
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

Four Years of Being Cuckolded

"No, thanks." John spoke without much emotion. He was feeling inexplicably irritable at the moment, with images of Jane being thrown away like garbage constantly popping up in his mind. He felt a tearing sensation in his body that made him uncomfortable.

Kevin and Mark looked at each other in surprise. They could tell that John was feeling down tonight, and apart from Jane causing him trouble, there was nothing else on his mind.

Mark kicked the table corner irritably. He had grown up with John and witnessed every little detail of his youth with Jane.

When Jane was a child, John, who was five years older, treated her like a princess. Whenever her eyes got red, he would hold her in his arms and comfort her as if the sky was falling.

But now, she had turned into this kind of person.

Kevin had met John when he studied abroad and did not know about John's childhood sweetheart with Jane. He only thought that as a man, he should save face and beat the betrayer.

He reached out and took the wine from in front of Mark, then handed it back to John. "You can't get a divorce for now, but you can drown your sorrows in alcohol."

Mark was about to stop him, but John had already stood up. "Haizi, could you take me home?"

Kevin raised an eyebrow. "You're going home so early?"

John picked up his coat and headed out. "I need to take my daughter home."

Kevin clicked his tongue. The little girl was also Jane's child, but John did not show any resentment towards her. He spoiled her endlessly, making Kevin feel that John was not over Jane.

Jane fell asleep in the bathtub. Someone pulled her hair, and she opened her eyes groggily to see Jack holding a towel and wiping her hair.

When he saw her wake up, his little face froze. He turned and ran out, but he did not leave the bathroom. Instead, he hid behind the sliding door and secretly peeked inside.

"Jack--" Jane fully awakened, realizing it was difficult to speak as if something was stuck in her throat. She noticed the bathwater had already turned cold, and she had caught a cold.

With throat cancer and a cold, she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Just then, Jack walked over, carrying a towel and her pajamas, and she felt warmed up. She struggled to speak, "Thank you."

Her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, almost just a breath.

Jack timidly glanced at her and placed the clothes down before running out again.

Jane emerged after getting dressed and saw Jack sitting at the edge of the bed. She walked over and hugged his small shoulders, gently embracing him. But in the next second, he burst into tears.

With tears streaming down his face, he clung to Jane tightly, shouting "Mom, Mom, I'm sorry."

When he saw his mother fainting, he regretted it. He shouldn't have been mean to his mother.

Even if... even if he wasn't really his father's child, he was still his mother's. The person who loved him the most in the world was his mother, yet he still treated her badly.

Jack was a bad kid.

He pursed his small lips and felt more and more remorseful.

Jane also felt heartbroken. "Jack, don't cry. Mom doesn't blame you."

Even if he was precocious, he was still a child. It was understandable for him to be influenced by others and say a few hurtful words.

Could she still be angry with a child?

Jack cried for a long time before finally stopping. Afterward, he held onto Jane and refused to let go, so she had to hold him and sleep together.

The next morning, when Jane woke up, Jack was no longer in the room.

She washed up and went downstairs, forcing herself to make it to the dining room where everyone was already present.

Emma and Elizabeth sat on one side, and Alice sat across from them in the spot that was once hers.

Since Shen Hui's death, Song Ru had started calling Jane's mother "Mom" and her father "Dad," even more affectionately than she called her own biological daughter.

"Mom, Dad--" she exerted all her strength to greet them, but her voice still sounded weak like a fly, and her complexion was not good. She looked pale and haggard, all because she was sick. However, in their eyes, she seemed like a guilty thief.

"They think her ugly affair of stealing someone else's lover has been exposed, that's why she looks so lost and helpless."

"Jane, have you divorced John?" Alice asked casually while eating her omelet.

Jane's heart skipped a beat. She had planned to divorce John due to her illness, but everyone has a rebellious heart. Now, being pressured by her parents and even Alice, she felt unhappy and resentful.

Besides, she wanted to spend more time with Jill. If she divorced, John would take away even the chance to look at Jill.

Especially when she thought that she might die, she couldn't bear to leave her child.

"We need to divorce as soon as possible to avoid any more trouble," Emma said with no expression. As a man, he could empathize with the feeling of being cheated on, let alone having a bastard child.

John had already done them a favor by not exposing Jane's child.

Elizabeth sighed and looked at Jane with disappointment. "If you want to be with Jack's father after the divorce, we don't object. But you have to leave S City, don't stay here... It's embarrassing."

Jane clenched her hands tightly under the table, feeling misunderstood and forced by the people closest to her, her heart aching and numb.

"Jane, you will get a divorce, won't you?" Alice asked, still not at ease, tilting her head to one side.

"I..." Jane's throat was hoarse, she couldn't say a word, but Emma and Elizabeth stared at her, waiting for a positive answer.

Thinking she didn't want to divorce, they both looked unhappy when she remained silent.

Emma slammed her bowl on the table, pointing at Jane's nose and cursing loudly, "John has already given you face by not revealing your bastard child. You still want to stay with him?"

Just then, Jack walked out of the kitchen with a glass of lemonade, freezing when he heard Emma's words, standing there awkwardly as he watched his grandparents scolding his mother.

His mother wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

"My mom's throat is hoarse and she can't talk," he hesitated before walking over to his mother and handing her the glass of water, then looked up at his grandparents who were targeting his mother, "My mom loves my dad and she doesn't want to divorce. And she has Jill, too. Grandpa and Grandma, you can't force her."

Swish... three pairs of eyes stared coldly at him.

This little kid, despite being sick, could already speak long sentences at less than two years old, and he was even more articulate now.

"I don't know whose child it is."

"Shut up, kids should not interrupt when adults are talking," Alice glared angrily at Jack. This brat had just cursed at his mother when he listened to her before, and now he's defending her? It's really frustrating.

Jack stubbornly held his neck and tilted his head, staring back with a rebellious look.

Alice became furious, and slapped Jack when he reached out. By the time Jane reacted, Jack had already fallen to the ground. "You..." Jane's eyes widened, her throat burning, and she couldn't say a word.

Alice snorted coldly, "Your child has no manners. You don't let anyone discipline him?"

Jane felt very uncomfortable. Her Jack was a good child. He knew she didn't want to divorce unless she had no choice. He was only hit because he helped his own mother.

She was heartbroken and even more afraid that he would have a heart attack. She nervously watched him, her nerves tense.

Her parents didn't care about any of this and issued a final ultimatum, "If you dare not to divorce, our Jane family will have nothing to do with you from now on. You should leave now."