
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

a betraying wife who is now looked down upon

As she spoke, the passerby unexpectedly pulled out an egg from his bag and smashed it onto Jane's face.

Caught off guard, Jane's forehead was hit by the egg, which cracked open and splattered all over her face.

The commotion caught the attention of those around, and soon she was surrounded by onlookers.

She resisted, but was pushed and shoved around, and her sunglasses and mask were taken from her.

Then more people began throwing things at her.

Leftover bubble tea, bottles of mineral water, even someone threw a kitchen garbage bag over her head, and someone even took the opportunity to throw small stones at her.

In the chaos, her once beautiful face was now covered in foul-smelling stains, with several spots on her forehead bleeding from being hit by stones and breaking the skin.

"This is what you get for singing on behalf of others..."

"You're a fake when it comes to charity, you deserve to be condemned by others."

Despite the blood flowing from her forehead and the dirt all over her face, Jane stood tall, trying to keep her eyes open as she stared straight at the few people who had started the violence against her.

Those few were intimidated by her gaze.

It's unclear who called the police, but they eventually arrived to disperse the crowd.

Jane gritted her teeth, holding onto a lamp post on the side of the road as she slowly crouched down.

She held back her tears and wished she could disappear into a crack in the ground, but at the same time, she felt like she had done nothing wrong.

Why couldn't she show her face in public?

As she was lost in her thoughts, a pair of shiny leather shoes appeared in front of her. She looked up along the trouser leg and met John's gaze.

He was impeccably dressed in a suit, with extraordinary beauty and a pair of cold, mocking eyes that showed no mercy or tenderness towards her.

Endless Indifference!

He looked down on her from his superior position, "As long as you tell me who the adulterer is, violence like today will never happen again."

Jane widened her eyes, which were partially covered in dirt, and her hands unconsciously clenched into fists.

"Those people, did you order them to attack me?"

The women who led the attack and the man who threw stones at her from the crowd clearly had prepared beforehand.

She couldn't believe that no one had instructed them.

John lowered his gaze to Jane.

Her beautiful face no longer showed any hint of color, and there were several broken spots on her forehead with fresh blood oozing out. She was dirty and smelly all over, and even the beggars on the side of the road were cleaner than her.

She was obviously in a miserable state, and should have been in extreme pain, but she still diverted the topic and refused to reveal who the man was!

She even suspected that he was behind this?


He had misjudged her.

"I'll ask again, who is the adulterer?"

He bent down slightly, and the icy coldness in his eyes was like tangible frost, freezing people's hearts.

Jane innocently looked at him, feeling a chill run through her body, and her arms unconsciously hugged herself.

Because that person didn't exist, she had no answer.

She could only look at him innocently.

The man's appearance was extremely remarkable, with sculpted features and an even more noble temperament. But now, his thin lips were tightly pursed, clearly suppressing a great anger.

"Jane, you're asking for trouble."

She had been bullied to this point, and she was still defending that man!!!

John's forehead veins were faintly throbbing, and his tightly clenched fists showed a pale blue color, "You will regret it."

Jane shuddered.

Last time he had warned her that she would regret it, and he had completely ruined her music career. Now, what else did she have left to destroy?

When John returned to the car, Jill was leaning against the window, staring at Jane with teary eyes. She didn't say anything, but her tears wouldn't stop.

"Don't cry," Jill had cried when she saw Jane chasing after their car.

Her crying had made him feel restless, and inexplicably, he turned the car around and went back.

The scene he saw was the one he had just witnessed.

As the car drove away, the sight of Jane's figure shrinking under the lamppost gradually disappeared.

Jill turned her head and slowly stopped crying.

"It's all her own fault," she suddenly said.

John's hand on the steering wheel tightened.

It seemed that those loose-lipped people in John's estate should be dealt with to prevent them from polluting his daughter's ears.


A camper followed Jane from afar, enjoying her misery.

Inside the vehicle, Alice repeatedly watched the video of Jane being thrown into the trash and couldn't stop smiling. "It's like knocking down a wall with everyone pushing. Haha, what a so-called queen of the music industry, an irreplaceable diva, and now look at her, falling to such a lowly state today."

After she had seen enough of the video, she took out a wad of cash from her bag and threw it at the few people who had led the assault. "You did a good job."

The few people nodded and bowed, taking the money and quickly getting off the car.

Lisa, who was driving in front, looked back at Alice, who was beaming with satisfaction. "Do you think Jane will think John did it?"

Alice nodded confidently.

"What if John explains himself?" Lisa asked.

"John is too proud to explain himself," Alice said, smiling at the window.

Lisa thought about it and couldn't help but laugh. "Looks like good things are coming your way."

Alice touched up her makeup in the mirror. She had a red carpet event to attend tonight, and after Jane was gone, she would be the brightest star. It was her time to shine.

"After Jane is completely destroyed, not only will her family belong to her, even the starlight will be inherited by her!"

"Squeak—" the car suddenly slammed on the brakes, causing Alice's lipstick to smear, making her angry and glaring, "Can't you drive properly?"

At that time, they were still neighbors, with busy parents who were too occupied with their businesses to take care of them. She had no playmates, so she clung to him all day long, and their relationship became very close.

So close that in their entire youth, she only had John.

At first, he was just the older brother next door, her playmate. But as they grew up, he became the boy she admired, the one she wanted to marry.

At 13, she believed that the happiest thing in the world was when you liked someone and they liked you back, reciprocating each other's feelings.

She still remembers him patting her head with an indulgent smile and promising, "I will take care of you."

But now, the person who bullies her the most is him.

Tears streamed down her face.

In the quiet bathroom, sadness was like a mist, enveloping her.

At the same time, at the Ding Huang Club.

John's glass was snatched away by Mark with a swift motion. "You can't drink anymore," he said.

This was already the third bottle of vodka. No matter how good his alcohol tolerance was, he would get drunk.

John didn't even bother to take it back. He just leaned back on the sofa and started smoking.

Mark was studying medicine, so he knew the dangers of smoking and drinking. He couldn't help but nag, "If you're upset, why not just get a divorce? It's better than keeping her around, bothering you."

"Tsk...you don't understand John at all," Kevin interrupted. "He's been wearing that cuckold's hat for four years, and he even raised another man's child for four years. He still doesn't know who the adulterer is. If it were me, I wouldn't divorce. I would drag her down to the grave and expose everything, then crush that pair of cheaters."

Mark shuddered at Kevin's cold-blooded words. "Ugh...that shameless woman. If it were me, I would divorce her immediately and cleanly. There are so many socialites and ladies in S City. Why cling to this rotten flower?"

Kevin had the personality of someone who would retaliate with ten kicks for every punch he received. In his eyes, John was even more vengeful than him, so how could he let Jane off easily?

"Why don't we expose the child and then hire some trolls to incite public opinion and let those brain-dead fans go after Jane directly?" Kevin was the general manager of Alexander Media, and he was the one who orchestrated the previous exposure.