
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Can’t fool a blind man? | Part 5

Callista woke up at the middle of the night with sweat dripping down her chin while she catches her breath. She wiped the sweat off as she brush her hair with her fingers before taking a deep breath to calm her down.

It has been the same dream for two days already and it's honestly pissing her off.

She looked outside her window as the moonlight was seen across her room "Wendy" she called as the butterfly landed on her shoulder.

"Go look at it for me" she said and stood up from the bed to open the window as the butterfly left the room.

She looked down to see a familiar silhouette so she closed the window and took a shawl before quietly exiting the room.

It was hard to leave the Women's Dormitory as it was locked up from head to toe. She could only breathe freely when she was able to finally see the back of the man she saw from her bedroom window.

She walked near him and held his shoulders as he was sitting "What are you doing here Jackson?" she asked as the man looked at her with surprise.

"C-Callista?" he stuttered her name making her smile "How did you come here? I thought you can't leave the dorm after the curfew" she said.

"Same to you too. Why are you here in the middle of the night?" he asked so she studied his face "Me? I saw you from my bedroom window so I decided to say hi" she smiled.

"Oh" he chuckled rather nervously "By the way, are you with your brother?" she asked so he shook his head "I came here alone" he replied "Oh. It must be hard for you then" she gasped and she could see how his eyebrows furrowed

"Why would it be hard for me?" he confusedly asked "Because your blind" she straightforwardly said "Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I'm incompetent to do anything else." he said and Callista was sure she could hear him clicking his tongue.

"Right, I'm sorry. I was too insensitive" she apologetically smiled "It's alright" he shook his head "By the way, how did you manage to come here without bumping into anything?" she curiously asked.

"I could see things like shadows. So I just see black and white. Although I can't see the face of people or what an object looks like I can see their shape and silhouette. You can say that it's like my power" he smiled so she nodded in understanding.

"My Dorm Madam is so strict that I get scared to get punished if I stayed longer so you don't mind if I left first, right?" she hesitantly asked "It's fine. I'll be okay here" he said.

"But before I leave I want to say something first" she said "What is it?" he asked so she bent over to whisper in his ear. After she whispered those words she stepped back.

"Then see you tomorrow, Jackson" she said and started walking off leaving Jackson who could only stare at her retreating figure.

The next day, it was like any other day except that Ivan was still angry at Callista. They were in the same English Class again and are seated together since they were all classmates in that subject.

"Geez, would you stop glaring at me already dumbass?" she said while scratching her ear "The hell I am! I'm glaring at you whenever I want" Ivan stubbornly said as Callista could only roll her eyes

"By the way, when is Ana going to be here? She usually comes together with the two of you" she said "Why you... You still have the guts to call her that after what you said yesterday?" Ivan said with gritted teeth so Callista can't help but smack him in the head

"So? When is she going to arrive?" she asked Denovan "I don't know. Lady Ana and I would usually come to our classes together but it seems like she did not want to." he said and avoided her gaze making her sigh "Callista" someone called.

Because they were on the fourth row and are seated together with Denovan going first that which was followed by Ivan, Callista, and Ignis so Callista looked beside Ignis to see Anastasia.

After a lot of thinking from their conversation yesterday, Anastasia had finally understood and realized her mistake so she decided to apologize and being in the same English Class as the other was the best opportunity to do that.

"Hey, what's with that look of yours?" she asked when she saw Anastasia's expression and no one would've expected when she bowed her head.

"I want to say sorry about yesterday. I was stupid to be so sensitive like that and take out my anger at you. You were right, I shouldn't expect too much from my people and expect that anyone couldn't betray me in the position that I'm in" she said

"What... Why are you apologizing to her? And you! At least answer her!" Ivan exclaimed and even shook Callista's arm who was staring blankly at Anastasia.

"Hate to break it to you but I'm not sorry for what I said yesterday" she said and both men glared at her from the back when Anastasia's expression became grim.

"And if you think about it, no one is benefiting to rule this Kingdom except you" Anastasia's face lightened up and a smile was seen "Really?" she said so Callista tilted her head.

"You don't expect Ignis, right? Even how much I like him he will just become a tyrant if he sits on the throne" she said and it was Ignis's turn to glare at her

"It's basic manners not to mention someone if they are being silent" he glared making Callista chuckle "Okay, I'm sorry..." she said and leaned her head on his shoulder but Ignis only rolled his eyes.

In the end, they had completely forgotten about what happened and what was said yesterday. Especially not knowing what to expect in the future.


"You don't know what plans Eldest Brother has if this takes longer"

"But we don't have a choice but to wait. That's why I'm searching the whole school of any traces that he left"

"You know that it can be too late if we don't stop this"

"I know but trust me. I can't let you get hurt"

"What are you doing here?" he quickly turned off the communication device and smiled at the person "Callista? Is that you?" he asked so the woman nodded.

"Yup. What are you doing here without your brother, Jackson?" she asked as Jackson only smiled "He had plans so he told me to wait here" he said and put the mirror back into his bag.