
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

A small plan(2)

Elizabeth was still scrolling through news online about Carl Edwards' parents while Alice Garcia looked on. Most of the comments were criticizing Jane, but there were also some who urged calm and rational discussion. Some people even claimed that Carl Edwards had committed a crime and had been arrested, and that further investigation by the police was needed.

"This news is not good," Elizabeth frowned, thinking that Alice Garcia had acted recklessly this time.

"Why?" Alice Garcia looked confused.

"Jane has evidence of Carl Edwards' crime, and the police have it too. When the charges are confirmed, the police can issue a statement to clear Jane's name. The more this news spreads, the more sympathy she will receive. Isn't this indirectly helping her increase her publicity?" Elizabeth looked at her accusingly.

Alice Garcia thought for a moment and slowly understood. She put down her nail polish and looked a little lost. "What should we do then?"

"There are two ways. First, we at Starlight should issue a statement before the police do, announcing Carl Edwards' crimes and declaring that we will not tolerate them. Second, we wait for the police to issue their statement first, and then we can issue a statement in response." Elizabeth sighed.

Alice Garcia pursed her lips. "I choose the second one."

The police wouldn't make an announcement so soon, and Jane would receive more criticism for another day. Alice Garcia felt a sense of satisfaction, not wanting Jane to become a sympathetic figure.

Elizabeth shook her head fondly. "You, compared to her, still can't keep calm."

Alice Garcia pouted. "I just can't compare to her. She was accused of cheating and having a child out of wedlock, and all her great songs have been replaced by someone else. If it were me, I would either die of anger or jump off a building. But she's still jumping around every day, like an indestructible cockroach."

Elizabeth lowered her gaze, her eyes filled with dimness.

"Bang bang bang -" The door was rhythmically knocked. Both of them came back to their senses. Alice Garcia shouted, "Come in!" and the person outside pushed the door open. As soon as they saw who it was, their mood turned sour.

Jane greeted Elizabeth and Alice Garcia before focusing her gaze on Alice Garcia. Alice Garcia felt uneasy under her scrutiny and asked, "What are you staring at me for?"

Jane replied seriously, "Cousin, have you done something to betray me?"

Alice Garcia's eyes flickered, "What are you talking about? What have I done to betray you?"

Jane said earnestly, "I heard from a friend in prison that Carl Edwards wants to reduce his sentence by implicating you. I thought you might have done something to betray me."

Alice Garcia's heart skipped a beat, and she became angry. "Carl Edwards must have slandered me."

Jane nodded and said, "It's good that you're innocent, but I'm afraid that Carl Edwards might say something against you."

As she spoke, Jane intentionally or unintentionally looked at Elizabeth. She appeared calm, without any emotions or nervousness. Either she was hiding it too well, or she was unaware of what Alice Garcia had done.

After speaking, Jane left.

"Mom, I may be in trouble." Alice Garcia had a pale face. Elizabeth saw her serious expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

Alice Garcia burst into tears and recounted the story of poisoning Jane and deceiving her into going to the United States, only to have the plan fail. Elizabeth listened calmly for a while before saying, "It's okay, as long as we keep Carl Edwards in check."

This undoubtedly reassured Alice Garcia, who then started making calls to find connections and try to meet Carl Edwards in prison. However, she was rejected and had to turn to Carl Edwards' parents.

That night, Alice Garcia met Carl Edwards' parents and his sister at a coffee shop. She indirectly asked them to relay a message to Carl Edwards, asking him to keep quiet. Carl Edwards' family was known for their street smarts and shrewdness. They immediately made a bold request, "Okay, give us six million, and we guarantee that Carl Edwards won't say a word."