
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Pretty Is Weak | Part 9

Emperor Allister and Duke Alexander were running while Ivan was guiding them. While looking for Count Ion, Ivan suddenly appeared saying that Anastasia was nearly shot by an arrow if not for Callista who pushed her away but was shot in her stead. He quickly commanded the Platoon who was with them to search the whole Academy and Capital for intruders.


He shouted her name when she saw her teary eyes with Callista's head on her lap and Ignis by her side. "What happened?" he asked while assessing the situation "She took the arrow that was supposed to shoot me and...and I don't think she's going to be okay" she said helplessly.

"It will be okay, darling" Allister consoled and turned to Callista who was in bad shape. Her skin began turning black starting from her fingertips, her blood was pitch black, her lips in a shade of purple. She looked much worse than a rotten corpse.

'How did the situation become like this?' Allister thought.

[A Few Minutes Ago]

"The bastard ran away?" Allister raised a brow before scoffing "Does he really think he can escape?" he grimaced "Don't say that brother. You know idiots think differently from us..." Alexander patted his brother's shoulder and the soldier who came here to report felt like he was also being affected by their words.

"That's not a good thing to say in front of other people, Your Highness..." Darren commented after hearing their conversation.

"Your Highness!" Ivan suddenly popped out of nowhere startling the others beside him "Ivan, why do you look like you've been through hell?" Allister didn't know what to ask about Ivan's current appearance. 

"A-Anastasia... was targeted... but Callista... got shot on her stead!" Ivan managed to explain in great difficulty.


"Isn't this dark magic?" Duke Alexander asked after analyzing the arrow "It seems like it" Emperor Allister nodded "What do you mean? Will she be okay?" Anastasia asked worriedly so the both of them hesitated.

"Sweetheart, listen to me okay?" Emperor Allister started softly and caressed her arm as Anastasia glanced at her Father and Uncle, studying their hesitant expressions.

"The arrow that shot Callista is slowly sucking her magic out of her body, no, it's already sucking her life source" Allister explained and Anastasia was agitated "What?" she sobbed "But she'll be okay...." Duke Alexander added and reached out to take out the arrow from Callista's chest.

Callista grunted from the pain when he took the arrow out of her body. The arrow was covered in black shadow as Duke Alexander burned it on his palm before casting a spell on Callista's arrow wound.

"It's a miracle that she can live with that thing in her body. I can't do any more than this..." he said "Can't we do anything to help her?" Anastasia asked while crying "We can. Brazen can surely help her" Allister said and turned to Ivan.

"Teleport them to the Tower of Lucis, Ivan" he said and Ivan didn't think twice about nodding "We'll stay here. We still need to help Denovan chase after the one who shot her" Emperor Allister said and Duke Alexander nodded in agreement.

"Hurry, Ivan" Anastasia said as Callista was taken away from him by Ignis who lifted her. A yellow magic circle appeared below their feet as their vision was blinded by the light.


Brazen read through magic books in his study when the door violently opened "Jacob, what did I tell you about knocking?" he asked with a raised brow "I'm sorry, Master..." he bowed while catching his breath.

"But the Young Master is with the Princess and the Young Duke! It seemed like one of his companions is critically injured" he said and Brazen quickly stood up from his seat when he heard that.

Brazen rarely saw his son because he spent his days and years in the Tower of Lucis while Ivan lived in the Capital with the other nobles. Only when Ivan stepped into high school was he able to see his son frequently because he was part of the Magic Committee in school.

When Brazen got down, he quickly noticed the unconscious girl being carried by Ignis "Ivan, what is happening?" he asked as he studied Ivan's nervous expression

"Father, you have to help her..." he pleaded.

Brazen was stunned seeing his son's helpless expression that he hadn't seen for a long time.

He glanced at the girl in Ignis's arms and was stunned, he didn't expect something like this. He glanced at the lady in the Young Duke's arms and Brazen could tell immediately "This is too critical. She'll die at this rate" he said and motioned for Jacob to take the girl.

"Please help her, Sir Brazen!" Anastasia cried "I'll do what I can" he said and turned to his disciple "Jacob, to the room" he ordered and Jacob didn't waste any second and scurried off.

This magic is called Leech, it was known for sucking out magic from the enemy, since the core is known for the main magic source and life force of a mage, it would be critical for someone with magical abilities. Surprisingly, this girl was able to survive after she was shot by this spell that's almost the same as a curse.

He laid Callista on the bed and got rid of the spell. Judging from the wound, Duke Alexander casted a protective spell on her injury and conjured up his own arcane to get rid of the black magic in her body.

"Master, it's nearly impossible to save her now. It's already spreading too fast" Jacob said who was helping with the spell "Silence, Jacob" he said as Jacob pursed his lips.

"But it's not like its spreading too fast, it's much more like it doesn't want to part with the body" Brazen concluded "What? Then how are we going to heal her?" Jacob asked with knitted brows.

"We have to transfer holy magic to her until the dark magic is absorbed by it" Brazen said "But doesn't that mean she is..?" Jacob was stunned at this information "Stop with your questions and focus on what we're doing!" he stopped asking questions and concentrated on healing Callista.

Brazen was still confused as he studied Callista's unconscious body. There was something he was missing. He closed his eyes to feel every magic that was flowing in her body, then he saw something bizzare.

'A red string?' Brazen thought in confusion.

He followed the red string, the one that's connected to Callista's inner soul. Then, he found it. Brazen opened his eyes. 

"Call the Young Duke"


Anastasia was biting her nails anxiously, it has been a few hours since they last saw Callista. "Are you sure she'll be okay? Why haven't they got back yet?" she asked "I know my Father's capabilities, so don't question about it, Ana. But I also don't know why it's taking so long" Ivan answered when Jacob suddenly came running towards them.

"Is she okay? What happened?" Anastasia hurriedly asked as Jacob catches his breathe "Master is calling for you, Young Duke" he said so they all looked at Ignis who had a look of confusion "Why?" he asked "Hurry. We need you" Jacob didn't waste any time as he pulled Ignis by the arm.

When Ignis entered the room, Callista was laying on the bed with yellow arcane circles pointing at her. "Is she okay? Why did you call for me?" he asked "I'm sorry but in order for her to heal, she has to be near you" Ignis showed a baffled look as Brazen cleared his throat.

"While I was transferring holy magic to her I noticed that there is a thread connecting her to you. Her consciousness is connected to you, Ignis" he explained "Wha-What do you mean?" Ignis asked in confusion.

"What I mean is, this girl won't be able to survive this curse if it wasn't for her connection with you. The reason she's still breathing now is because of you. Once you get hurt she will get hurt too" he cleared out and glanced at Callista on the bed.

"However, I don't know if it'll happen to you too but judging by how you are still able to stand like that then that means she's the only one who has that connection" he said "How is that even possible?" Ignis asked.

"Have you heard about the werewolves's tale before?" Jacob asked so he nodded "Their Goddess, Selena, gifted them soulmates that they will love forever and this situation is like that. Although we don't know how this is possible" he explained.

Ignis was in deep thought as he stared at Callista in silence before looking at Brazen "What should I do to help?" he asked so the two looked at each other "Just hold her hand while we transfer holy magic. It will make her feel better and heal faster" Brazen said so Ignis silently nodded and kneeled beside the bed and held Callista's hand.