
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

Dog bites dog(1)

"Alice Garcia was shocked," said the text.

The Edwards family didn't look like they belonged in high society, so where did they get the nerve to demand so much money right off the bat?

"We heard you're a really hot celebrity, and Starlight's Elizabeth is your aunt. You can definitely come up with six million," said Carl Edwards' sister, tossing her hair and staring at Alice Garcia with greedy eyes as if she saw an ATM in front of her.

Alice Garcia's face turned cold and sour. She was a good celebrity, but she spent a lot of money on jewelry, designer bags, and other luxury items. She didn't have much savings to speak of. After a careful calculation, she realized that the balance on all of her bank cards combined was less than two million.

"At most, two million. I don't have more," Alice Garcia said.

Carl Edwards' sister's face twisted when she heard this. "My brother has a debt of over five million just from gambling. Are you trying to brush us off with this paltry sum?" she sneered.

Their mother chimed in, "Exactly. We get hundreds of thousands from Carl Edwards every month. He's just a laborer, and you're a celebrity. How could you not have money?"

Alice Garcia couldn't help but laugh at this. She was starting to regret involving Carl Edwards' family in this mess with Jane. It was like lifting a rock and smashing her own foot with it.

"Carl Edwards got that money by stealing, do you understand?" Alice Garcia had to stand firm since the Edwards family was being unreasonable.

Elizabeth warned her before coming that she had to resolve this situation in one shot. Otherwise, if she got tangled up with these greedy people, it would be like leeches sucking blood with no end in sight.

Alice raised her voice to try and intimidate Carl Edwards' parents, but she clearly underestimated their shamelessness. As the saying goes, barefoot people aren't afraid of those with shoes, and the Edwards family was like the former.

They knew that their son had lost his job and ended up in jail, and they had to pay off his gambling debts. Even if they paid it off, they wouldn't be able to make ends meet. Therefore, they were determined to get six million.

"Six million, not a penny less," Carl Edwards' sister insisted, staring at Alice Garcia with a rigid neck and unyielding eyes.

Alice Garcia's face turned pale with anger. "At most, I can give you three million," she said, trying to bargain, but Carl Edwards' parents were not buying it.

With no other options, Alice Garcia stood up and walked to the side to make a call to Elizabeth. After hearing the situation, Elizabeth was also furious, but Alice Garcia was already in their grasp. What could they do?

"Wait at the coffee shop for a bit, I'll give you something," Elizabeth said.

Alice Garcia didn't want to face Carl Edwards and his family, so she turned to go to the restroom. But to her surprise, Carl Edwards' sister followed her and said, "Miss Jane, my brother says you are very talented. You may be making small money now, but you will surely soar to success in the future."

Alice Garcia was so angry that she wanted to slap Carl Edwards' sister, but she held back.

About fifteen minutes later, Elizabeth arrived. She didn't get out of the car but lowered the window and handed a document to Alice Garcia. Upon opening it, Alice Garcia immediately understood. She walked back to the coffee shop and said, "This is a three million dollar check. You just need to sign here."

Carl Edwards' sister roughly skimmed through the document. It was a confidentiality agreement, stating that they could not say anything negative about Alice Garcia. There were four copies, and all four members of the Edwards family needed to sign.

"My parents are illiterate, so they don't need to sign," Carl Edwards' sister said. Signing the agreement meant that they couldn't ask for more money in the future, which made her very reluctant to sign.