
Second Coming Of Gluttony: The Shadow of Death

Jack was alone all his life. He had to learn how to survive in a world that had completely left him behind. Eventually his fight for survival brought him into Paradise which would beat him to the ground harder than anything ever before. How will he overcome it? Only one word Survive. ---------------------------- I do not own any of the original works that is being written in this nor do I own the cover. Please go support the original author and read the original light novel as it is a very good read. If the original poster wants me to take the cover down just message me.

TAKEN · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

The Beginning of Death: Chapter 10

Currently Jack was drinking a coffee while relaxing in his room. After a month and a half of non-stop work Jack decided to relax for a little so he went out of his room and began to just look around the Neutral zone since all he had been doing since he got there was training. Jack walked past the gym and noticed that Seol and the blonde lady were talking. Jack had come to learn her name was Clair Agnes after going to the gym multiple times while they were there.

She seemed like quite the brutal woman so Jack avoided her since he did not want to get involved with her.

Jack then heard her mention Seol going to complete missions and Jack was quite surprised.

Jack 'All I have seen him do is train since we got here so this might be interesting.'

After that Jack continued to walk around the neutral zone looking for something to do when he finally noticed Seol completing missions he was completing them at a very quick pace although not as fast as he could do them.

Jack also noticed Odelette trying to talk to Seol about something but he just quickly tore another paper only leaving a few words behind.

Jack chuckled at this; he found her to be quite funny at times. After Jack recomposed himself he figured that he shouldn't get left behind and gathered his gear and headed down to the board.

Jack 'Hm, I wonder if I will be able to complete this impossible mission.'

Everytime Jack went to do missions he felt intimidated by the word impossible. He knew that he would most likely die if he tried it but something in him felt like proving that nothing was impossible so Jack decided that he would complete it no matter what before he left.

Jack then continued completing more missions. Odelette also tried to ask him to join her group but he just said no and ignored her since. Jack thought that if he was going to beat the impossible mission then his shadow soldiers and himself would have to get much stronger so he completed harder missions hoping to get some boost in strength with the stronger enemies becoming his shadow soldiers.


For the rest of the time Jack continued growing his army larger and getting stronger till there was only 5 days left. Jack figured that the impossible mission would take a decent amount of time to complete so he gave himself 5 days to complete it.

Jack had also noticed that Odelette had gathered a team and was bum rushing through various missions. She and her team had completed all the remaining intermediate and hard missions and were currently almost done with the harder missions so Jack felt a little pressured to hurry with the impossible mission in case they were planning on doing it.

Jack 'Well here goes nothing'

Jack then tore the paper and was immediately teleported to a forest-like area. He called his shadows and they spread out around the area. The soldiers had created a triangle shape around the forest with Jack at its center with a smaller more powerful group of soldiers. Jack was then alerted that there were enemies at the northernmost point of the triangle so he speeded over with his group and they quickly engaged the small group of enemies. The enemies looked like elves but their skin was darker than what he thought it would be. They used Bows quite well and hid in the trees to avoid getting detected and found.

The battle was hard fought as Jack and his soldiers were greatly out matched. They did finish the group off though using their numbers to exhaust the enemies.

After that Jack had gotten an alert that there was another group heading in from the north east so he headed over and the rest of the soldiers on that line began fighting the group and they finished them off quicker this time since Jack knew how the enemies actually fought. Jack and his soldiers kept this formation up and killed all the attackers although it took them a total of two days for the enemies to retreat.

At least that was what Jack assumed they did so he was currently resting and regaining his mana. Jack had realised from this battle that large scale battles that lasted for a long time would be advantageous and disadvantageous for him at the same time. Since Jack could make the dead enemies into his shadows he would get stronger as time went on although his mana would quickly run out due to the shadows getting defeated and regenerating.

This made Jack realize that he needed to learn a skill that would allow him to restore his mana supply faster than what he was consuming. Although he realized it he couldn't act on it currently as he was still inside of the dangerous impossible mission.

Jack 'Well I guess we should begin a siege on the main fortress as that would probably be the final challenge in this mission.'

After Jack decided his next move he rested for the rest of the day. The next day commanded his soldiers to begin to encroach on the fortress that was located at the foot of the large mountains that Jack saw when he first arrived there.

As they were making their way forward they ran into many scouts sent out by the fortress. The scouts were a great deal stronger than what they had encountered previously making Jack and his soldiers have a harder time making it to the fortress. After struggling against the guardians for a day Jack decided to retreat since if he continued to fight then he knew he would lose.

