
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

Whadyamean · Video Games
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Interlude:The Foundations Aftermath

Dr. Phillip Foster was having a good day. He has been the Site Director for a couple years now since he made that deal with an undocumented anomaly from the TV. And everything just as it had predicted was going well. He worked hard and got rewarded for it to the point that if there weren't those few roadbumps along the way it's be called anamalous.

But unfortunately for Mr.Foster he was humiliated. The security for site-88 was quote "outshone by a childs daycare" by 05-1. Upon the revision of security systems showed that only the records from floors 18-32 reamined, adding more salt into the wound. This made making the Foundation's knowledge of these intruders very limited. After eye-witness reports and the audio recording devices present in several SCP cells we have gotten a rough timeline of what happened.

On Sep 17,1876 at 1600 a spy who had gotten assigned to the entrance of the facility. From this position they proceeded to spend 2 hours in this position until they were rotated out by a different guard. Eyewitness reports state how the now identified as Connar Sawdon asked about were all the scientists were going. Considering that all survivors were either not asked this question or replied with a refusal if such it is a reaonable assumtion that those who supplyed an answer were murdered and had their clothes stolen.

We did not find the bodys.

From audio recordings in containment cells and storage lockers we discovered that floors 7-17 were raided. It seems as though they were intentionaly raiding beneficial SCP's as they tended to only be one the Safe-class floors. That is except for one outlier, Sector E was raided the fact that they even knew about this sector indicates a sever breach in Foundation security.

But whats worse they got the hard drive.

It was in the middle of a transfer from Site-88 to Site-1 the fact that I would even know that it was going to the Foundations HQ showed how important it was. I was barred from looking at it as I would be quote "infected with a memetic effect" and would be forced to be put down. Upon hearing this information I bumped up the security heading into

section-E. It wasn't enough. I watched as an enemy operative disguised as a guard killed the 9 guards to the entrance in less than 5 seconds based on audio recordings. They used either an SCP object or coerced the guard captain into opening up the door which they obliged.

Fortunetly guard had sounded the alarm as was protocol . When they came into the hallway they were met with a force of 50 guards to which they demanded they surrenderr. But then the fighting happened it lasted about 2 minuites, but from the recordings you could tell they were geting slaughtered.

Afterwards I made the decision to lock down doors in gas them with Sarin. They then made the suicidal move to ignite a fire and the room, and somehow not themselves to high hell. This blew open the blast doors and opened up the ceiling and set fire to lab #13. But also prevented us from doing extensive autopsy on the bodys to find out how they were all killed. After being alerted of this I made the decision to evacuate the personnel on Sector-E through my personal evacuation tunnel.

When informing the 0-5 on the imminent danger they dispatched MTF Unit Epsillon-11 Nine Tailed Fox. They were able to supress the intruders for some time as they struggled to mount a counterattack. That is until one of the 3 man squads was killed while supressing 4 intruders. Autopsy indicates one was killed by gunfire another stabs and slages by a knife and the final man was blown to smitherines.

We had to scrape him off the floor.

We had a confirmed kill with the intruders, but we have been unable to identify the woman.

Overall this was a shit-show was a confirmed 87 fatalitys, 35 injured and some SCP's that we're still investigating having been stolen.






In the end I received an audio file from 05-1

"You have performed terribly your site unprepared for an attack, security unable to detect intruders until they were in the site and actively working against you. I have seen daycares will more effective security measures. And losing countless files, of the many of which were very valuable. Not to mention that many of those fires were caused by you and lack of fire supression systems. And! We have next to no information on the intruders due to the security cameras being shut down. You, and tour facilty, has performed terribly do not let it happen again or there will be harsher consequences."
