
Second Chance as a Ninja

harukazuchi · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

6. Walking 'Dead'

2 weeks have passed since that cursed day. Everything is back to normal except for these two little girl attitudes. I am happy that they take care of me. I am also really grateful that they are filial kids. But sometimes I can feel a different meaning from their pretty smile and it makes me feel scared.

My chakra also increases slowly these days. Hinata was happy seeing my progress. She even brought a chakra test paper and help me to determined my chakra affinity. Although the paper did not change much, she said that I have an affinity for wind and lightning. Seeing my result, Naruto was laugh hard and got hit by Ino. Inuzuka was laugh but stop immediately after Hinata glare him. Her shyness is really gone slowly. Made me remember my uncle word, 'Kid really grow up quickly'. I felt a little bit 'lonely'.

My relationship with Sasuke has also become better now. I became his sparring partner. Although I understand that he really felt grateful to me, he still couldn't say thank you to me. Instead of saying 'thank you', he taught me about ninjutsu and Shuriken techniques. What a cute kid!

Sasuke: "Did you already remember the seal?"

Yuuki: "I already remembered it but it didn't work.. *scratch hair*"

Sasuke: "It's weird.. Maybe it is because you don't have chakra. *thinking*"

Yuuki: "*stab* (Kids these days are really straightforward..) I see.."

Shikamaru: "Sasuke, how about teach him a Clone technique? Shadow Clone technique is B-rank so it's hard for kids like us."

Sasuke: "*sigh* Yuuki, I will teach you Clone technique."

Yuuki: "(Please don't see me with that disappointed face.. *embarrassing*) Thank you.."

I could execute the Clone technique perfectly after 2-3 trials. I became curious about ninjutsu rank so I asked Sasuke and Shikamaru to teach me ninjutsu techniques that have the same rank with Clone technique.

Yuuki: "I see.. So, I can use E-rank ninjutsu now. *smile*"

Sasuke: "Hmph! It's just E-rank ninjutsu, everyone can learn it easily!"

Yuuki: "*stab* (This kid!)"

Hinata: "Yuuki-kun, don't worry! Even if I can't use ninjutsu, I can still protect you!"

Yuuki: "*stab* (I know you are strong enough even without ninjutsu. But please don't rub a salt on my wound..)"

Ino: "Yes, I also can use some C-rank ninjutsu, so I also protect you!"

Yuuki: "*stab* (Even this girl who only know how to teasing her friend can use C-rank ninjutsu..)"

Shikamaru: "*sigh* (These girl really troublesome..)"

Naruto: "Sasuke, teach me E-rank ninjutsu!!"

I was saved by Naruto. I thought that I was the worst but it seems that I still have a 'partner' here. Sasuke was reluctant to teach Naruto, so Shikamaru and I taught Naruto about Clone technique. Unfortunately, he failed to execute it.

I asked Hinata to examine Naruto's body to see his chakra quantity but unexpectedly Hinata said that Naruto has massive chakra. His body is full of red chakra and he looks likes a chakra bomb. I was surprised but after seeing everyone's response, I thought something was wrong but refrained from asking because I was afraid that I would hurt Naruto's feelings.

I decided to ask Naruto to execute the Clone technique once again while letting Hinata observe his body.

Hinata: "Umm.. Yuuki-kun, it seems that Naruto uses too much chakra when he executes Clone technique. His chakra also turns chaotic for a while. Maybe he still couldn't control his chakra properly."

Yuuki: "I see. Thank you. *pat Hinata's head*"

Hinata: "Mm.. *smile*"

Yuuki: "Naruto, come here. Maybe I can help you."

Naruto: "Really?!"

Everyone: "*curious*"

Yuuki: "Put your hands like these and then close your eyes."

Naruto: "Okay!"

Yuuki: "I will touch your hand gently and slowly now. Can you feel it?"

Naruto: "*laugh* Yuuki, it tickles!"

Yuuki: "Bear it for a while! Now, control your chakra slowly according to my finger movement. Don't be in a hurry! Just slowly! Also adjust your breath!"

Shikamaru: "*surprised* (Simple but good method! Sometimes I feel that Yuuki is mature like an adult. Although he is 'bad' with women. He really needs to learn how to control his girls like Naruto.. *sigh*)"

After teaching Naruto for 1 hour, finally his chakra movement became calmer. Even though he still failed to execute the Clone technique, Hinata could see that Naruto's chakra is not chaotic anymore like before.

Yuuki: "Good! Then just do this training method everyday until you can use the Clone technique properly!"

Naruto: "Ehh!!"

Yuuki: "(This kid!) *sigh* If you don't want to do it, it's okay to stop it."

Naruto: "No!! That's not what I mean!"

Yuuki: "Hmm?"

Naruto: "Instead of a man, I want to be touched by a beautiful girl!"

Everyone: "*cough* (This dumb blond / dumb kid !)"

