
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Can’t fool a blind man? | Part 3

Callista was washing her hands behind the Women's Dormitory as she properly tied her hair.

"Did you hear? They said that Ignis was practicing Air hurly today. "

Practice? Ignis? Air hurly?

"Oh my! Really? He's back? Hurry! We have to see!"

Callista didn't wait for even a second when she heard the girl's whispers behind her as she quickly ran to the field to see.

"Wow. Ignis is still amazing even though years had passed since the last time he played" Anastasia said while looking up at the boys playing in the air.

"But that game is between sports and death" Ivan can't help but shudder "That's because you're scared of heights, dumbass" Anastasia rolled her eyes so Ivan glared at her.

"Don't you know why the both of them always win in Air Hurley? That's because Ignis and Denovan are both violent when it comes to fighting. It is either you die from being hit by that stick or fall to your death" Ivan said while embracing himself as Anastasia rolled her eyes.

"You're exaggerating the game too much Ivan." Anastasia said while shaking her head. She looked up at both Denovan and Ignis flying down towards them while holding the stick.

"Did you win?" she asked them with a smile "Of course. We always win if the young duke is in the team" Denovan said and glanced at Ignis.

"You did a good job guys!" Ivan chirped "You did great Ignis!" both Anastasia and Ivan nearly had a heart attack when Callista suddenly appeared in front of Ignis.

"What the fuck!? Since when did you get there?" Ivan nearly shouted in fright "Shut it asshole" she glared coldly at him making him tremble backward "You were great Ignis" she said with a wide smile while looking up at him and handed him a water bottle.

"Seriously, Callista, when did you get all of these ready?" Anastasia confusedly asked as Callista innocently blinked at her as she handed a towel to Ignis "I'll help you dry off the sweat" she smiled and cast magic as the wind began hitting Ignis, strong enough for the sweat to lessen. "I can take care of my own Callista" he said as he coldly stared at Callista.

"Isn't it weird though? Since when did Jake begin to participate on stuff like this?" Denovan curiously asked "Even though we haven't seen him play before he was doing good." Ivan said.

"Not just good. He was enough to defeat the whole team. If the young duke and I weren't there it's possible that they would have lost" Denovan said "He was here?" Callista asked so Denovan nodded "Sadly, he already left." he said.

"You've been interested in those twins for a while now Callista. Are you planning something terrible?" Anastasia asked making Callista smirk "Oh, it's nothing. They just somehow stick out more than the rest of the students" she said.

"Say that again when you don't have that creepy smirk on your face" Anastasia said with a sigh making Callista laugh "But I'm saying the truth though" she said.

"Why are you even dressed like that?" everybody looked at Ignis when he suddenly talked so Callista looked at her clothes. She wore joggers and a baggy shirt while her hair was in a ponytail because she was cleaning.

"I'm on cleaning duty. I just finished earlier. Is there something wrong with my clothes?" she asked and tilted her head so Ignis shook his head "It's a shocker that you still look that good when you're dressed like that" Anastasia said making Callista smile.

After that, Callista went back to the dorm to take a bath and quickly went out to look for Ignis. She looked down at her feet when she felt like she stepped on something and saw a mirror.

She bent over to get it and stared at it "Excuse me, is someone there?" she looked around and saw a man beneath a tree so she went near him "Hi, you're Jackson, right? Is this mirror yours?" she asked so he smiled while looking straight.

"Oh, yes. I dropped it earlier" he said so she handed over the small mirror "Where's your brother? He's usually with you, right? I mean, its okay if you don't answer" she said when she realized that she was being too pushy.

"Its alright" he smiled while caressing the mirror "My brother left me here while he gets my stuff that I had left in the classroom" he explained rather bashfully making her smile "You really care about him don't you?" she said and kneeled in front of him.

"Uhm.." he hesitated as he fiddled with his fingers "May I know your name? I-I mean, if you don't mind telling me" he stuttered and blushed making her chuckle.

"My name's Callista Alberts. Nice to meet you, Jackson" she said with a grin as his eyes wanders not really stopping at anything "I'm really grateful that you talked to me, Lady Callista" he said with a happy smile on his face.

"Hm? Why would you be?" she asked and tilted her head while looking up at him "As you know, no one really talks to me here and I'm grateful for giving me back my mirror" he said with a smile making her hum "I see.." she said before a weird smile formed her lips

"Then shall we be friends, Jackson?" she suggested as Jackson automatically blushes "I-I... How could I dare?" he said with a cute expression on his face "Its okay. I also want to be friends with you" she said so Jackson looked down.

"T-Thank you" he shyly mumbled and didn't know what to do "Jackson!" Callista turned to the one who called and saw Jake running towards them "Have you gotten my things brother?" Jackson asked so Jake handed them over before glaring at her.

"Didn't I tell you not to talk to anybody while I'm gone?" he said but her smile remained "B-Brother, you're mistaken! Callista is my friend" Jackson tried protecting her by calming down his twin but Jake only clicked his tongue. Callista stood up and made a distance between them and her.

"Hi, I met your brother earlier and became friends after" she said and lifted her hand to introduce herself when Jake slapped it away "Friends? Don't make me laugh!" he said "J-Jake, calm down.." Jackson stuttered while Jake glared at her.

"Jackson, you know better than anyone else that no one would even dare approach us just because..!" Jake was cut off when Callista scoffed that he was the only one who heard "You..!" he gritted his teeth "It's not nice to judge people and compare them to others" she said with a friendly smile before turning to Jackson.

"I'm okay. It seems like your brother doesn't trust me enough" she said and glanced at Jake who was still glaring at her "I'm sorry, Callista" Jackson said with a sad look "It's okay. Lets talk later, okay?" by her words his expression brighten.

"Okay" he nodded "Jackson!" Jake warned that Callista chose to ignore "Bye, Jackson" she waved and walked off. She could still feel Jake's murderous glare even though she had her back at him before she chuckled to herself "There are so many interesting things here" she said with a wicked grin.