
Second Life: Second Chance

Ian Lionheart,  a royal knight from a little kingdom, has feelings for the princess of that kingdom.  They are both madly in love with each other, but one day, while the princess was on a brief excursion, the princes of the Empire suddenly assaulted them, and both the princess and Ian died in the attack. However, after Ian passed away, he was left in a dark place and was given a second chance to exact revenge on his love by obtaining a "curse system."  Will he be able to exact justice on those who wronged his love, or will the evil system eat him up?

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Chapter 3( Fate)

When the black-robed people standing in front of me bowed toward my grandfather, I was shocked by the sight.

While carrying me in his hand, Gael, my grandfather, nodded his head. 

"Where is the clan's head?" Gael asked.  Then one person from among the hundreds of people stepped forward.

"Lord Gael, all the six clans' heads and their members have already made the preparation; we are good to go, and because of them, not a single word will get out from here."

"Okay, let's head back to the mansion."

"Yes lord".  All the people wearing black robes yell.

*FIFEEEE* Gael whistled a high-pitched sound.


And for a reply, a high tone and loud noise came from the sky.

Big bird-like wings flapped in the dark sky. 


It was my first time seeing these races; I never saw them in my previous life. I only heard about how big they are and how majestic they look, but seeing them face to face is different from what people have heard about them.



[A big dragon is approaching.]

[Activating Apprisal]

[Name: Arman Draggor (the black dragon)]

[Age: 1000 years old]

[Race: Dragon]

[Title: King of the Dragon]


[Skill: ???]

"Hmm, you can show me all this in one look?"

"And that's the king of the dragon?"

[Who do you think I am, damn Host]

[I can show you more, but with your current level, I can't show you other details.]

[If the host increases his level, then I can show you other details.]

"So, if I want to see the details, then I have to increase my level, right?"


"Then, can you use that appraisal thing in humans too?"

[Yes, I can use it on every race that existed in this world.]

"Woah, that will be helpful in the future." "You are the best system."

[Hoho, I'm always the best!]

"What the hell did you just laugh?"

"Why do I always feel like I'm talking to a person when I'm talking with you?"

[Oh, that's because... Never mind]

[Just focus on the dragon. He is about to land.]

[Host doesn't have to worry that the dragon is not hustling toward you.]


Flapping its big and majestic wings, the dragon landed next to me and my grandfather.

"Ho!!  "So this creature is your grandson, huh?"

"Yeah!!  "Doesn't he look like me?"

"What the hell are you spouting? He doesn't look like you. He looks exactly like his mother. But those blue eyes are like your son Zack."

"You take this degree of risk for this child, so I can tell how much you care about him."

"HAHA!!  "Well, he is my grandson after all."

"What the hell? I can't hear anything... and what is so funny for my grandfather to laugh like that?"

[Host: You can't hear anything because they are talking through telepathy just like you and me.]

"What I can use telepathy??".

[No, you can't; you don't have that skill.]

"Then how am I talking with you?"

[Host: I'm making it possible to communicate with you because you are the only one who can hear me.]

[And host  You aren't using telepathy. I'm just reading your mind.]

"What can you read in people's minds?"

[Yes, I can, but right now I can only read your mind.]

[But if the host reaches a specific level, then I can read other people's minds by upgrading myself.]

"Upgrading??  What's that??"

[To put it simply, I will also grow with the host. And when I grow up, host will get lots of benefits from me.]

[Just like the previous host, but when I connected with the host and reincarnated host in the past, I reset myself.]

"But why did you reset yourself? But before you answer, don't call me the host; you are acting weird now."

"You can just behave like before."

[Well, if you say so]

[And to answer your question, I reset myself because I can't control myself in some matters.]

[I feel like some other powers control me in some cases.]

[I cannot tell you all the details right now. But I will tell you in the future when you are strong enough.]

"Okay if you say so!"

"Now Arman, let go. We can't stay here any longer."

"Yeah, you're right! "Just wait a sec."


