
Second Life: Second Chance

Ian Lionheart,  a royal knight from a little kingdom, has feelings for the princess of that kingdom.  They are both madly in love with each other, but one day, while the princess was on a brief excursion, the princes of the Empire suddenly assaulted them, and both the princess and Ian died in the attack. However, after Ian passed away, he was left in a dark place and was given a second chance to exact revenge on his love by obtaining a "curse system."  Will he be able to exact justice on those who wronged his love, or will the evil system eat him up?

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Chapter 5( Five Families )

"Sorry little master, I can't feed you from my breast, so that's why I'm feeding you Luna's milk."

"Luna is a magical beast, so you don't have to worry; her milk will help you gain strength."

[Remaining Point: 5]

[Host: You obtained the remaining points by drinking magical beast milk.]

"Remaining point??  What's that?? You didn't explain it before either. "

[You can distribute the remaining points in your stats to increase your stat level.]

"Hmmm, I can do that!"

[Yes, you can; now stop asking questions and distribute your points in your stats.]

[Or else I will distribute myself for you.]

"No, I will do it myself."

[Then, if you want to become strong, you have to level up and increase your stat level.]

"I understand about increasing the stat level... but how can I level up?"

[You don't have to worry about that because I will be giving you a quest.]


[Bastared host listens to me first; don't interrupt me when I'm talking.]

"O-Okay!!  "Don't get mad."


[Anyways, you can take a quest as a mission or a task that I will give you, and if you don't complete the quest that was given to you in the limited time, then you will face a penalty.]


[You will be punished.]

[It's so annoying to explain everything, Jen was the better host than you.]

"Huh??  Better than me? "Don't forget you were the one who killed him."

[Shut up, you don't know anything; I wasn't the one#######]

[Damn, this is happening again. Why can't I tell him anything that I want to say?]

"Hmm, what's happening?" "And what do you want to say?"

[It's nothing; just forget it and distribute the points already.]

Jen told me everything about the system, like how it operates and how it works. He also told me the system from his world will help its host by any means.

But when it comes to this system that I have right now, it is completely different from what I have heard about systems.

Jen warned me about this system. He said this system was a curse, powerful, and dark. And eventually, the system will devour me as well, so Jen said to be careful with the system.

But when I have a conversation with this system, I always feel like I'm talking to an actual human.

I don't know where this system came from, and Jen also doesn't know about it.

Does someone make this system to achieve their goal, I wonder.

[Host: I like how you distributed your points.]

[Name: Zen Whitlock]

[Age: 1 week old]

[sex: Male]

[Title: None]

[Race: half human, half elf]








[Sense: 5]


[Magic elements:###########]

[Remaining points:0]

I distributed 2 points in endurance (which was 0 before), 2 points in agility (which were also 0 before), and 1 point in strength.

My other stats are at a good level, so I didn't think it was necessary to distribute points to them.

But it still didn't reveal my magic elements.


"Oh, Cristo, you came."

"Yeah!! "

"Now who is this guy? "

"Oh, you are letting him drink your milk, Luna?" Cristo said, looking at Zen, whose mouth was still in Luna's nipples.

"Well, it's good for him. He will grow healthy by drinking your milk."

"Systemic active appraisal!"

[Activating appraisal]

[Name: Cristo Whitlock]

[Age: 21]

[sex: Male]

[Title: Nightmare]

[Race: Human]



"Hmm, Whitlock, is he my relative?"

"He is also strong, huh?" And what's up with that title? Nightmare ??"

[The title is the name that one will obtain after being recognized by other people.]

[You can take it as a nickname.]

"Hmm, so people call him Nightmare, huh? But why that name?"

[I can't answer the question.]

"Now come to your uncle's embrace." by saying that Cristo picks up Zen from the ground.

"Say hi to you, uncle."

Fool, I can't talk; don't you have a sense of humor? I'm just a newborn kid, so how can I talk, huh?


