
Second Chance as a Ninja

harukazuchi · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

7. Hostess

Everyone helped me to tear off the seals around my house. After collecting everything, there are around 500 high explosive seals. It seems that my 'father' was quite rich. He just wasted 10 million ryo on these papers. I don't understand his feeling when he burned 20 thousand ryo each time he used this seal.

I decided to sell half of them. The shopkeeper bought them 15000 ryo per seal, so finally I can buy one katana. The remaining money I used to buy some hair ornaments for Hinata, Ino and Sakura, some kunai and shuriken for Naruto, dog ornaments for Inuzuka and treat everyone with barbecue meals. I felt that I really became like a dotted uncle now.


I already stopped self training ninjutsu and focused on sharpening my taijutsu and kenjutsu. I made a wooden sword while waiting for my katana to finish. This wooden sword really made me nostalgic.

Iruka-sensei taught us how to release our chakra affinity. Although I felt like being stabbed by a thousand needles, I can coat my wooden sword and my body with lightning now. My blade becomes sharper and my movement also becomes quicker. If I could go back to the Sengoku era, I believe that I could kill a thousand enemies alone.


It's already been one year since I came here and today I couldn't hold it anymore. I already train hard with everyone. I have also taken care of these little kids since I came here. I need to release my 'stress'.

I said goodbye quickly to everyone after the class was over. Before everyone said anything, I decided to leave quickly.


Inuzuka: "Yuuki looks weird today. *curious*"

Naruto: "Yes, I also thought that! He was looking outside while dazed off! Even Iruka-sensei scolded him many times today!"

Shikamaru: "Hmm.. *thinking* Ino, wha- Eh, where is Ino?"

Aburame: "Ino and Hinata already went out. It seems that they are following Yuuki secretly. My bugs are going with them."

Choji: "Maybe Yuuki was just hungry!"

Inuzuka: "Don't think that everyone is like you!"

Sasuke: "I will go!"

Sakura: "Sasuke, wait for me!"

Naruto: "Eh, don't leave me behind!"

Aburame: "Shikamaru?"

Shikamaru: "*sigh* Let's follow them. I also worry about Yuuki."


I have already investigated every shop in this village, and 'Puff Puff Heaven' is the best shop. My neighbor's uncle also said that Ohana-neesan is the best girl. I will choose her later. Now I need to prepare some gifts for her. What a beautiful day!

Sasuke: "Ino, did you lose his trail?"

Ino: "Sasuke, everyone! What are you doing here?"

Inuzuka: "We have the same reason as you! By the way, where is Yuuki?"

Ino: "He just entered that shop!"

Sasuke: "I see. So, we just need to wait here for now."

Naruto: "That is a flower shop! Does Yuuki want to buy a flower? I never knew that he likes flowers!"

Aburame: "No, I think he just wants to buy a flower for someone. *take a peek at Ino and Hinata*"

Shikamaru: "*sigh* (My stomach is hurt again!)"

Inuzuka: "Hoo! Maybe he wants to propose to someone! *gigle* I will let everyone know tomorrow!"

Hinata, Ino: "*surprised* *blush* Propose??"

Naruto: "Ah, maybe he wants to give it to Aoki aunts! I just saw that they were talking happily yesterday!"

Shikamaru, Aburame: "(This damn blond!)"

Hinata, Ino: "*glaring Naruto* Naruto, tell me everything in detail now!"

Naruto: "Eh! *scared*"

Sasuke: "Yuuki is out! Let's follow him!"

Shikamaru: "(Safe for now! But my stomach is still not safe..) *stomach sound*"


"Preparation is complete! I just need to go home then take a bath quickly!"

After taking a bath, I change my clothes and use Transformation technique to change my height. I am afraid that someone will catch me if I randomly transform myself so I just change my height and arrange my hair to look more mature.

I move quickly to prevent my neighbors from seeing my face. Finally I arrived in front of 'Puff Puff Heaven'!

I entered the shop and was greeted by a beautiful woman. I saw her tag name and found that she is Ohana. What great luck!

Yuuki: "Excuse me, can I ask Ohana-neesan to accompany me? *smile* *give a flower*"

Ohana: "*cukle* Thank you. Then let's drink together. *grab Yuuki's hand*"

Meanwhile, Shikamaru and the others are peeking from the shop window. Fortunately, Aburame bugs can deliver the voice to them, so everyone can hear Yuuki's conversation clearly.

Inuzuka: "Hana-nee!! Why? Did Yuuki want to become my big brother?! *surprised*"

Shikamaru: "(It's over! I want to go home now! *cry*)"

Ino: "*shocked* *anger* Good! Now, let's teach him about 'wife' authority!"

Hinata: "*cold smile* Yes, I will make him become an obedient 'husband' from now on!"

Shikamaru, Aburame: "(You are jump too far!)"

Shikamaru: "Sakura, Choji, Sasuke help me to restrain Hinata! Naruto, Inuzuka and I will restrain Ino!"

Everyone: "Okay!!"

Sasuke: "(Hmm.. What kind of shop is there?) *curious*"

I am drinking happily with Ohana-neesan. She is really good at serving her customers. I really don't regret my choice.

I spent 300000 ryo to drink with her. Ohana-neesan is really good at complimenting, it made me flutter. After drinking too much, I become dizzy and choose to go home. I still need to attend class tomorrow.

I said goodbye to her and dragged my body heavily.

Yuuki: "What a great night! Beautiful sky! *laugh*"

Hinata, Ino: "Yuuki-kun. *smile*"

Yuuki: "Ooh! Hinata! Ino! Ah, everyone here! *laugh* What are you doing here?"

Shikamaru, Aburame: "(He already forgot his condition!)"

Hinata: "*hold Yuuki's right hand* Yuuki-kun, let's go home. *smile*"

Ino: "*hold Yuuki's left hand* Let's walk slowly. *smile*"

Shikamaru, Aburame: "(I want to go home but I am afraid that Yuuki will be killed.. *worry*)"

Inuzuka: "Let's help him! I have many questions for him!"

Sasuke: "Yes, I also have a question for him."

Naruto: "Inuzuka, your sister is pretty!"

Inuzuka: "*proud* Of course!"

Shikamaru: "(Please shut up or you will be killed by two demons!) *sigh*"