When the black dragon screeched out of nowhere lots of Griffins and Wyvran had arrived and landed on the ground,

"Now everyone moves out," Gael said.

After that, the black-robed people all climbed to the top of Griffins and Wyvran.

and everyone flew into the sky.

And my grandfather also climbed on the black dragon while carrying me in his arms.

"Let's go, Arman!" With my grandfather's words, the black dragon flapped its wings and soar into the sky.


After traveling for a week, we finally arrived at our destination, and to my surprise, our destination was none other than a continent that I used to live in before, the "Western Continent."

"Huh??  "Is this fate or is it happening because of the system?"

"The Lord has arrived; everyone be ready to welcome the lord and the young master." A man who looked to be in his late 30s yelled while looking at the sky.

And lots of people arrived at the main gate of the mansions to welcome their lord.

"Welcome back, Lord and little master!" Everyone bowed down when Gael and the dragon king landed on the ground.

"Yeah, I'm back!" 

"What the??  "Did they not see that big dragon king? Are they not afraid of him or what?

"And you too, King Arman, welcome back. It's been a very long time since I have seen you."

"Oh yeah, it's been a while, 7th clan head, Aslan Dae!


"What the hell!?" "Did you see that system that the Dragon King transform into a human?!"

[ Yeah!!  I can see it.That human form ; it's called the humanoid transformation.]

[Look closely, even though he looks like a human, you can see its black horns.]

"Yeah, you are right!"

"Can every dragon turn into a humanoid form?"

[No, they can't; only some of them can.]

"Is that so?"


"It's genetic..even Princess Alice's castle wasn't this big."


"system what year is this??."

[It's 1777 DA]

(Author note: DA is backward of AD. I want to write something different, so that's why I used DA instead of AD.

"1777 DA, huh? Then that means Princess Alice is still not born yet.

"She will be born after 2 years."

"In this lifetime I will definitely save you from those bastards, Alice. I swear upon my life."

[But host, she will not remember you, and you are not even Ian Lionheart now.]

"Yeah!!  I know, but I can't let Alice die again. I won't let that happen, even if she doesn't remember or love me. "I will just be happy seeing her again.."


"7th Clan Head, where is my son?"

"Oh, the young master will be back any time by now from his mission."

"Hmm, he is still back, huh??"

"He will be back, don't worry, Gael." Arman patted Gael's shoulder.

"Yeah, I know. I just want him to see his nephew."

"Anyway, Lord, let's head inside. We have to make preparations for the second young master's wedding."

"Ohh yeah!!  "Your second son's gonna get married next month, right, Gael?"


"Then I'm going to stay up until then!"

"Why are you not going back, Arman?"

"Nah!!  "My son will take care of everything there, and you are my contractor after all, so how can I not participate in your happy moments?"

"Well, I'm saying that because there is still lots of time, so you will get bored here, so that's why I asked."

"You don't have to worry about Gael."

"I will play with your grandson if I get bored!"

"No, no, no, that's not gonna happen." I will not play with you, damn Dragon King. "I have lots of things to do." 

"Haha, yeah, you can play with him as much as you want."

"No, Grandpa, that bastard's going to eat me alive."

"Damn this body; I'm even thinking like a baby."


"System did just giggle??"

[No, I didn't. That's just your eardrum ringing.]

"No, you just giggled... "I heard it clearly."

[No, that's just your hallucination.]


"Lord, let's head inside!"

"Oh!!  Okay! ", after agreeing with the 7th clan head. Gael and Arman both walked toward the mansion.

"Oh, before we go inside... when the head of the other clan and their members arrive, tell them that we are throwing a party for my little grandson."

"So tell them to come tomorrow night."

"As you wish, my lord."

"A party, huh? "Now I'm all excited," the Dragon King said.

"Haha, you are always ready for the party, huh, Arman?"

"Hoho! You can say that."

After their short conversation, they all went inside the mansion.

To be continued...