"Oh look, Leia, he is trying to communicate with me."

"Ahh, I didn't introduce you to her, right??"

"She is your aunt. I mean, your future aunt. I'm going to marry her after 1 month."

"Oh, so you are my uncle, and you were the one who was going to marry after one month."

"I heard about it when I arrived here with my grandfather and the Dragon King."

*BAAM*  suddenly something landed on the ground from the sky.

"What the??  "What was that noise?" .Zen said .


"Oh, don't cry!" It's fine, it's just some of the Empire's dogs came here."

I'm not crying. It's just that my body can't take that loud noise, and it scared my newborn body.

When the dust that was created by the people that just arrived at the mansion garden was cleared, five figures appeared in front of Zen and others.

"How dare you dogs make my nephew cry?"

"Young master Cristo, calm down, and you too, lady Leia, stop your magic spells."

"We came here by the order of the King," a man who looked to be in his late 30s said.

"And what do you mean by nephew, young master Cristo? "I never heard of young Master Zack having a son."

"You don't need to know that knight, Max!"

"Is that so?"

Hmm, that baby on Young Master Cristo's hand is the son of Young Master Zack??

But I never heard of him getting married. What's going on here?

Wait...that pointy ear An half-elf??

"So that's what's going on here, huh?"

Cristo notices that Knight Max has seen Zen's pointy ears, so he hides them with a cloth that Zen was warped around.

"Knight Max, do you want to go home safely or not?" Cristo said while giving a death stare.

The Empire's five knights, including Max, flinched at seeing Cristo's gazes.

(Max POV)

Even though the Whitlock family and the 7 clans work for the Empire, we can't totally control them because they are too strong for our empires to handle.

But the Whitlock family is not the only one; there are a total of five families, including the Whitlock family; these families are the most powerful households in the human race.

The Whitlock family controls the Western continent, and other families control their own continents. 

And there is one family that stands out the most from other families, and that family is...

"Ainsworth family," who control the central continent.

Even a kingdom or empire can't hold a candle to these five families.

"Did you hear me?"

"I heard you loud and clear, young Master Cristo, and I wanna go home safely too."

"So tell me, what did you guys come here for?"

"I will like to talk about this directly with Lord Gael."

"You wanna talk with Father, huh?"


"Then follow me!"


After that, Leia, Luna, and her four cubs also followed Cristo. 


(inside the mansion hall)

"Father knight from the Empire came to meet you!!"

"Yeah, we know!!"

"So tell me Knight Max why you want to meet me."

"Greetings Lord Gael." Max bowed.

"Hmm??  "Who's that person, Lord Gael?" Max asked looking at Arman.

"Oh him??  "He is just a guest, don't mind him."


That's bullshit  He doesn't look like just a guest; he looks like a predator who will devour anyone who crosses his path. The aura around him is too strong. Even though I'm far away from him, it's hard to breathe looking at him.

"Now tell me, knight Max..why did you come here?" lord Gael's voice snapped me from my fearsome thoughts.

"I... came here to invite the Whitlock family to our fourth prince's birthday party that will be held a week later, and the king himself said that the Whitlock family has to come no matter what."

"How dare he?

"Cristo, calm down."

"But Father.."

"It's fine, Cristo... and you knight Max, tell the king that the Whitlock family will come to the party."

"As your wise lord Gael."

"Now if you let me... I will like to take my leave."

"You are free to go, knight Max."

"Thank you, Lord!"


(After hours later)


"WHAT THE??"  Everyone inside the mansion hall was shocked by the loud explosion.

A long, pitch-black spear came through, breaking the wall inside the hall.

"A spear??".

"Something is attached to it," Leia said.

"A letter??"  Cristo walks toward the spear and takes the letter that is attached to it.

"No... no. It can't be." When Cristo opened the letter, he started to sweat.

"Cristo, what is written in the letter?" Gael asked.

"She... is coming back; my big sister is coming back."



To be continued...