
Seclusion System: Exile to Ascendance

In a realm where cultivation determines one's destiny, Feng Chen, A Reincarnated modern day highschooler, once dismissed as worthless and exiled from his prestigious clan, discovers a hidden path to redemption. Gifted with the Seclusion System, an enigmatic tool that rewards intense isolation and training, Feng Chen embarks on a transformative journey. Driven by a desire to prove his worth and reclaim his rightful place, Feng Chen navigates a treacherous world fraught with rival clans, ancient secrets, and mystical powers. As he delves deeper into cultivation, he uncovers forgotten techniques and rare insights that set him apart from his peers. However, amidst his quest for power, Feng Chen must confront his inner demons and the shadows of his past. With each challenge he faces, including a rare and deadly affliction threatening his life, Feng Chen discovers new depths to his abilities and forges alliances that shape his destiny. As he ascends through the ranks of cultivators, Feng Chen's journey becomes a testament to resilience, determination, and the boundless potential of the Seclusion System. Will he succumb to the temptations of power, or will he transcend his origins to become a legend in his own right? ----- • Upload Schedule -> 5 Days a Week... will upload more if I feel like it :D Oh! And if like the story, Do leave your reviews!!! :>

WanderingShadow1 · Eastern
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29 Chs

Ch 17: The Mysterious Hill

As Feng Chen wandered through the outer forest under the light of the moon, he couldn't help but talk to Yin and Yang. "You know, this place is kind of spooky at night," he said, half-jokingly.

Yin flicked his tongue, "Spooky, but filled with opportunities."

Yang added, "And probably some dangerous creatures."

They walked for hours, their conversations making the journey seem shorter. Suddenly, Feng Chen stopped in his tracks, staring at an odd-looking hill in the distance. "Why is there such an unnatural hill in the outer forest like this?" he pondered aloud.

Yin and Yang sensed something unusual. "The Qi around that hill is strange," Yang noted, his spiritual affinity allowing him to detect the energy more precisely.

Feng Chen's eyes widened. "An array! That must be an array."

He instructed the snakes to look for any strange clusters or gatherings of Qi around the hill. They spread their senses, scanning the area meticulously. "There are nine points where the Qi is continuously gathering and spreading," Yin reported.

"Lead the way," Feng Chen said, excitement bubbling within him.

They visited each of the nine points, and Feng Chen couldn't believe his eyes. Some points were on trees, others on flowers, and one even on a single blade of grass. "How is this even possible?" he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

With careful precision, he destroyed each of the points. The hill started to dissolve into a thick fog. A system prompt appeared before him:


System Notification:

You have successfully destroyed a Grade 5 Illusion Array.

Reward: Grade 1 Illusion Array.


Feng Chen was both surprised and shocked. "A Grade 5 Illusion Array could potentially kill my father or deal a fatal blow to his senses and mind," he mused. "And I just destroyed it because of you two." He glanced at Yin and Yang, his eyes shining with gratitude and greed.

Yin and Yang looked at each other, confused. "Should we be happy he finally understands our worth or start looking for another master?" Yin whispered.

Yang chuckled, "Let's give him a bit more time."

As the fog cleared, it revealed a small cave. Feng Chen's eyes sparkled. "This could be my new home!"

The cave was spacious enough for a single person, well-built, and even had a mat and a bed. Feng Chen felt like he had struck gold. "This is perfect," he said, stepping inside.

To his surprise, he saw someone sitting on the mat in a lotus pose, as if meditating. His heart skipped a beat. "Uh, hello?" he called out hesitantly.

There was no response. Feng Chen edged closer, only to realize that it wasn't a living person but a skeleton. He let out a nervous laugh. "Phew, for a second I thought I was going to have a roommate."

Yin and Yang slithered in, observing the scene. "Look at him," Yin snickered. "He almost wet his pants."

Yang laughed, "And here we thought he was fearless."

Feng Chen rolled his eyes, "Very funny, you two."

Despite the humor, Feng Chen felt a deep respect for the skeleton. "This must have been a powerful cultivator once," he thought, bowing slightly. "May your rest be peaceful."