
Science and Fantasy

“When the world you know is gone, what will you do? Will you fall or stand?” When the world suddenly plunges into a brutal war in the entire world, only a select few would be able to survive. Nuclear war, biological weapon, and other firearms are used to create the biggest damage all over the world. William was in Country V when the attack occurs. Trapped there, he met with many other survivors. “It’s hard to survive on your own.” Some formed groups, some stay alone. Even if they were nothing more than insignificant ants in the eyes of the powerhouse, they did whatever it takes in order to preserve their small lives. This is the story of the small civilians under William’s lead who are trying to survive against all odds. ... The name of the country is on purposely on alphabet because I don’t want to use real country nor making some complicated names… Join the discord to chat with the author and other readers: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB ... Other novels: - Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [complete] - Under the Veil of Night [complete] - 7 Path of the Lilies [on long hiatus] - 1 Year of Beginning [complete] - Villain Lady [complete] - 2 Years of Restarting [complete] - Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower [on going] - The Quiet Empress [on going] ... Follow me on IG: @sora100518

Sorahana · Sci-fi
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235 Chs

Heading Out

Since there was no proper bed outside, they were still sleeping inside the bed that they had in the camping bus. It might not be the most comfortable bed they had, but it was better than lying on the hard stone.

"It's still so cramped," Yakov complained when he woke up. He couldn't find a way to get down of the bed.

William, who was resting on the sofa again, raised his head. He glanced at the back and shook his head. "The girls are going to clean up the camping bus for today. We better hurry to stock up the weapons."

"Wait, I want to eat first."


The two of them stuffed themselves until they were full with biscuits and then drank water. It was a bit hard to pour the water from the gallon to their small bottles to carry, but it was better than nothing.

"You're up early," Gloria commented as she climbed down the stairs. Her eyes glanced at the pile of trashes that they left after eating. Her lips twitched. These two sure ate a lot. For one time eating, they already ate more than 5 packs of biscuits with each of the packs contained a lot of biscuits.

William nodded. "Stay guard first then wake up the others after a while. I'll check the surroundings before departing."

"I need toilet first."


Gloria entered the bathroom while William and Yakov walked out. It was the first time they didn't put guard since they locked the rooms to this place. The building was sturdy and it didn't seem like the Xermo was capable to get inside. Even if they did manage to get in, they would have made a lot of noise and woke them up easily.

"I wonder how they all managed to die so miserably," Yakov commented as he pointed to the mark on the ground.

"Most of them already left the place," William responded. This place was quite far from where the incident took place, so it was highly possible that they wouldn't want to stay after hearing the news. As for those people, there might be some survivor who tried to come here but too late.

As the result, they become the victim of Xermo's attacks.

William tilted his head. "Now that I'm thinking about it, not everyone who come into contact with the Xermo turn into one, right? Is there any special perquisite for one to change or something?"

"That's…" Yakov was shocked. It was true. Not everyone turned into Xermo after getting bitten as many ended up dying instead. Did it mean that some people actually have immunity?

"Let's ask Sienna later."

Yakov nodded. By now, Sienna was already treated as the virus's expert by these two. After all, she was the only person in their group who had more knowledge regarding the virus if they wanted to compare with others.

Before departing, William walked around the place to check the place. It was only after confirming that it was sturdy that he walked out and readied his metal bat.

"Lock the door."


There were already several Xermo roaming around the place. However, the Xermo didn't get attracted to the building as they thought at first. Instead, they were simply trying to walk around while scavenging some food from the areas. Some were even eating a pack of biscuits after tearing the outer layer.

William was stunned. Did they have their intelligence back?

But before he could dwell on that thought, the Xermo began to rapidly close in to his direction. Their hands were reaching out as if they wished to claw him and rip his heart apart.

'Am I only thinking too much?'


With his metal bat, William cleaned the Xermo quickly. There were only five Xermo here, all of them died in his hands. Yakov didn't even have the chance to offer his help as he could only watch from the back.

"I can't believe your speed and strength increased so much," Yakov murmured when he saw the last Xermo flung to the side.

William arched his eyebrows as he stood in his place. "What are you talking about?"

"Did you not realize it?"


"You're much stronger compared to a few days ago." Yakov pointed to William's chest. "Don't you realize that you're dealing with the Xermo much faster and quicker than what you can normally do?"

William was silent for a moment. He though that he was only doing the same thing as before because the Xermo was stronger. However, now that he thought about it, he still could deal with them without expending so much energy. It meant that one way or another, he was actually growing stronger.

"I didn't realize it."

"Figures." Yakov held a helpless expression. He took out a wire from his pocket. "You're not one to be fixated over strength too, so I guess all you can think about is how to defeat them as fast as possible."

"I thought I'm only adapting since I have gotten used to their movements by now," William admitted.

Yakov walked to the nearby motorcycle that was abandoned there. He checked the gas tank and nodded. "This one is still good enough or would you like a car?"

"A car will be better."


William walked to the side and noticed a long fence made of metal. It was already torn in several places because of some reasons. Silently, he raised his hand and punched forward.


The metal fence had another big dent on the surface.