
Second Life: Second Chance

Ian Lionheart,  a royal knight from a little kingdom, has feelings for the princess of that kingdom.  They are both madly in love with each other, but one day, while the princess was on a brief excursion, the princes of the Empire suddenly assaulted them, and both the princess and Ian died in the attack. However, after Ian passed away, he was left in a dark place and was given a second chance to exact revenge on his love by obtaining a "curse system."  Will he be able to exact justice on those who wronged his love, or will the evil system eat him up?

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Chapter 4( The black witch)

(Inside the mansion)

"Have a seat, Arman," Gael said.

"Yeah, thank you!" Then the dragon king sat on the couch.

"So tell me, Gael, how you will take care of him." Arman said, looking at the baby.

"I mean, his mother is not here, and there are no women who can feed him, and I know that in our travel from the elf kingdom to here, you feed him his mother's milk that she gave you before you took him with you, so how will you take care of him now?"

"Don't worry about little things like that." Suddenly, a sweet voice came.

"Ohh!!  "You are here!"

"Yes, I just arrived, my lord." A young and delicate girl who looked to be in her late 24s entered the hall.

"How many times do I have to say, "Don't call me lord. Call me father, Leia!"

"But, Lord, I still didn't get married to your son so."

"Who is she, Gael?"

"Oh, you don't know her right!"

"Her name is Leia, and she is the daughter of first clan head Edric."

"And also my second son, Cristo's fiance."

"Oh, so you're the girl that our little Cristo's going to marry."

"Yes, Lord Arman!!"

"Oh, you know me, huh?"

"Did you see that Gael I'm even famous amongst youngsters?"

"Fool who doesn't know you. Even little kids have heard of your name."

"Hmm, am I really that popular? Haha!!"

*Sigh* Gael sighed.

"Anyways, let's come back to the topic... what do you mean by we don't have to worry about him?"

"Oh yeah!!  "About that, I will like to take care of the little master."


"After all, I'm his future aunt!" Leia said with a sweet smile.

"But I can't let you do that... I mean, it will be hard for you to take care of him."

"It's okay, Lord, don't worry, I can handle it."

"Let her do Gael!" "She will take better care of him than we will!"

"Okay, then, Leia." "I will leave him in your care." After saying that, Gael put Zen, who was sleeping silently, into Leia's arm.

"Aww, he is cute."

"Well, he is my grandson after all." HAHA!!"

"Sigh, he is at it again." Arman muttered.


"Hmm, looks like your son is back, Gael." Arman said after hearing the high-pitched sound.


*Bang* The door of hell opened, and a young man with white hair came slamming the door.

"Where is He/She?


"Slow down, you brat!" And who are you looking for?

"My brother's child, of course."

"Your nephew is here, Cristo,"

"Oh, then it's a boy, huh?"

"Can I look at him?"

"Of course, it's your nephew after all," Leia said.

"He just looks like his mother, huh?"

"Hey, brat, go and clean up that freaking blood from your body."

"But father, I just arrived. Let me stay with my nephew for a while."

"He's not going anywhere, so go and clean yourself first."

*Hump*Cristo pouted. 

"Huh??  "It's been a while, Lord Arman. Sorry I didn't see you there."

"Damn bastard, you didn't see this big dragon sitting on a couch."

"But you're now in humanoid form, so I didn't notice you."

"Damn, are you making fun of a dragon king?"

"No, I'm not Lord Arman... but if you wanna go, then I have lots of strength left to face you."

"This brat!"

"Stop both of you!"

"And you, Cristo, go and clean yourself."

"Fine!!Fine!!"  Cristo hands Zen into Leia's arms.

"I will come back to play with you, okay, but until then, stay with your aunt." Cristo kissed Zen's little hand and left the hall.

"And Leia, can you please take care of him... 'cause he might be hungry by now?" 

"Okay, my lord." After that, Leia also left the hall with Zen in her arm.


"Damn, our little Cristo is all grown up now, huh?" "He even wants to fight with me."

"Do you know Arman?" "Even though Cristo can't win against you... today you might have lost one arm or leg."

"What nonsense are you spouting, Gael?"

"It's the truth, Arman. If you even take a few steps forward when you are talking with Cristo..you already might have gotten a heavy injury."

"Does Cristo become that powerful?

"Oh no, it's not Cristo that I'm talking about. Well, he is strong, but there is someone more dangerous than Cristo, and that is Leia."

"What??  "that innocent-looking girl."

"Well, she is an innocent and very well-behaved girl... but at the same time dangerous too."

"She is ready to attack you... when you are talking with Cristo."

"She loves Cristo very much... and she can't see Cristo in pain."

"There was one incident that happened not too long ago."

"One day, Cristo came home covered in blood, because he had been ambushed by the soldiers of the SECA kingdom and the crown prince of that Kingdom"

"Do you know what happened after that?"

"No, I don't know."

"When Leia saw Cristo covered in blood, she became so angry..."

"The next day we found out that the crown prince of Seca kingdom died and his body was hung on the top of his own castle."

"And Leia was the one who killed him."

"You might think, how do we know Leia was the one who killed him, right??" 


"Well, we know because she brought the head of the crown prince with her."



(Outside of the mansion garden)


"Oh, little master, you woke up?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Who is she? "She is really beautiful."

[Host do you want to know about her?]

"Yes!! So can you please active appraisal?."

[Activating Appraisal]

[Name:Leia Angola]


[Sex: Female]

[Title: The Black Witch]



"Her name is Leia, huh?"

"And she is powerful too, because I can't see her level, which means she is on a whole different level."

"But why am I with her?" "And where are my grandfather and the dragon king?"

"Luna, come here!"


*AOOW* When Leia called Luna, a howling noise came...

And in a short time, a wolf appeared with its cubs.

"Little master, this is Luna, and Luna is this little master." When Leia introduced both of them to each other, Luna started to lick Zen's face.

"Hey, that tickles. Stop it. Hehe."

"Looks like Luna already likes you, little master."

"Luna, I want to ask you a favor. Will you please let little Master drink your milk?"

"What??  What are you talking about, lady? "I'm not going to drink Wolf's milk."

[She cannot hear you, host.]

"I know that already!"

Luna nodded her head, seeing that Leia smiled brightly.

"Thank you, Luna!" Luna sat down on the ground, and Leia put Zen's mouth on Luna's nipples.

"I said no. I don't want to drink it."

"Huh??  It's good. The wolf milk is really good.

"Oh, it looks like you are liking it, little master."

"Uh-huh!!  It's good".

To be continued...