
Second Life: Second Chance

Ian Lionheart,  a royal knight from a little kingdom, has feelings for the princess of that kingdom.  They are both madly in love with each other, but one day, while the princess was on a brief excursion, the princes of the Empire suddenly assaulted them, and both the princess and Ian died in the attack. However, after Ian passed away, he was left in a dark place and was given a second chance to exact revenge on his love by obtaining a "curse system."  Will he be able to exact justice on those who wronged his love, or will the evil system eat him up?

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Chapter 2( New Beginning)

"What the??."

Jen was right! After losing consciousness, I didn't know what happened to me, but when I opened my eyes, I found myself inside a baby. Jen told me that when I go to the past, the system will choose everything for me.

So because of the system, I'm now a baby.


[The reincarnation cycle is complete.]

[The host's new stats will be installed.]

"Huh??  new stats??  what's that??*

[New stats installation complete.]

[Name: None]

[Age: 10 minutes old]

[sex: Male]

[Title: None]

[Race: half human, half elf]





[Agility: 0]



[Sense: 5]


[Magic elements:###########]

[Remaining points:0]

"Are you kidding me? I'm now half-elf!"

"And why did it not showing me my magic elements?"

"And what do those remaining points mean?"

"System... I need an explanation!"

[Shut up host]

"What the??"

"Its tone changed!?"

[I don't think it's necessary to answer your question, host.]

"But if you don't give any explanation, how should I improve myself and grow stronger?"

[Huh??  You want to grow stronger?]


What's up with this system? It was working nicely up until now... but suddenly everything altered.

Is it really cursed, as Jen said?

[If you want to get strong, then...]

"We have to take the child now."

[Bastard, who's interpreting me?]

"System, please calm down."

[I said shut up, you damn host bastard.]


"System close!!"

[Damn, don't close me you, bastard.]

"Now, finally, peace!"

But what's going on here? Who is this old man who just came?

When my little body moved to the left, I saw a beautiful woman lying on the bed. Because of the system and the statue window, I hadn't gotten the chance to see my surroundings.

Now when I look around me, I find myself in a majestic place. It was a very grand room... I never saw a room as beautiful as this in my previous life.

But there is something more beautiful than this room, and that is the woman lying next to me.

"Who is she? She looks like high elf".

"Elva, we have to take him from here."

"But father, I hadn't even spent an hour with my son." Elva said, looking at the baby next to her, than she slowly put her hand underneath the baby and held it close to her chest.

"Elva, you know this too. We can't stay here any longer. The elder of the elven kingdom will be here soon."

"Are they talking about me? "Is she my mother?" I don't know what they are talking about or exactly what's going on here.

But I can say that there is something big going on here.

"Don't worry, Elva, I will take good care of him. After all, he is my grandson."


"Lord Gael, the elders are here." Suddenly, out of nowhere, a young lady appears inside the room.

"They came fast."

"Elva, you will see your son aging. It might take a few years, but you will see him soon."

"O-Okay!!  Father, but before you take him from me... I want to talk with him for a sec."


"You go and watch outside."

"Okay, my lord." After receiving her order, the young lady vanished into thin air.

"My lovely son, please forgive me. And your father, because of us, you have to suffer in the near future. Please forgive us." I wish I could go with you, but I can't, because I have my duty to fulfill as a princess of the eleven kingdoms... but don't worry, I will be always watching over you... My son Zen Whitlock."

[Host's first name obtained]

[Name: Zen Whitlock]

"I wish I could live with you and see you grow up little by little, but our situation won't let us have that luxury. Please forgive us, son." After saying that, she rubbed my cheek against her cheek while a tear fell from her eye. Looking at those tears I feel pain in my chest.

"Now take him with you, Father."

"I will give you every update about him... so don't worry, my daughter-in-law."

"Please do that!"

"I will!!!"

"Now everyone move out." With Gael's single words, lots of figures came out wearing black robes, and without a single noise, they all vanished along with ZEN.


Suddenly the door of the room opened, and lots of elves and the king of the elven kingdom entered the chamber.

"Damn, they have already gone." An elder elf bit his tongue.

"Princess, you will face the consequences of all this."

"And King Alger, we, the heads of the 12 clans, need an explanation from you about this."

After saying that, the elder elf and others left the chamber.


"That scared me!! Sorry daughter I wasn't able to stop them longer."

"It's fine, Father."

"Did Gael take the child?"


"Don't worry, he will take good care of him."

"Yeah, I know. But Father, any news about him?"

"No... nothing at all. We still have no clue about him."

"Is that so?"

"Anyway, you take some rest. I will handle the elders."

"Okay, Father!!."

When King Alger left the chamber, Princess Elva muttered

"Where are you, Zack?"

"I haven't seen you for years. Please come back."


(outskirts of the elven kingdom)


"What's happening here? Where are they taking me?" I haven't said goodbye to my new mother."

Well, even if I tried to speak, they would only hear my crying noise.

But to be honest, at first, I was happy to know that in this life I had a family, because in my previous life I was an orphan. I never received love from anyone until I became the royal knight. After all, through my hardship and hard work, I became the youngest royal knight in my previous life.

And then I meet Princess Alice... she is the only person that has ever loved me genuinely, without worrying about our status... I was really happy after meeting her, because she never let me feel lonely in my previous life...

But because of that bastard, my life was ruined. I will make sure to pay for what you bastards did to me and Princess Alice. Just you bastards wait for me. I will kill every single one of you.

By the way, what's up with this, my new family? What's going on here?

"Hmm, hey, that's tickling. Don't do it." suddenly someone started to poke my cheek.

"I said stop...!"

"What the??"

"Spirits??  "But why are there lots of them around me?"

"Oh my!!  "You have really loved my spirits, huh?"

"What is this grandfather of mine talking about?

"System, what's going on here??"


"Did you just pout?"

[Host: I'm not going to talk with you; how dare you close me?]

"Oh, so you are still mad about that?"

"I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

"But can you please tell me why these spirits are around me?"

[You don't even know that host.]

"No.  I don't."


[Host listens carefully: Those spirits are around you because of your bloodline.]

"My bloodline??"

[Damn bastard host, let me finish first]

"Ohh..okay!  Okay!  Please continue."

[You are now an elf; you are a half-elf, and elves are connected to nature.]

[And elves have much richer mana than other races.]

[But I also don't know why the spirits are attracted to a bastard like you host.]

"You don't know!"

"But why are you talking like this, huh?"

"Ahh, wait, now I remember... Jen said something about you before he vanished."


"Ian, there is something I want to say about this system."

"Yeah, tell me what it is."

"Well, the system that I know from my world doesn't operate like this... it is like this system has its own consciousness and free will."

"Does everyone have a system like this in your world?"

"No...no!!  That's not it. In my previous world, there was no system like this exist. But I read some novels that explain how a system like this works.

"So I'm saying that this system is completely different from the system that I know of... so you should be careful about his system."


"That's what Jen said."

And the way this system talks is unusual compared to what Jen said about his world system.

[Hey, damn bastard host?]

"Thank you for your service system. Can you please leave me alone?"


"Did it just pout again?"

"Lord Gael, we have arrived."

"What the hell?"

In front of me, there were hundreds of people wearing black robes who were standing.

"Who are these people?"

"Welcome back, lord." After saying that, all the people bowed toward Gael.

"Damn grandfather who are you exactly??"

To be continued