So he called his soldiers to retreat and set up the triangle formation.

Jack 'This is not working. I think I should have a large force attack their main gate while having two smaller forces flank them so we can finish them off more cleanly.'

Jack made his mind up and made Bellivir and Hook be the leaders of the two teams. Hook's group was made up of goblins, lizard men, and a few wolves and bears. While Bellivir's group was made of skeletons, knights, and a few horses that the knights rode on. Jack took the large majority of soldiers and after recovering his mana commenced the attack.

Jack's group engaged the main force although they were losing noticeably at the beginning they began to get to equal footing when Jack resurrected some of the Guardians. Jack then signaled for Hook to head in and they quickly turned the tides of the battle.

Jack had resurrected a large number of the guardians making the battle more in his favor but more of them had shown up a little after they had begun winning making it more difficult once again.

Jack called in Bellivir and they managed to finish off the rest of the guardians outside of the gates although the battle was hard fought. Jack then headed inside and there they saw the boss surrounded by around 100 of the guardians. Jack charged his army and engaged the boss and his group. Jack's shadows were holding on and were not losing the battle in any way so he charged towards the boss who was ten feet tall.

Jack 'This is going to be tough.'

The boss swung what seemed to be a pillar at Jack which he narrowly avoided by jumping over. Jack then charged up the boss' arm and tried to stab one of his eyes out but was swatted away by a hand. Jack then threw his sword towards it's neck but it just bounced off as well. Jack was then hit by the pillar and thrown into a wall.

Jack 'Damn that hurts.'

After that Jack charged towards it and sliced its heels after that the boss fell to its knees. It seemed enraged that it was losing and struggled to swing its pillar at Jack. Jack then rushed towards it and summoned a spear and stabbed it into the boss' brain. Jack then helped his army clean up the rest of the guardians in the room. Jack commanded his army to gather the bodies afterward.

Jack "Arise"

Shadowy arms reached out of the ground and pulled themselves up revealing a large army of what looked like elves with a large 10 foot giant in front of them.

Jack "I will name you Samson."

Samson kneeled and bowed his head deeply. Jack then realized that there were still probably a few stragglers left behind in the forest so he and his new and improved army went out and finished off the rest of the guardians. This in itself took another day as they were having trouble finding all the hiding guardians.


Jack popped back into the commons area. It was the middle of the night and there were very few people still up so he quickly made his way up to his room and hopped on his bed. Jack woke up the next day and realized that he only had one day left so he knew that he would have to go down to the VIP store and use some of the 312,000 survival points that he had gathered over the past three months. He also had the VIP item voucher that he could use which would help greatly in buying something expensive.

After showering and grabbing a coffee he was heading to the VIP store and noticed a bunch of people near the board yelling and complaining about how there were no missions. Jack figured Odelette and her team clean sweeped the rest of the missions on the board. Jack then opened the door and was greeted by Seol who was looking at things to buy with a nervous face.

Jack walked up to the counter and asked for a list of items he could buy.

Jack "I will take the 2 ambrosia and the divine elixirs for luck, strength, and stamina."

The person at the counter was shocked but handed it to him. Jack then was looking at the highly priced items and noticed that none of them really struck his interest. After a little deliberation Jack figured that the only useful item would be Psychi's tears so he got them with the VIP store coupon and asked if there was any good light armor that he could buy. The clerk was surprised and didn't answer for a few seconds but quickly recomposed himself and showed some armor to him. Jack bought some leather armor that would not restrict his movement so that he could still fight in his peak condition. After that Jack rested for the rest of the day.


Jack was currently standing in the commons area listening to Cinzina talking about paradise. Jack didn't listen and they were soon shuffled into a gate and when they walked out what greeted them was a vast plane that was completely empty, bordered by a bright blue sky. Jack shaded his eyes and found Sam who was standing off to the side.

Someone mentioned something about a tower and Jack spun his head around noticing a large white tower. He was a little shocked but shook it off soon after and headed towards Sam. Sam had a large smile on his face.

Sam "Well how is Paradise my friend!"

1911 words for today. This one was quite long and I also took a lot longer than usual to write it so sorry about that. School was kicking my bum this week but now it is the weekend so yay! Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter and as always let me know if there is anything you would like me to change or fix. Enjoy!

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