
Science In Another World

While Dave was walking to home from college he saw a speeding truck was about to run over a child. In last minute effort he jumped to save the child but he ended up dying instead. Next thing he knew was a women being forced on in front of his eyes. Thus his journey as a magical scientist had begun!

Sixth_Bark · Fantasy
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21 Chs

My Mother

The next day I woke up pretty early. I think everyone is still asleep. While still in bed remember how Cecilia accepted my proposal to a date. This might be my first step to making her mine but it is certainly not the last. Then I get up from bed and think about going outside to touch some gras- I mean practice some magic. As I wash my face I prepare my plan for today. The sun had yet to rise. I think I will do the opposite of what Cecilia told me yesterday. I will make other type of magic today. I will also collect some information to make our date as perfect as possible. I will also check out the town today with Tess, Because they don't let a 2 year old to go outside alone. After preparing my plan I head to the garden.

At the garden I could feel the air was very refreshing. Then taking some moments I begun my mana training. Mana training is a method of improving one's mana core. Mana core have 13 tiers with 3 individual tiers. Pure white is highest and most esteemed tier that every mage wants to have. And Pitch black is the one where everyone starts. I am currently at pitch black. Cecilia said that to reach Pure white one has to do mana training for 30 years straight. No rest or anything else just constant training for 30 human years. That's nearly 8 elven years. Even she hasn't reached pure white yet. She also thought me the fastest method to mana train efficiently. She said to breathe in the surrounding mana into the mana core until it changes color. Tho she probably meant thro the mouth I will try doing it thro every hole in my body. Thankfully mana isn't a physical thing or my body might be in grave danger.

Due to a Man's body having 6 holes I think I can reach pure white within 6-9 years. So, I sat on a rock that was nearby the garden and started mana breathing thro all my holes. It didn't take me long to realize that my mana core was changing from pitch black. By the time sun came up I could say I had done a sizable change to my mana core. Not long after that Tess came rushing looking for me and was relived to see me. I mean even if I am a genius am still a fucking child so I was not mad when she scolded me.

After she calmed down after scolding me I told her "Tess, why do you care for me so much?" "Because your the young master of this manor." She replied. "But, the other maids say you treat me life your own child." I asked while tilting my head. "Because you are my child." She answered proudly. "Then can I call you mommy when we are alone?" I asked her with a big smile. Her eyes widened as she blushed and she said "S-sure..." Then I told her with a light blush "Thank you mom! Let's have breakfast! Also talk to me informally from now on" "Un Young Mas- I mean; Yeah, Lets go have breakfast." She said with smile which was shouting to say she is now a mother
