
Seclusion System: Exile to Ascendance

In a realm where cultivation determines one's destiny, Feng Chen, A Reincarnated modern day highschooler, once dismissed as worthless and exiled from his prestigious clan, discovers a hidden path to redemption. Gifted with the Seclusion System, an enigmatic tool that rewards intense isolation and training, Feng Chen embarks on a transformative journey. Driven by a desire to prove his worth and reclaim his rightful place, Feng Chen navigates a treacherous world fraught with rival clans, ancient secrets, and mystical powers. As he delves deeper into cultivation, he uncovers forgotten techniques and rare insights that set him apart from his peers. However, amidst his quest for power, Feng Chen must confront his inner demons and the shadows of his past. With each challenge he faces, including a rare and deadly affliction threatening his life, Feng Chen discovers new depths to his abilities and forges alliances that shape his destiny. As he ascends through the ranks of cultivators, Feng Chen's journey becomes a testament to resilience, determination, and the boundless potential of the Seclusion System. Will he succumb to the temptations of power, or will he transcend his origins to become a legend in his own right? ----- • Upload Schedule -> 5 Days a Week... will upload more if I feel like it :D Oh! And if like the story, Do leave your reviews!!! :>

WanderingShadow1 · Eastern
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26 Chs

Ch 19: "The Grand Magician"

Feng Chen's eyes sparkled with joy as he received his rewards.


System Notification:

Mission completed!

Rewards - Barrier (Growth Type) and Qi Gathering Array (Growth Type)



- Barrier (Growth Type): A life-bound barrier that contracts with a host and can be used as a barrier. It can block the attack of a major realm higher than the host. Both the size and strength improve as the host's cultivation advances.

- Qi Gathering Array: A life-bound array that contracts with a host and can be placed inside a barrier. It can gather the maximum amount of qi required to break through the realms as fast as possible.


Feng Chen almost fainted from these descriptions! It felt as if his soul had left his body through his mouth. Yin and Yang, watching him stare into the air for several seconds before collapsing, were baffled. They wondered if someone had cursed him.

As he regained consciousness, Feng Chen opened his inventory to retrieve the rewards. The barrier was a hand-sized, transparent globe floating in one hand, while the qi array was a similarly sized complex array in the other. He asked the system how to use them, and the system prompted him to give them a bit of his qi and blood to make them recognize him as their owner, then place them where he wanted to deploy them, such as the center of the cave.

Excitedly, Feng Chen began transferring his qi into the objects. Yin and Yang, looking on, thought he was performing a magic trick. They hoped to see some good fireworks, as they were only a month and a half old. Once he had transferred the right amount of qi, Feng Chen called for Yin and Yang.

Expecting him to want them to take a closer look, Yin and Yang approached. He asked them to bite his arms just enough to make them bleed. Sharing a mischievous grin, they transformed to his size, widening their mouths as if to devour him. He immediately bonked them, telling them to return to their original size and bite him only a bit. They complied, and blood began to drip from his hands.

Yin and Yang, still waiting for fireworks, watched as Feng Chen tilted his arms, letting the blood flow onto the barrier and array. The objects absorbed the blood and began to glow, lighting up the entire cave. Yin and Yang's jaws dropped; they now believed their master was a grand magician and admired him even more.

Unaware of their thoughts, Feng Chen placed the barrier at the center of the cave. It began spinning clockwise, increasing in size until it covered the entire cave and some of the surrounded ground.


System Notification:

You have successfully deployed the Barrier!

The Barrier can block the attacks of a Core Realm Cultivator. No one stronger than Core Realm can now enter the barrier without your permission and from outside, the concentration of qi and the changes that happen inside the barrier wont be noticable by every and all realm cultivators!


Yin and Yang, expecting a toy, were surprised when the barrier passed through them, changing their perception of Feng Chen. He was now a grand magician in their eyes.

Next, he placed the array at the center of the cave. It also began spinning and expanded to the size of the barrier, gathering an unprecedented amount of qi.


System Notification:

You have successfully deployed the Qi Gathering Array!

The Qi Concentration inside the Barrier will now rise upto the maximum amount of Qi required by a Core Realm Cultivator to achieve Breakthroughs!


Yin and Yang, sensing the increased qi, revised their opinions again, now seeing Feng Chen as an archmage.

The cave's atmosphere transformed completely. The high concentration of qi revived dying vegetation, and the bleeding in Feng Chen's arms stopped as his regeneration abilities were strengthened. He began daydreaming about how smooth his life would be now, while Yin and Yang looked at him with admiring eyes, almost as if their gaze would pierce through his body.

As Feng Chen basked in his success, Yin and Yang whispered to each other, "We definitely made the right choice... or did we?"

Their confusion made Feng Chen laugh, breaking the tension and filling the cave with a joyful atmosphere.