
Sect Master of the Hidden World

Lin Shu, a traverser alongside with a system on the Planet called Blue Star. This system made him a Sect Master and gave him a 'Hidden World'. In which every time he accepts a disciple that passes the qualification, the aura thickness on that 'Hidden World' increases by 1x which is based on the aura in the outside world where his entrance to the 'Hidden World' is located. ... 1 Year later. The Linshu Sect accepted it's 10,000th disciple. Now, the aura in the hidden world is so thick that, when a regular person breathes in the air in that world. It will allow him to transform into a Warrior with a thousand year vitality 3 Years later. The Linshu Sect accepted it's 100,000th disciple. The aura is so thick that, whenever a disciple enters the hidden world. This aura activates the hidden Ancient Bloodline in the depths of their bloodline. Great Demon! Ancient Dragon! Angel! And even the legendary Pangu, although it is incomplete, but still. That's Pangu!

Zoroku · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Season 2 Chapter #1!

"Alright, so you're saying that the aura release and its impact on the surroundings will be lessened in the presence of aura here?"

[Yes, indeed! The ratio here, compared to Hukui, is 1:1000. This means that if one can exert a thousand kilograms of force on the island, here, it's only equivalent to a kilogram.]

"Wow, in simpler terms, I'm basically weakened. That's really unfortunate." He let out a deep sigh and took flight, heading into the forest near the beach where he had landed.


An hour later, he observed a lengthy caravan traveling in a specific direction. What caught Lin Shu's attention was that, when the peculiar-looking horses stepped on the ground, a magical circle briefly appeared before vanishing.

Out of curiosity, he used his innate vision to peer inside the caravans.

"Oops!" Suddenly, he witnessed an inappropriate scene happening in one of the caravans.

Setting that aside, he also noticed the presence of spatial magic within these caravans. From the outside, they appeared normal in size, but inside, the space was several hundred times larger.

"Is the magic being used here similar to the concept of my Hidden World?" Lin Shu wondered. Shaking off these thoughts, he activated the invisibility skill from the third volume of the ancestral dragon scripture.


A golden wing materialized behind Lin Shu and enveloped him swiftly. With only a speck of golden dust left behind, both the wing and Lin Shu disappeared.

While invisible, Lin Shu discreetly moved onto the roof of the leading caravan.

Upon landing, he stealthily surveyed the surroundings using his dragon eye.

"I guess I missed something inside one of the caravans," Lin Shu mused when he heard the distorted conversation from the people.

"Who?" came a frail voice from the caravan, followed by an elderly man in lavish attire who hurriedly exited.

"What's happening here?" Lin Shu whispered to himself. It was strange that he suddenly understood the conversation despite the garbled speech.

"Who are you?" The elderly man questioned with a wary gaze.

"Would you believe me if I said I was just passing by and, out of curiosity, decided to take a closer look at your caravan?" Lin Shu replied, watching the people behind the elderly man.

The old man sneered, extending a hand towards Lin Shu, but the attack seemed foolish to him. Lin Shu laughed it off, but the attack, to his surprise, manifested in the sky, heading right for him.

The palm attack collided with Lin Shu's aura, and he emitted a brilliant, golden ring. Behind him, numerous illusory dragons appeared, and his presence was so radiant that it appeared as if a sun had descended.

The giant palm shattered, and the old man and his companions were thrown thousands of meters away, spitting blood as they landed.

Staring in horror at Lin Shu, the old man realized that Lin Shu was in the Peak Sky Immortal Realm.

"Why is a Sky Immortal Realm here?" one of the injured men wondered while trying to stand.

"Relax," a mysterious voice echoed from above, and the figure they saw earlier started to dissipate.

To their amazement, the sky turned golden, and a figure descended from the heavens. Lin Shu, now covered in golden light with four gigantic dragon wings, landed gracefully.

"Why is a Sky Immortal Realm wandering in this place?" the old man muttered.

"I told you, I was just passing by and decided to take a closer look at your caravan out of curiosity," Lin Shu reassured the old man.

The old man addressed Lin Shu as "Senior," believing that Lin Shu had concealed his true appearance. Lin Shu was bewildered by this but chose not to explain further to the old man.
