
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs


Jane had been holding on, but now she was almost at her breaking point. She turned to Aunt Xia, who was standing by her side, and opened her mouth. Aunt Xia understood immediately and went upstairs, "I'll help Miss Jane pack her luggage."

Since Song Ru came into the house, Miss Jane had been losing her status. Now that all these things had happened, it was better to leave. After all, Miss Jane had been living outside since she got married.

Jane took Jack back to her and John's wedding house in Mingzhu Garden. John had lived here for over a year before he took Jill back to the old house of the John family after the children were born, and he never came back.

Aunt Xia felt sorry for Jane, who had not even had breakfast at home this morning. As soon as they arrived at the villa, Aunt Xia made breakfast for her. After she ate, she took some medicine and went back to sleep in a daze.

Jack insisted on staying at home to take care of her and even missed kindergarten.

When Jane woke up, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon, almost time for Jack to be picked up from kindergarten.

She tidied up a bit and went to see Jill, with Jack following her.

It wasn't yet time for preschool to let out, but Jane had wandered over to the activity area around the railing. There were children playing there, and she looked around eagerly, hoping to see Jill.

And she actually did see her.

Jill was wearing a sea blue striped hoodie, jeans, and sneakers, with two pretty little braids in her hair, playing on the slide with her classmates.

"Sister!" Jack noticed the intense look on his mother's face as she watched Jill and took the liberty of calling out.

Jill turned her head and saw them.

Jane couldn't help but reach her hand through the iron bars, unable to make a sound. She just smiled and mouthed "Jill", her child's name.

Jill suddenly ran over to them when she saw her. Jane was stunned and thought that Jill didn't want to see her, feeling a bit disappointed. But soon enough, she saw Jill coming out of the kindergarten. There was a hole nearby that she could crawl out of.

Jill came over to them, and Jane immediately crouched down and hugged her, lovingly rubbing her tender little face and stroking her soft hair. "Mommy!"

Jill touched Jane's face, a smile on her little face.

Watching this, Jane's heart melted. She had thought that Jill had become estranged from her and didn't want her anymore, but it turned out that there were obstacles between them that prevented them from being together.

"Mommy is sick and has a sore throat." Jane had been silent the whole time, and Jack was afraid that Jill would be upset, so he explained.

Jill gave him a disdainful look and turned to hold Jane's hand. "Mommy, let's go eat."

Jane was overjoyed and immediately took Jill to a nearby snack shop to find something to eat. There happened to be a dessert shop, and the three of them each got a serving, enjoying it together.

Jill had snuck out, and by this time, the preschool teachers had gone crazy looking for her.

As soon as they left the dessert shop, the preschool teachers spotted them from across the street and shouted loudly, "Jill!"

Jill was startled and instinctively hid behind Jane. But then a small truck came roaring out of an alleyway and plowed straight into Jane from behind.

She couldn't see what was happening behind her, but Jack saw it clearly. His hand moved faster than his brain, pushing both Jill and Jane to the side.

In that moment when they fell, Jane instinctively protected Jill, but she saw Jack being hit and thrown by the truck.

Her scalp was exploding with fear as Jill cried heavily in her arms. Just as she was about to check if Jill had fallen, a kindergarten teacher snatched her away, and someone called 911. An ambulance quickly arrived and took the two children to the hospital.

Outside the emergency room, Jane anxiously waited as three kindergarten teachers, including the principal, glared at her angrily.

"Click, click, click..." The sound of high heels clicking on the marble floor filled the hallway. Just as Jane looked up, Mrs. Land struck her with a heavy slap.

With a fierce expression, Mrs. Land stared at Jane with deep-set eyes. "This slap is for letting my granddaughter get hurt."

Jane's face went numb, and her ears rang with a buzzing sound. She furrowed her brow, not wanting Jill to get hurt either!

Seeing Jane's discontent in her eyes, Mrs. Land coldly sneered and raised her hand again. This time, Jane was prepared and stepped back when the slap came, but she was pushed by the kindergarten principal and still took the slap.

"This slap is to tell you that you are not worthy of touching my granddaughter. Stay away from her."

The sound of the slap echoed through the quiet hallway.

Jane's face quickly swelled up, and she could barely hear anything. She felt more humiliated than anything else. She never thought that as an elder, Mrs. Land would hit someone, and her words were so harsh.

She wanted to defend herself, to say that Jack was more injured than her trying to save Jill, to say that she was Jill's mother and had the right to see her. However, her throat felt torn, and she couldn't speak. She was so anxious that her face turned red and white.

Mrs. Land sneered at her and didn't want to hear her nonsense. She turned her head and looked at the kindergarten principal.

The principal had already pushed all the blame onto Jane on the phone and now saw her getting hit. She realized that Jane was not well-liked and quickly took the opportunity to clean up the kindergarten's reputation. "She intentionally abducted the child outside, and we didn't even know. She also took the child to the dessert shop. If Jill hadn't left the kindergarten, this accident wouldn't have happened."

Mrs. Land was even angrier.

Just then, a hurried footsteps sounded.

John arrived quickly with Mark, followed by Emma and her husband, whom they met in the hospital parking lot.

After introducing himself as a surgeon, Mark went into the emergency room.

John's face was as calm as water, and his eyes fell on Jane like knives. "What happened?"

Jane's throat was hoarse and she couldn't speak even though she opened her mouth.

The kindergarten principal next to her quickly repeated what she had just said.

Seeing John's dark expression, Emma and her husband felt that something was wrong and exchanged a glance. Emma stepped forward and yelled, "You wicked girl, kneel down and apologize."