Yuuki: "Fine, then just ask Hinata, Ino or-"

Naruto: "I want Sakura to help me!"

Hinata, Ino: "*blushing* (Yuuki-kun said that I am beautiful!)"

Yuuki: "*sigh* Sakura, can you help Naruto, please?"

Sakura: "*annoying* (This dumb Naruto!) Okay.."

Naruto: "Ye--!! *happy*"

Kids these days are really bold. Maybe I would have become like them if I hadn't lived in the Sengoku era before.


1 week has passed since Naruto started his special training. Although it's not completely failed, he can make an ugly 'Naruto' clone now.

I also learned some D-rank and C-rank techniques from everyone but I couldn't execute it at all. I just try to remember these technique's seal hands for now. Maybe they will help me in the future.

Instead of focusing on ninjutsu, it's better to focus on kenjutsu. I, who lived as a samurai in the past, have been trusting my life in katana for 25 years. I also still have money from my 'parents' so I decided to buy 2-3 katanas.

I ask Shikamaru's help and he guides me to the shinobi tools shop. Shikamaru is really a dependable boy!

We go to the shinobi tools shop together. In a blink of an eye, the quiet shop became noisy after 10 kids arrived.

Naruto: "Look! It's a kunai blade!"

Inuzuka: "Eh, instead of kunai blade, I prefer explosive-tag kunai!"

Aburame: "We are still not Genin yet, so it's not allowed to bring an explosive-tag kunai."

Sakura: "Sasuke, looks! They also sell a secret weapon here!"

Ino: "Hair ornament weapon! Yuuki-kun, looks! It's a pretty ornament! Do I look pretty? *happy*"

Yuuki: "(This is why I hated shinobi in the past.. Their bodies are full of weapons!) Yes, it's pretty. How about this red one? *smile*"

Ino: "Let me try it! *happy*"

Hinata: "Mmm.. *fidget*"

Yuuki: "Hinata, do you also like these ornaments?"

Hinata: "Yes.. *blushing*"

Yuuki: "(As expected of kunoichi. Even if they look gentle, they are tigress inside..) How about this blue one? You will look prettier. *smile*"

Hinata: "Really?! *happy*"

Shikamaru: "*surprised* (I was wrong! He is a real player! Is it his natural talent?!)"

We looked for a while but unfortunately I couldn't find any katana here. I asked the shopkeeper and he said that he didn't sell katanas here but he can prepare one if I order. I am not in a hurry, so I thought to order one katana first to see the quality. But I was shocked when the shopkeeper told me the price. One katana is 3 million ryo. A normal katana is 2 times more expensive than a Muramasa!

Shopkeeper: "*laugh* To make a katana, I need a special black steel to make it more durable. Unfortunately, black steel is rare these days. "

Yuuki: "I-I see.."

Shikamaru, Aburame: "*hold laugh* (It's the first time, I saw his shocked face!)"

Naruto: "Yuuki! Looks, they also sell a custom seal tag! *bring a catalog*"

Yuuki: "Hmm.. Onmyouji seal?"

Everyone: "*laugh*"

Yuuki: "What happened? *confuse*"

Shikamaru: "Yu-Yuuki.. *wipe tears* This is an explosive tag not onmyouji seal!"

Yuuki: "Explosive tag?"

Ino: "*wipe tears* It will explode if you ignite it with chakra or fire."

Hinata: "*wipe tears* We are permitted to bring it after we graduate and become genin."

Yuuki: "*scratch hair* (What shrewd tools!) I see.. Hmm.. 10000 ryo for 1 low tag seal and 20000 ryo for 1 high tag seal!"

Shopkeeper: "*laugh* It's hard to make this seal so the price is high! I also only have around 50 seals."

Yuuki: "Ah! Uncle, do you want to buy second hand seals?"

Shopkeeper: "Sure, as long as it is in good condition!"

Yuuki: "Good, then please buy my seals! *take of clothes*"

Shikamaru: "Yuuki, what are you do- *surprised* (Explosive seal!)"

Ino, Hinata: "Yu-Yuuki-kun!!"

Aburame: "Wait, why do you stick so many explosive seals in your back clothes? *surprised*"

Naruto: "ooo! Yuuki, you look cool!"

Inuzuka: "So, you can also use explosive seals like that!"

Shopkeeper: "Kid! Do you want to die?! You can blast my shop together with your seal!! *jump back*"

Yuuki: "Ah, I found many seals like these at my house. I thought that they were onmyouji seals to protect someone from evil spirits. *laugh*"

Shopkeeper: "(This kid is really crazy!)"

Shikamaru, Aburame, Sasuke: "(I couldn't laugh anymore now.. He always wears these explosives when playing with us.. He could even blast the academy easily..) *cold heart*"

Hinata: "Yuuki-kun, do you also tag the seals around your house? *worry*"

Yuuki: "Ah, yes. I will peel off later. *laugh*"

Everyone: "..."