
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Pretty Is Weak | Part 8

The chirping of the birds are heard from the window as the rays of sunlight peeked inside the room between the curtains. Callista woke up groggily as her eyes were still half open from waking up.

She laid there silently staring at the wall for a few seconds before she decided to sit up. "It's that dream again.." she muttered and leaned her head on the wall with a sigh, the visions of her dream flashing in her head. She groaned as she got up from bed to get ready for the day.

Callista was in a daze when she entered the Spell Casting classroom as she automatically sat beside Denovan who she shared the class with.

"Did something happen? You look deep in thought" he said while studying her face "Is that so?" she muttered before showing a smile "I'm fine" she replied and Denovan didn't know if he should believe it or not but chose to shrug it off.

"I heard from Lady Ana that you have three older brothers and a younger sister?"

"Yes, I'm not close to them too much so I can't tell any stories"

She rested her chin on her palm and glanced at Denovan "Do you have any siblings, Denovan?" she asked and he could notice how Callista wanted to change the subject so he smiled.

"My family consists of boys so I grew up with no sister. I'm the fifth child." he said so she understandingly nodded "That must be tough. Me and my siblings always fought and we don't bond much" she said with a smile that looked slightly forced.

"We also fight. Because we're all boys, we had many misunderstandings and fights but even with how much we hate the existence of each other we still get along" he smiled "That must be nice" she looked down at her hands.

Denovan thought that it was a good decision to change the subject quickly seeing her distant look "By the way, the Emperor said that he would personally take Sir Ion with the Grand Duke to bestow his punishment" he stated.

"Really? He must be so furious about what happened" she said, her face looking livelier "It's normal. Even if I have a daughter I would be angry if I heard something like that" he said.

"Denovan, you like Anastasia right?" he was taken aback at her words but smiled "That's right. I'm surprised that you noticed" he chuckled softly "Why would I not? I'm not that ignorant" she huffed.

"Right. The only one who noticed so far is Ignis" she tilted her head "What did he say? Even if he doesn't look like it but he is protective of Ana" she said.

"He warned me, of course. I also understand that because my family only serves the Emperor and being in a relationship with the Emperor's daughter that we are loyal to is just... wrong. Ignis told me all that so I decided to just know my place" he explained as she studied his expression.

"Just because it's wrong doesn't mean you can't take it" she said "That advice is wrong in so many ways..." he shook his head "If you like her then you would do anything to protect her, right?" she suddenly asked so Denovan confusedly nodded.

"Yes, of course" he said with eyebrows furrowed "That's nice to hear" she nodded "Why are you asking all of a sudden?" he asked, curiously "Because I would never do that" she smiled.


A man was walking on campus with a crane hitting the ground with every step he took, stopped in his tracks and turned to the Rose Garden of the school where butterflies fluttered their wings and landed on flowers.

"Such beautiful things..." he hummed before a red butterfly caught his eye "Oh? And who might you be?" He raised his finger as the butterfly landed on it "Who is your master?" he asked as the butterfly fluttered its wings before it flew away, he only stared at it as it left.


Callista took a bite of the cupcake as she happily chewed on it "Where are you even getting your food?" Anastasia confusedly asked "She visited the cafeteria before we went here" Ivan explained and turned to Callista.

"Do you have another one?" he asked so she raised an eyebrow "Do you see another one?" she asked back so Ivan glared at her.

"By the way, didn't the Magic Committee wants Callista to join?" Anastasia asked "I got the recommendation letter from earlier"

"She did. They want her to join so that two prodigies were part of the Committee" Ivan said referring to himself "You're joining the Magic Committee?" Denovan asked and glanced at Callista who shook her head without a second thought "I would rather not. I wouldn't have time for Ignis if I joined" she shrugged.

'What kind of reason is that?' they thought.

Callista cleaned her hands when she finished the cupcake and looked at Wendy when she suddenly appeared. When Wendy landed on her shoulder, it was like seeing everything the butterfly had seen and she was in deep thought because of that.

"I got some bad news! They said the Emperor arrived, but Sir Ion was missing on the Professor's Dormitory" Denovan came running towards them "What?! How?! So they're going on a hunt?!" Anastasia asked in surprise "He deserves it though..." Ivan shrugged "Do you know where Sir Ion might be hiding?" Ignis asked so Denovan shook his head.

"All of the Professors stopped their lessons just to find the missing Count" he reported "Father must be so furious right now. He doesn't like people running away from their mistakes" Anastasia sighed.

"Ana" they all turned to Ignis when he suddenly called her name and looked as if he was on alert "What the hell is that?" Ivan asked in surprise when he felt something in the surroundings but can't properly tell where it was.

Callista also looked around and was in a daze when she turned between the trees as if inspecting. Something was wrong. They were all in alert, waiting for anything. 

Then, in the next second, they could hear the wind whistle. 

"Deno—" Ignis was about to call out for Denovan but Callista suddenly launched herself at Anatasia, pushing her away, as she fell to the ground with a loud thud. Everyone was startled, then quiet, no one moved.

Anastasia was utterly confused as she sat on the ground, the feel of the sting in her palms and hips made her wince. Why did Callista push her so hard!?

"What was that for!?"

Her eyes widen when she noticed something on Callista's body, she was the one who got pushed over but rather than sitting up like Anastasia from the fall, Callista was lying on the ground. An arrow pierced on her chest..

"Callista!" Anatasia called out her name and crawled towards her, she lifted her head as Callista let out painful grunts as her attention turned to the arrow that went through her chest.

"Denovan!" they were brought back to reality when Anatasia called out to him, immediately knowing what to do when Anastasia shouted his name, he sprinted to chase after the one who shot the arrow.

"Ivan, call the Emperor!" Ignis ordered but Ivan hesitated at where he stood before he helplessly nodded, silently teleporting. "What should we do? Something's wrong with her, Ignis!" Anastasia helplessly said as she looked up at her cousin, Ignis looked at the blood soaking Anastasia's uniform but rather than red stains, black liquid can be seen. Callista's complexion was turning pale and her lips turning purple, her eyebrows furrowed in discomfort.

"I think the arrow's poisoned, Ignis!" Anastasia cried.