
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Can’t fool a blind man? | Part 4

"I didn't expect you to find us so fast" Anastasia said while shaking her head as she stared at Callista who was putting food on Ignis's plate.

"By the way, do you know what was that last night?" Ivan asked while his chin rested on his palm "Oh, that?" Anastasia said and sighed

"I and Ignis was called to the office so early just to discuss something about that that's why he's been in a bad mood since" she said and glanced at her cousin who was accepting every food Callista was feeding him.

"Why would Ignis be with you in the office?" Callista confusedly asked "Didn't you know? Anastasia is the President of the Student Body here in Empire Academy and the young duke is the vice" Denovan said and pointed at Ignis.

"You can't tell that he's the Vice President by looking at how ignorant he is." Ivan said with a sigh "But what happened last night was because of a surprise attack by the Undertakers" Anastasia explained.

"And because of last night, Headmaster Regan said we can't rest from investigating the Academy grounds" Denovan said with a tired huff "I noticed last night that the other students were not surprised by the attack. Is it normal for those to happen?" Callista asked what she noticed last night.

"That was because at least all of the students here had been attending the Academy since they started studying. We were trained for circumstances like that" Anastasia said with a shrug.

"You'll understand that when you see the dorm Madams and Heads" Ivan said and Miss Sapphire's cold face quickly appeared in her mind "Makes sense" she shrugged.

"But, Undertaker attacks are getting frequent these days. Don't you think something's wrong?" Anastasia asked in concern "Especially that many students had been disappearing almost every night" Ignis added while nodding.

"They are?" Callista asked and tilted her head, a habit Ignis notices when she's curious about something "Yes, you don't know this because you just recently attended the Academy but students had been going missing since last month" Ivan explained.

"That's why the Dormitory's curfews are shortened and are only allowed until 7:00 pm" Denovan said "Really? I thought it was normally like that" Callista said.

"It was not. The whole academy staff wouldn't say anything but the school is starting to be a hunting ground by someone we don't know yet" Ivan said

"Not to mention that they've been seeing traces of black magic in campus" Anastasia said "The Imperial Palace is already finding a solution towards this problem" Denovan added

"But seeing how they haven't found the culprit yet I can conclude that it must be an inside job, perhaps." Ignis said that made them gasp "Who dares do that?" Anastasia said with gritted teeth.

"Anastasia, even how much Uncle is highly respected in the Empire it doesn't mean that he doesn't have any enemies" Ignis said and gave Anastasia a sharp look "I-I know" she said and bit her lip.

"But who would it be, Ignis?" Denovan asked so Ignis shrugged "I don't know. We're not even sure if the spy is in the Academy but most likely they would be in an authorized place." he said with a sigh.

"What do you mean Ignis?" Anastasia asked "What he's probably trying to say is that it must be someone in the Emperor's Imperial Council" Anastasia stood up from Callista's words.

"T-That's impossible! They wouldn't dare betray my Father..!" she said as she clenched her fists "Anastasia" Ignis once again gave her a warning so she sat back down.

"Ana, just think about it. Who else would have the power to let people inside the Academy than the Emperor's Imperial Council? They discuss what happens in the Kingdom and the Academy is no exception" Callista said while looking coldly at her so Anastasia clicked her tongue and stood up before walking away.

"Your words were too harsh" Ivan said and glared at her so Callista looked at him with an unchanging expression "So are you saying that I'm not right?" she said with a raised brow so Ivan gritted his teeth.

"Still..!" he said but got cut off "It already came from Ignis himself. I just cleared it out for him" she said "You...You're really such a bitch" he said and walked off after.

"Callista, Lady Ana loves this Kingdom so much to the point where she is willing to sacrifice everything. So hearing that her people would betray her Father like that would be a big impact to her" Denovan tried explaining so Callista sighed and crossed her arms and legs.

"Do you expect her to be a great leader if she expects too much of her people? Denovan, you completely know well that Anastasia is too good for her own good. You wouldn't know whether her kindness and loyalty to the people would lead her to success or her misery" she said.

"That's.." Denovan was left thinking while looking down.

He hates how Callista was right, even when they were young Denovan had already known how Anastasia cherishes the Empire as she is the only heir that it sometimes worries him to an extent.

Denovan was afraid that Anastasia would get so hurt if she gets betrayed by one of her people in the future but he couldn't do anything as Callista only said facts.

"Excuse me for a bit." he said and stood up as he suddenly feels suffocated "Don't tell me you're also going to argue with me?" she said and glanced at Ignis who shook his head.

"Why would I?" he sighed and crossed his arms "Although your words are hurtful, Anastasia should learn to accept the truth" he said so Callista can't help but smile.

"You have a strange way to show your love and care" she teased "Shut up" he scowled and stood up making her chuckle "Wait for me, Ignis" she said and followed the man.

Even if he didn't say anything Callista knows that Ignis was just trying to help Anastasia to become the great ruler she wishes to be and what can she do but follow the decisions of the man she likes?