
Science In Another World

While Dave was walking to home from college he saw a speeding truck was about to run over a child. In last minute effort he jumped to save the child but he ended up dying instead. Next thing he knew was a women being forced on in front of his eyes. Thus his journey as a magical scientist had begun!

Sixth_Bark · Fantasy
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21 Chs

A Date?

-------------Cecilia's P.O.V.----------------

"Huh?" I tilted my head saying that. Then wini said with more confidence this time "I want to go on a date with you." "Fufu~ How cute." While giggling I admired how cute he seemed when he said that. Then I asked him "Do you KNOW what A DATE is?" with mild anger. He answered while stuttering "I-Its an activity... that you do with someone you like." 'My,my~ how cute he looks!' I thought then immediately asked him with a serious face "Who told you that?" he answer in fear "I-I heard... the maids t-talking about... i-it."

I let off a sigh and asked him in a disappointed state "Do you know what people do on A DATE?" "I asked the maids when they were talking about it. They said people talk, walk, eat and have fun." He answered with certainty. I thought 'I need to educate him properly as both his teacher and his sister' then I smile and say to him "So, where will the date be?" He suddenly becomes dumbfounded. After a brief moment he said "I heard there is a town nearby. I want to spend our date there." "And when will the date be?" I ask him. "You are free on this weekend, right?" He asked me a question in return. I replied affirmatively. "We will go on Sunday noon then!" "Okay. You better impress me." I say to him in a challenging way. "Of course I will! Your the person I like the most in this world." He said with utter confidence. With a slight smile I inform him "Its past midnight, you should go to sleep now." "Un. Goodnight sis!" "You too." 'Why did I accept a child's proposal? Maybe, I have gotten soft.' I think to myself before falling asleep.

---------------Winifred's P.O.V.-----------------

While walking to my room I thought,

'HOLY SHIT IT ACTUALLY WOOOORKEDDD. WOOOOOOOOOO YEAAAH BABY, THATS WHAT I BEEN TALKING ABOUUUT. Now that I think the date could go incredible or down right horrible experience for us. I want this experience for the both of us. So, I need a perfect plan. Even after I have a perfect plan I need to actually execute it perfectly. Thankfully I set the day to Sunday. And today is.... Thursday. so I have 2 days to fully prepare a plan and make this the best experience we ever had.'

While thinking I had reached my room. I saw Tess had been waiting for me. I said "Sorry for the extremely long wait. I am back." "What took you so long?" she asked me very concerned.

"Sister was taking extra lessons today so as soon as she released me I had come rushing." "Oh... Do you want me to sing a lullaby to make you fall asleep?" she asked "Yes please!" I answered quickly.

We laid on bed really quickly. She offered her thigh as my pillow and I humbly accepted. After that Tess sung me a lullaby to sleep.

As I was falling asleep I said to tess "The.... next... two days..... are ganna... be rough..." in a very sleepy manner.
