
Seclusion System: Exile to Ascendance

In a realm where cultivation determines one's destiny, Feng Chen, A Reincarnated modern day highschooler, once dismissed as worthless and exiled from his prestigious clan, discovers a hidden path to redemption. Gifted with the Seclusion System, an enigmatic tool that rewards intense isolation and training, Feng Chen embarks on a transformative journey. Driven by a desire to prove his worth and reclaim his rightful place, Feng Chen navigates a treacherous world fraught with rival clans, ancient secrets, and mystical powers. As he delves deeper into cultivation, he uncovers forgotten techniques and rare insights that set him apart from his peers. However, amidst his quest for power, Feng Chen must confront his inner demons and the shadows of his past. With each challenge he faces, including a rare and deadly affliction threatening his life, Feng Chen discovers new depths to his abilities and forges alliances that shape his destiny. As he ascends through the ranks of cultivators, Feng Chen's journey becomes a testament to resilience, determination, and the boundless potential of the Seclusion System. Will he succumb to the temptations of power, or will he transcend his origins to become a legend in his own right? ----- • Upload Schedule -> 5 Days a Week... will upload more if I feel like it :D Oh! And if like the story, Do leave your reviews!!! :>

WanderingShadow1 · Eastern
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28 Chs

Ch 18: The Fist God’s Last Wish

As Feng Chen greeted the dead respectfully, he entered the cave. It was small yet cozy, with an aura of calmness that seemed to welcome him. The skeleton sitting on the mat appeared to have been powerful in life. Feng Chen noticed a piece of paper in its hands. He picked it up and unfolded it. It was a letter.

It read, "I've been stuck here for countless years now. I thought cultivating to a higher realm would be enough for me to escape this place. But I can't. I've been placed under a barrier. I can't escape. Whoever reads this, I wish you'll respect my, a dead man's, wishes. Please bury me near this cave, and there's a necklace around my neck. Take it and give it to a beast named Xiou Hu, if you ever meet him. Tell him that Xiou Chen was unsuccessful."

Feng Chen's eyes widened in shock. "Xiou Chen! The Fist God?" He could hardly believe it. The Fist God was renowned throughout the mortal world, a legend among cultivators. Feng Chen trembled at the thought that a Tribulation Transcendence Realm cultivator would have died in such a dreary cave. Even his father, a Soul Transformation Realm cultivator, was nothing compared to this legend.


System Notification:-

New Mission: Find Xiou Hu and give him the necklace when you are powerful enough to find him.

Reward: Fist God's Fist Technique.


Feng Chen's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. He was ecstatic! He started imagining himself using the legendary Fist God's Fist Techniques. Unconsciously, he began to drool. Yin and Yang, watching their master, started mocking him. Yin flicked its tail at Feng Chen's cheek, snapping him out of his daydream.

He quickly wiped his mouth, feeling embarrassed. "Alright, alright, I'm not drooling," he muttered, trying to save face. He respectfully bowed to the skeleton and carefully took the necklace. It was a bright cerulean, exuding a very pleasant aura.


System Notification:-

You have obtained the Necklace of Life.

Description: The necklace is ancient and grants its wearer a protection barrier that activates automatically and can block an Ascendant Realm cultivator's attack once a week.


Feng Chen's jaw dropped. "Can I not just keep this instead?" he asked the system, his tone half-joking, half-hopeful. Yin and Yang began to mock him again, hissing and flicking their tails.

"Oh, come on! I was joking!" he said, laughing awkwardly. He placed the necklace in his inventory and got another prompt, indicating that a new section for his profile was unlocked.



- The Necklace Of Life


Seeing the new section made him even happier. He went outside the cave and started digging a big enough hole to bury the dead legend. He respectfully picked up the skeleton and laid it in the grave, carefully covering it with soil. He placed a big stone on top and engraved, "The Fist God Rests Here."

Bowing deeply, Feng Chen paid his respects. Yin and Yang whispered to each other, "At least he has some sense of respect. Maybe we judged his character too quickly."

Returning to the entrance of the cave, Feng Chen declared, "System! I choose this cave as my new seclusion spot!"


System Notification:-

Mission Completed!

Rewards Given: Barrier (Growth Type) and Qi Gathering Array (Growth Type).


Feng Chen was ecstatic. He had read about such rewards in a manga once and knew how beneficial they would be for his cultivation. He started daydreaming about how fast he would reach the peak of cultivation with these tools, looking down on the myriad of beings. He drooled a bit again, causing Yin and Yang to burst into laughter.

Realizing he was daydreaming again, Feng Chen quickly wiped his mouth and grinned sheepishly. "Alright, let's get started," he said, full of determination.

Yin coiled around his arm, whispering, "Is our master always like this?"

Yang replied, "I think we should have chosen more wisely."

"Oh, come on, you two," Feng Chen said, laughing. "I promise I'll be a great master!"

The trio settled into their new home, basking in the satisfaction of a hard-earned seclusion spot. Feng Chen couldn't help but feel that, despite the ups and downs, he was on the right path. He silently thanked Xiou Chen and vowed to honor his legacy.