
Second Chance as a Ninja

harukazuchi · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

5. Girl is Scarier than Tiger

Next day, I came to the secluded place again. It seems like teasing Hinata has become my new hobby now.

We chat and train together. She told me that she was weak but when I fought her, she looked like a Tomoe Gozen in the myth. Power, agility, accuracy and resolution are top class. Even Sasuke couldn't match her.

If not because of my experience, I already 'died' now. I could only barely evade her attack. My hand and my body are full of bruises. I feel like she is teasing me now.

Yuuki: "Hinata, let's take a rest! (My ribs are broken.. What a scary little girl!)"

Hinata: "Yes! *smile* Ah, I made a simple lunch today.. How about we eat together? *low voice*"

Yuuki: "Sure, thank you! I really appreciate it. *smile* (Her docile appearance is really not match with her fierceness..)"

Hinata's home-made lunch looks crude but they are delicious. This girl really has the ability to become a top kunoichi in the future. I am really fortunate to have known her since she was a kid.

After eating together we chatted together. Hinata told me that she found a method to increase my chakra.

Yuuki: "I see.. So you just need to hit my vital point and inject it with a little chakra every day.. (Is it just a acupuncture?)"

Hinata: "Yes, I found it when I read an old book yesterday!"

Yuuki: "(*sigh* How could I reject you, if you show me that face..) Okay, let's try it. I trust you. *smile*"

I stand up and spread my hand. I just let her hit me. I hope her method is not a fake method or she will kill me.

Hinata: "*deep breath* Yuuki-kun, I will go now!"

Yuuki: "Okay!"

*bone sound*

Ah, I remember the first time I went to my first war. I was 12 years old at that time. I ride my horse beside my father. The war was smooth at first because the opponent was far weaker than our troops.

But unfortunately, I was tired and felt dizzy at that time after I saw many people die in front of me for the first time. I fell down from my horse and then was kicked by my own troop horse many times. It was really a miracle that I survived at that time.

Yuuki: "*wake up* Hmm.. I have a good dream just now.."

Hinata: "Yuuki-kun!! Are you okay?! *cry*"

Yuuki: "*smile* Ah, don't worry! I am okay! *laugh* I feel energetic now!"

Hinata: "Really?! You just passed out when I hit all your vital points! *crying* *hugging Yuuki*"

Yuuki: "(Hmm.. If I think carefully, it's a miracle to survive after my vital points have been hit by her brutal force..) Don't worry. I feel like your method is working. *caress Hinata's hair*"

Hinata: "Really? Can you feel your chakra now?"

Yuuki: "(Not only chakra, I can even feel the Sanzu river boundary just now..) Of course I can. *smile*"

Hinata: "*wipe tears* I see.. But let's stop for today, I will hit you again tomorrow."

Yuuki: "*surprised* (EH! Do you really want to kill me?! *cry*) Okay, thank you.."

Hinata took me home while supporting my body. She accompanied me for a while before going home. Her kindness and gentleness really touch my heart. I am sure that she will become a good wife in the future.

"Ah, I feel weak but except for my ribs bones, the other bones are okay. My bruises are also gone. Is it really working?"

I want to try to feel my chakra again but I give up because my drowsiness is far stronger than my will.

Next day, I woke up and found that my body was in good shape. My broken ribs also do not hurt anymore. Hinata's method is not fake.

I can also feel my chakra clearly now. Although my chakra is few now, I can feel them moving inside my body.

"So I can become a shinobi now! *laugh*"


Ino: "*surprised* Eh, Hinata? What are you doing here?"

Shikamaru: "*surprised* (I have a bad feeling..)"

Choji: "Ah, Hinata, good morning! Are you also visiting Yuuki?"

Shikamaru: "(Choji!! What are you doing?!)"

Hinata: "Go-good morning! Ye-yes, I am visiting Yuuki-kun.."

Ino, Shikamaru: "*surprised* (Yuuki?! Did she just call Yuuki by his first name?)"

Ino: "I-I see.. Then I will call him for you."

Hinata: "Ah, don't worry! I have his spare key. I can open the door for you. *smile*"

Ino: "*shocked* Sp-spare key.. Shikamaru!! *grab Shikamaru's collar* Explain it to me now!!"

Shikamaru: "(Please let me go home now.. *cry*) Ino, I really don't know anything. Let's just ask Yuuki later."


After changing my clothes, I heard a noise in front of my house. I was surprised when I opened my door. Hinata is flustered and tries to stop Ino who is shaking Shikamaru while scolding him. Only Choji is eating potato chips leisurely.

I tried to stop Ino but unexpectedly she hugged me while crying. I was surprised and didn't know how to act for a while. I can only pat Ino's back while waiting for her to stop crying. I was really embarrassed when my neighbors came out and saw us. They just smile and then shake their heads and leave. Why does no one lend me a hand?

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I picked Ino and brought her inside my house. I also ask everyone to enter my house and close the door tightly.

Ino: "*wipe tears* Yuuki-kun!! *hug Yuuki*"

Yuuki: "Ino, what happened to you? Are you fighting with Shikamaru? *look at Shikamaru*"

Shikamaru: "*shake his head* (My stomach hurts.. I really want to go home now..) *take a peek at Hinata*"

Hinata: "*pout* (Why she hugging Yuuki-kun!)"

Ino: "Yuuki-kun, do you hate me?!"

Yuuki: "Of course not!"

Ino: "Then do you like me?!"

Yuuki: "Of course I like you! Now tell me what happened!"

Ino: "I see! So you like me! *smug face* *look at Hinata*"

Hinata: "Yuuki-kun! You like me, right?! *jealous*"

Yuuki: "Eh? Of course I like you! *confused face*"

Hinata: "*happy* I see. So you love me.. *low voice*"

Shikamaru: "Yuuki, please lend me your toilet! My stomach can hold it anymore!"

Yuuki: "Sure! Just go quickly!"

Ino: "Hmph! It seems that we need to talk carefully now, Hinata!"

Hinata: "Yes, let's move to the Yuuki-kun room now. Yuuki-kun, don't try to eavesdrop. *serious face* "

Yuuki: "Ye-yes! Just take your time slowly! (Scary!! What happened with everyone today! I need to ask Shikamaru now!)"

Choji: "Yuuki, can you lend me a plate?"

Yuuki: "Yes, just open the cabinet near my kitchen! Shikamaru! Are you already done?!"

Shikamaru: "So-sorry! My stomach is really hurt now! Can you buy stomach medicine for me, please? *cry*"

Yuuki: "*helpless* Okay, please wait a minute! *go out quickly*"

I went to the nearest drugstore to buy some medicine but unfortunately I forgot to bring my money. I ran back to pick up my money and go to the drug store again. After that I helped Shikamaru to drink his medicine.

After waiting for around 1 hour, Ino and Hinata finally came out from my bedroom. They don't look like they're fighting anymore. What was going on with everyone today? I feel really tired now.

After everyone calms down, I invite everyone to go out and eat lunch together. But unexpectedly, Ino and Hinata stopped me because they said that they wanted to cook for us. I tried to persuade them but after I saw their 'scary' smile, I could only nod and say yes.

At the end, we ate lunch together. Ino and Hinata look very friendly to each other, but their smiles are really scary. It's the first time I've seen someone's smile scarier than an angry face. They urge me to eat their dish until my stomach hurts. Today is really my bad day. Did someone put a curse on me?