
Science In Another World

While Dave was walking to home from college he saw a speeding truck was about to run over a child. In last minute effort he jumped to save the child but he ended up dying instead. Next thing he knew was a women being forced on in front of his eyes. Thus his journey as a magical scientist had begun!

Sixth_Bark · Fantasy
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21 Chs


After we turned into mother and son Tessia and I headed to the dinning hall. I sat on the table and asked "What's for breakfast today?" "Lepotch as the main dish and Blue Slime Pudding as the dessert." Tess answered as she was serving. Lepotch is High quality steak with Mashed potato salad as in very rich vegetables mixed in. And Desert is Blue-Slime-Pudding, which by the way is worth 3 years of an average salaryman's annual income. Its basically highest quality slime jelly. Blue slimes are the rarest type of slime. It tastes like ice-cream pudding. AND THE WORST PART IS.... this is below standard for nobility like dukes. I do wonder what the standard food is for nobility.

After having breakfast I asked Tess to meet me in the garden. She happily agreed. After she came to the garden I said to her, "Mom, we're going out today." "What?!" her eyes widen as she says that. "We are going to the town near us!" I assured her we were going somewhere close. "Why?" she asked. "Sunday I ganna treat sister Cecilia. So I need to know everything about the town." I told her with overwhelming confidence. "Ok, we will go there at noon." She made a decision and told me. "Un, Thanks Mom." I said to her with a sparkling face.

After that I looked at the sun because there was no actual clock or time system in this world. I could see that the sun was positioned and it looked like it will take 3-4 hours till it hits noon. "Mom, can you go now? I want to stay alone for a bit" I said as I wanted to mana train then. "Ok,ok I am going, just be careful ok?" She understood what I wanted to do and warned me. "Un." I answered her. After she left I started mana training. Not long after I started I noticed that I already broken thro pitch black core. I guess it's slightly less black now. I think I am at one third done from reaching 2nd tier mana core.

I speed the rest of my time training my mana. I felt like the next breakthrough was going to take some time. As I continue training I feel hours slipping away. But right as noon was ganna strike, I broke through to the next core. Now I am one third left to get to tier 2 mana core. And when I was celebrating Tess came over and said that it was time to leave. I told her it would be best not to go with the carage. "I want to not let everyone know that the duke has come to town" I told her my wishes. "Also, we will be mother and son in the town to avoid suspicion." "Un" she accepted my wishes and proposed that we should walk to the town.

The mansion was on hill so we could see the town when we were walking. I noticed that the town was not circular. It could be called squarish or a rectangular town but it certainly wasn't a circle town that most isekai depicted. I also saw that a huge river was going through the town. It was not on center. It was slightly to the left of the gate. Speaking of gates, there were 4 gates in the surrounding walls. The walls were gray. As we approached the nearest gate, I noticed that there was a logo-like thingy above the gate. The logo had a shield-like frame with a elven girl with a crown on top of her heard. As we go to the gate the guards asked who we were. Of course, Tess showed a crest like thing to them. The moment they looked at the crest, they looked like they had seen a ghost or something. Then they let us in with fear and respect.

I quickly asked Tess what the town was called. Of course I knew already but I had to be sure. "It's Restomon" "So this is the famed Restomon!" I exclaimed with excitement.
