "We have come a long way since the beginning, and I am proud of each and every one of you for the hard work and dedication you have shown."

The disciples listened intently as Lin Shu continued his speech. He spoke about the challenges they had faced and the victories they had won, the lessons they had learned and the wisdom they had gained.

"And now, as we look towards the future, I am confident that we will continue to grow and prosper," Lin Shu concluded. "We will face new challenges and overcome them together. We will continue to train and cultivate ourselves, and one day, we will become the greatest sect in the world!"

The disciples cheered and applauded, their faces shining with determination and pride. Lin Shu smiled, feeling grateful for having such loyal and dedicated disciples.

As the ceremony ended, Lin Shu walked towards the exit, his heart filled with joy and hope. He knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but with his disciples by his side, he was confident that they could overcome any obstacle.

The future of Ancestral Dragon Holy Land was bright, and he looked forward to seeing what it would bring.


On the other side of the plane, there was a futuristic city filled with tall buildings that pierced the clouds in the sky.

On a certain old hut, a very old woman was talking to the person in front of him.

The guy in front of the old woman listened intently to her words, nodding in agreement. He was one of the few people in the city who still believed in the power of the old woman's prophecies.

"Thank you for your warning, Great Prophet. We will do everything in our power to prepare for the coming threat," he said respectfully.

The old woman smiled weakly, her eyes filled with wisdom and sorrow. "I have seen many things in my long life, and I know that sometimes the future can be changed. Remember that the light that will save us is not something that will come from the outside, but from within. It is the strength of our unity, our determination, and our willingness to fight for our survival that will save us."

The man nodded, understanding the old woman's message. He knew that their race had faced many challenges in the past, but they had always managed to overcome them through their resilience and strength of spirit.

As he left the old woman's hut, he couldn't help but wonder what the future would hold for them. Especially her last words such as a light will illuminate the world, saving us from extinction. He knew that they would face great danger, but he also believed that they had the power to overcome it.

With his identity as a high-official of the federation, their plan was soon established.

[Season 1 ended]