
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Pretty Is Weak | Part 6

Callista was so furious about what happened earlier that she kept putting food in her mouth to lessen her anger.

"That fucking old man... Does he think we're a joke to him? Should've I've done much more earlier?" she complained with a grimace "Maybe you should swallow your food and calm down? Geez, are you even a girl? How come you eat this much?" Ivan said and glanced at the plates in front of her.

"Shut up! I'm not like you that needs to act all noble 24/7! Hmph!" she turned her head away from him "Why you..! You really can't talk to me without annoying me, do you?" he glared "I could say the same to you!" she argued back as they glared at each other.

"But hey" Anastasia called out so Callista looked at her "Aren't you abusing Ignis's power earlier? You suddenly cried out like that as if you didn't just curse at a Professor" she said so she raised a brow.

"So what? He deserved it. Did you see how he trembled just because he saw Ignis taking your side? It's as if he expects all of the men to have the same mindset as him. It makes me want to erase his existence in the world" she emphasized as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


"She's right"

Anastasia surprisingly turned to Denovan who agreed to Callista "What?" she said so Denovan sighed "Lady Ana, you saw what happened earlier. He raised his hand to slap Callista, his student. Its ridiculous." he explained so Anastasia was silent.

"He kept saying that men should overpower women but what does he expect if he hits a person younger than him?" Ivan also commented "Fine" Anastasia sighed in defeat.

"But you shouldn't tell this to Father, okay? He'll be furious once he hears about this" she said "Isn't it too late for you to be saying that?" Callista stated as she sipped on her tea "What do you mean?" Anastasia asked with eyebrows furrowed.

"You didn't know?" Callista was surprised when Anastasia questioned back "What do you mean it's too late?" she repeated her question so Callista glanced at Ignis who was beside Anastasia and was biting on a tart.

"When Ignis pulled me out of the Swordsmanship Class he pulled me straight to the Guidance Office and ordered Professor Calvin to write a letter to the Emperor regarding Sir Ion's behaviour" she explained as Anastasia widened her eyes at every word.

"You did what?!" she turned to Ignis in surprise and stood up from her sit "And the both of you agreed to this?!" she glanced at both Denovan and Ivan who avoided their eyes "Sit back down" Ignis said, calmly.

"How can I sit back down at this point? You know how Father acts with situations that includes me in it! What do you think he'll do to Sir Ion? not that I care what happens to him, but the other staff!" she said so Ignis looked up at her.

"I did that because I know who Uncle is. What do you think he'll do once he finds out? Do you think the Headmaster wouldn't say anything to him once he heard about what happened today? Anastasia, all of us will get involved if we didn't tell him sooner" his words made sense as Anastasia had a hard time arguing back.

She had always been soft and speechless every time she argues with Ignis because he had always been the intelligent cousin who always had the answer to everything, that's why she had always thought he was more suited to the throne than she was but he didn't want to take the place that was rightfully hers. He was like an advisor.

"And you also know how protective the Emperor is, Lady Ana" Denovan said and tugged at her hand to make her sit back down "And we know that you'll argue with him and we know how you hate arguing with the Emperor" Ivan smiled.

"Right. Thank you" Anastasia completely calmed down while Callista rolled her eyes at their drama.

"Callista Alberts?"

She turned to the one who called her and saw an unfamiliar face so she quickly wore her facade and flashed a smile "Yes? What can I help you with?" she asked.

'Wow... Even how many times I've seen it I'm still shocked whenever she changes her expression so easily like that..' Ivan thought.

The boy had shaggy brown hair and thick eyeglasses "Yes... Uhm... the Headmaster is calling you in the Office" everyone was confused at his words.

"Why would he?" she tilted her head curiously that everybody would find adorable as the boy blushed "I—Ah—I don't know... I just came to deliver the message" he fiddled with his fingers that Callista finds cute as she chuckled softly "Okay, what's your name?" she asked "I'm Caspian from the Abnormal Class" he fidgeted so Callista studied his whole body.

The Abnormal Class was known for their troublesome students, the students who were assigned there were people who picked a fight on the first day or had low marks on the entrance exam, they were the people who had made the Guidance Office their second dorm by how many times they've been there.

The reason why she wasn't transferred there after causing trouble with the Hero's daughter was that she excelled in all of the subjects at the entrance exam.

She wonders how can an adorable man like him be with a class like that? Maybe he's a wolf in a sheep's clothing?

Callista was silent for a few minutes before standing up "Caspian, was it?" he nodded "It's nice to meet you and sorry to bother you coming to the cafeteria just to tell me this" she smiled so he shook his head.

"No, no. It's fine" he said "Okay, you can go now" Caspian silently nodded and walked away. Callista's expression automatically dropped by the time Caspian was nowhere in sight.

"Why is that old man even calling for me?" she complained "Why don't you check what it is?" Anastasia said "Do I have any choice?" she clicked her tongue before turning and mumbled complaints as she walked away.