
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

Whadyamean · Video Games
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50 Chs

To Cure the World

Upon using the Way to come back to Site-19 I was greeted by


(Gained: 1500 points, 1 Storefront, 1 Factory (Workers, not Materials Included), 10 buisnessmen sumons

(Quest Complete:Not Just A Desk Worker)

You have decided you needed some action, and being stuck to a desk isn't healthy, fortunetly there are many targets from SCP's, to Anamalous Organizations or you could do in the World Trade Centre in 1986. Overall you just wanna do something to get the blood pumping.

(Received): (Item) based on how Dangerous the thing you did was

+Raided Foundation Site-88

+Inflitrated Site and was only found out when subterfuge commenced

+Succesfully impersonated Foundation guard

+Liberated multiple SCP objects from Site-88 (Safe)

+Eliminated a squad of MTF Unit Epsillon-11 Designated Nine Tail Fox

+Forced Site Director to evacuate

+Caused Millions of Dollars of property damage

+Almost destroyed an entire floor of records

+Sucessfully raided a Foundation Site with minimal casualtys

(Received: Enigmatic Figure)

A mask worn by the leader of a powerful group of spectres. This mask has been imbued with their power through the century that it stayed on their face that it fused with them. The only way to separate it from the wraith was to kill them.

A mask that in its passive state no one can see and will automatically protect any attacks against the users head due to exerting their will on the objecs

-In its passive state entitys see the user without the mask as if the mask wasn't there.

-In its active state the mask blurs the user into a shadowy figure who entitys struggle to perceive and if the user is able to be perceived your appearence constantly shifts infront of there eyes.

After dismissing the notification I took my newly acquired mask and inspected it, just as the name implied it was blank with no holes for the eyes. It more resembled a white sheet of armour yet seemed weightless. I pondered how to put the mask on as there was no strap. But as I thought of putting it on in floated infront of my face and disapeared. I looked at my hands confused as I couldn't see were the mask went, but when I tried to touch my face I instead hit something. Intrigued I thought of taking the mask off, to which it then became visible and floated to my open hand.

As I put the mask back on I called a guard over and asked them to touch my face. The guard looking quite confused then went to touch my face but hit an object. Asking the guard to try and go around it had the guard confused as they couldn't seem to get around what was blocking my face. And that's how I discovered its other ability

(Enigmatic figure)

This mask aside from its increased durability makes it so the user can alter how those perceive them through manipulation of the mask.

-In its passive state entitys see the user without the mask as if the mask wasn't there.

-In its active state the mask blurs the user into a shadowy figure who entitys struggle to perceive and if the user is able to be perceived your appearence constantly shifts infront of there eyes.

-User can exert there will onto the mask to have it protect the user from danger

Having been happy of the outcome I went into my office and began the studying/living conditions for the SCP's we had liberated.

Despite my intelligence I had been ignorant of my own physical condition relying on anamolous objects to fill the gap. I intended to fix that, and with my 5 (Executives) I would have to time to do so.

(1 Month Later)


Strength:Above Average


Endurance:Average (aillments:Lead poisoning)

Wisdom:Too High

Intelligence:Way Too High

In the middle of my physical training I was interupted by a guard saying. "Sir Chief scientists George and David request your presence."

I responded by saying, "I will be there in 10"

The guard saluted me and left. I got ready and had walked through the doorway to the lab 9 minuites later. Walking into George and David's lab I was greeted by a dead body wearing SCP-269 and George and David wearing bracelets reminiscent of SCP-269 but with the difference of having an orange hue to it. As I walked in I was greeted by the two.

"Murrey we've done it. We've solved how SCP-269 works." David respectfully, but excitedly replied

"So then why is the person dead?" I questioned.

"Well we don't have any live test subjects we could use so we settled with thise corpses you put in the freezer." George replied in a tone that implied that he answered all my questions.

"So have you tested it on live test subjects?"

I asked concerned with my safety if I put on a still dangerous SCP-269

"Yes we've made artificial variants" David shows of his bracelet "that work not as well but to the same although lessened effect of SCP-269. Thanks for the dunding wouldn't have been able to find this out without the out it." David thanked me as I became confused.

"Were have you been getting these funds exactly?" I asked as I hadn't received any reports.

"Oh a Serpent's Hand member comes in with a paper every week and asks us to put down items we need for studying within a price range." Goerge off handilly remarked as he lopped of the corpses hand to retrieve SCP-269 of the dead body.

While waiting I watched George and David check 1 more time to see if the altercations to the object worked then presented it to me. As I slotted it onto my left wrist I noticed tendrils start digging into my arm although uncomftotable I felt no pain. After putting it on George and David informed me to get my blood tested by a scientist weekly for the next month just to make sure.

As I walked out of the lab they had set up I received a (notification)

(Quest Complete:Purify Yourself)

An examplary person shouldn't have a subpar body. The only reason you even made it up this mountain was through manipulating your coat. Find a way to alter SCP-269 to cure youreelf of lead poisoning and abestos inhalation.

(Rewards:Small insight into how SCP-500 works)

When I accepted the rewards I was floored SCP-500 was made with magic. Or more specificlly a mix between Science and Magic. Reality benders aren't anything new but with all the Scranton Reality Anchors that would be housed in Site should've negated the pills effects if they were made with it. While thinking this something interesting happened. I felt a pull from my connection to the Library. Sending out meeswges that I may be gone for a day or two I allowed the Library to pull me into it. And layed out infront of a table was a stack of books all relating to medicine and mysticism in some way. Most intriguing however was a journal labeled

"The Journey to Obtaining the Pancea"

To which the system decided it was time for another (Quest).

(Quest: Cure All End All)

The Wanderers library sensed your thirst for knowledge and has brung you to the studying place of the Late Mysticism Doctor/Creator of SCP-500. Who's goal was to cure the world of all its diseases. Unfortunetly he had died after proccuring a bottle of it and placing it inside a pharmacy to moniter its effects. Follow in his footsteps by ublocking the journals secrets.

The journal has been enchanted to only allow those who are worthy to read it. Journey down your own arcaic path to prove that you deserve its secrets.


-Improved SCP-500 recipe,

-5000 points

The reality bender point intrigued me but what was more important was the 5000 points. Aside from the beggining of my journey I had never gotten such a large amount from quests. Although with how expensive some units are like MTF Unit Tau-5 being a whopping 100,000 points, or Psi-13 (Witch Hunters) being a way less though still costly 20,000 points I needed everything I could get my hands on.

Realizing that I still had needs such as food and water I started making a schedule along with times I would go back to Site-19. The food and water problem was promptly solved when I felt the library connect to me again though instead of compelling me to go through it instead wanted to bring something to me. As I allowed it a finely cooked meal of Medium Rare Steak, Baked Potato Wedges and cooked corn appeared on a plate to the side of were all the books where stacked. Giving my thanks to the library through the connection I shared with it I promptly got studying.

Authors Note: We're close to 50 power stones when we reach it I'll release an extra chapter, same with 100 Power Stones.

I fucking died when I came back to this chapter. Because if you didn’t know you can set timers for chapters which is why my 2nd chapter of the day goes out 6 hours after the previous one. But after setting the timer the Chapter still had its Title but all the words in it just disappered. Gave me a heart attack until they just popped back into existence.

Whadyameancreators' thoughts