
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Pretty Is Weak | Part 7

Callista opened the door to the Headmaster's Office to see Regan flipping through papers before he glanced at her "Sit down. I have something to discuss with you" he motioned her to the sofa as she closed the double doors behind her.

Callista had no energy to argue as she silently sat on the sofa "Why did you call me here?" she asked as she followed Regan with her eyes "I heard you fought with Ion this afternoon?" he asked and sat down on his desk so she snorted.

"Yes, what about it?" she asked back "You say that as if you didn't just do something wrong" he squinted his eyes at her and she rolled her eyes in reply "He did it first. He talked about this Empire's Princess and questioned her very existence. I already reached my limits!" she exclaimed as Regan sighed.

"I understand your reason, Callista, but someone had already reported to the Emperor about what happened today and he was furious beyond words. I already dismissed Ion and am waiting for Larry to get back, but the Emperor won't stand still and so will Ion" he explained so Callista raised a brow.

"Your point is..?" she asked "My point is that the Emperor would surely punish not only Ion but the whole faculty member in the Academy for letting something like this happen to his precious daughter!" he exclaimed and groaned in frustration

"This is all your fault. You're the root of all of this" he grumbled and eyed her while her lips twitched into an annoying smirk "What can I say? Trouble likes sticking with me" she shrugged "And you're proud about that?" he glared.

"But what do you mean by Sir Ion not sitting still?" she asked so Regan sighed again "I have known Ion since I managed this school and his pride won't let him sit still, especially since he got embarrassed in front of his entire class" he said.

"Isn't that his fault? His mindset is rather complicated to understand although his reasonings are intelligent, however, he's still a little crazy" she commented "Yes, but I'm sure he'll do something with you or Anastasia that's why I'm currently locking him up on the West Annex" he said.

While Callista remembered what happened earlier while she observing everything, she noticed how Ion glanced at Anastasia full of hatred before he glared at her.

"Is that all?" she asked and stood up "Are you not even bothered by it?" his words made her eyebrows furrowed "I'm not. I could take care of him in the snap of my fingers, but I won't because its a waste of time" she replied.

"But aren't you friends with Anastasia?" he asked so Callista eyed him weirdly "I only stick around her because she's always with Ignis" she said and walked out of the room. Regan didn't stop her from leaving and sighed.

'That child... is lonely like you said' he thought.

When the double doors closed behind her she looked out of the window before Wendy's name rolled out of her mouth. The red butterfly appeared beside her while fluttering her wings. She smiled at her and raised a finger so that Wendy can rest on it "Can you take care of it for me?" she asked and her wings fluttered before she disappeared in red dust.


Duke Alexander woke up when he felt his bed dip down as if someone sat on it as he was automatically woken up. His thick lashes fluttered open and stared at the man sitting on his bed half-awake and the lights are on

"What the!" he was surprised to see who it was and sat up "What are you doing here, Allister?" he asked as his brother smiled at him while moving the wine glass in circles to mix the wine.

"Did I wake you up?"

"How did you even get in here?!"

"Your butler welcomed me" Allister smiled as if it was a proud thing to do "What? I—Whatever! I don't have the time for this, Alister! I'm in the middle of my sleep!" he pointed out with wide eyes as Allister chuckled in response.

"Oh, my. Don't be angry, my dear brother. You know that you are the only one who can calm me down" he said as he stared at Alexander ruffle his hair in frustration and leaned on the headboard "Fine" Alexander groaned in defeat and looked at him with a grumpy look.

"What do you want?" he asked as Allister chuckled at his brother's grumpy attitude. He took a sip of his red wine a weird expression on his face "Do you remember Sir Ion?" he asked.

"You mean the Swordsmanship Professor in Empire Academy? Didn't he already retire and is living his life at his Manor? I heard he keeps on buying women in pleasure houses and marrying them" he said with confused brows "Exactly" Allister smiled.

"You know that he had always that strange hatred towards women and how they were useless and all that bullshit" he trailed on "What are you trying to say? What did Ion do to make you angry?" Alexander asked and studied his brother's face

"He was assigned as a substitute Professor at the Academy because his son's wife was giving birth" he said and took another sip of wine "Did he do something to Ana?" Alexander asked already knowing why he was like this. Allister nodded at his question.

"He dares questioned my daughter's existence and even questioned her title as Princess. Who does he think he is?!" Allister was so angry that he threw the wine at the wall as it shattered into pieces.

Alexander was calmly staring at him "Calm down, Allister" he said so Allister turned to him with an angry face "Calm down?! Does he think my daughter is a joke?! Is he tired of living?!" he shouted in anger.

"Allister" his breathing hitched when Alexander gave him a warning look so he forced himself to calm down "Yes, I'm sorry" he said and took deep breaths.

Alexander nodded in satisfaction and stood up from the bed "I know you're angry but you have to calm down before you make any bad decisions" he said and took a handkerchief at his desk to pick up the glass shards "We should punish him calmly, okay?" Allister nodded at his every word

"How about we get him from the Academy so we could punish him and so that we could also see if Ana is okay" he said and wiped the wine on the floor "Okay, I like your idea" he nodded.

"That's good to hear" Alexander nodded in contentment "You're an Emperor now, Allister, and you also have a daughter. You can't just decide like your picking bread from the market like before" he said and eyed Allister from the side of his eye "Yes, I apologize that was rude of me. " he sighed and sat back down on the bed "By the way, I'll sleep here" he jokingly said.

"Okay, I'll get the butler ready a room for you"

"Can't we just sleep together?"

"Do that if you are already tired of living"

"Haha! I'm just joking with you, Brother!"

While on the West Annex, Ion is anxiously biting on his nails as he grew more nervous thinking about the Emperor hearing about this. He was never a merciful ruler when it comes to his daughter.

"I can't end like this... I can't end like this..."

He kept muttering those words to himself as if he was slowly losing his sanity "I can't just stand here doing nothing! I'll surely be beheaded!" he exclaimed.

"Do you want to continue living?" his breathing hitched when he heard a shrilling voice from behind and it was weird considering he was alone in this room.

"W-Who..?" he stuttered as he turned around to see a man in a butler's tuxedo "You..! Who are you?! How did you get in here?!" he shouted as he pointed at him "You want to get rid of the Princess, yes?" he asked as he stared at the man with wide eyes when he realized something.

"Yes, yes!"

"Then I might have something that can help you"