
Scars of Grace

Life of Raydn Adite and his Adventures, discoveries in the continent of Cerulus. (I know it’s short)

Archvestige · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Hekart Forest

After a few minutes the students have grouped themselves into 3 people each group and they all gathered infront of the gate.

The teacher steps forward "Since it looks like everyone is now grouped, It's time to start the final test."

Raydn gives a small smile at her excitement, and he gestures towards the group of them as they stand in front of the gate before speaking, "Well, I guess this is it then, isn't it?" he says in a light and friendly tone, "May the gods show mercy upon our souls." he laughs as he says that, but he definitely does have a certain amount of nervousness and tension building up inside of him now as the time for the challenges draw close.

The knights opened the gate

"Break a leg!" The teacher yells

All the students rushed inside the forest to try and find a place to stay first.

Raydn gives a small chuckle in response to that and he smiles at the teacher as they leave the safe walls of the school and out into the forest, taking a deep breath and taking in the atmosphere of the forest with its lush greenery, fresh air, and the sun starting to set over the mountains in the distance. He is going to be spending some time in this forest, and he's certainly going to miss the school and the safety and comfort that it offers soon. He turns to look at Marceline and Nathan as he gives them a quick smile, "Are you both ready?"

"You bet I am!!" Nathan replies Excitedly

"Yes!" Marceline replies in a polite tone

Raydn nods at them with a smile, "Then let's go!" he says in his usual friendly and cheerful tone, and with that he starts forward, his steps quiet and calm as he makes his way into the forest at first and then down one of the paths that lead further into the thick of the forest. The sun is starting to set now at this time and the light of day is quickly fading, so it'll be better to set up camp for the first night out here before they get too deep and it is too dark to really move anymore.

The sun completely goes down and its now complete darkness but they've manage to set camp.

Marceline uses magic to light the campfire for warmth "Heed my call, Flame!"

Raydn is grateful for the little bit of light that Marceline manages to produce with magic, and he looks over at her with a kind and friendly smile as she lights the fire, "You have magic? That's awesome!" he says in an excited and friendly tone, genuinely impressed and a little bit surprised by this revelation, that has his curiosity piqued. It seems that they will all bring different sorts of skills and capabilities with them for this task, and Raydn does not doubt that all of these things will come in handy at some point or another.

"Magic is the only thing I've been good at, I'm not really the physical type of person. Are you good at magic Raydn?" Marceline is embarrassed

Raydn chuckles a little bit at that and he gives her a smile, "I am not, no," he replies with honesty, "I'm more of a warrior myself, personally. But I do have some knowledge of how magic works. The fact that you can use it is quite useful, and I am sure you will be helpful to us with that." he says in a reassuring tone, and he nods in a friendly manner to emphasize that, "Your magic will be handy for us while we are out here, that's certainly the truth."

Marceline asks "Your Magic theory and Magic class didn't really work out?" She releases a small laugh

Raydn lets out a small laugh at that, "Well, I didn't spend as much time learning the theory as I did with the practical application," he says honestly with a laugh, "I wasn't the greatest student in all my lessons, I always had more of a mind for the battlefield than for the classroom, to be honest." he admits with a bit of a smile and he gives a shrug, "I never could sit still for too long, I always just had more of an itch to get out and try out what they were teaching in the real world." truth."

Nathan comes back to the camp with firewood.

Raydn gives a warm smile and a welcoming nod of his head to Nathan, "Thank you, it is a little cold tonight so the extra firewood will certainly come in handy," he says in a friendly and grateful tone, "Let's hope it isn't as cold tomorrow night as it is tonight, though." he adds with a slight smile at that. As he says that though his eyes seem to be constantly moving and scanning their surroundings and the nearby forest, but for the most part everything seems to be quiet and peaceful at this point which is just about what they hoped for when they set up camp.

Raydn is glad he had the good sense to think ahead and bring a bit of food for tonight's dinner, and as the soup starts to cook his stomach grumbles a little bit in anticipation, "I am, a little bit," he admits with a small laugh, "I don't know about you guys though?" he adds in a friendly tone as he turns to look at the other two of his group and he gives them both another friendly smile, "You are hungry, I take it? Just want to make sure everyone's needs are being met."

Raydn begins to cook the soup and as he does that he speaks up again, "How are we all feeling then? Is this first night in the wilderness going well for everyone?" he asks with genuine curiosity, "You holding up ok so far?" he asks them, and he can't help but feel even just a little bit nervous at the prospect of all the work he knows the next thirty days will take from them, but he isn't going to let his nerves get to him, and he certainly isn't going to let that fear stop him either.

The two are exhausted and didn't reply. Raydn continues cooking the soup and as the smell of the soup that he is cooking starts to fill the air he can't help but feel his appetite beginning to ramp up even more. He takes his time with the cooking so the soup can get to the perfect consistency, but as it finishes cooking he can't help but feel his excitement starting to ramp up as well for his first meal all together in the wilderness. After he has finished cooking the food, he turns to the other two and he speaks in a friendly tone, "I think it is time to eat."

Raydn gives off a happy sigh as he starts to eat the soup and he takes his time with eating, enjoying the flavor and the warmth that the food brings with it. He can't help but feel a little bit satisfied and content, especially after the stress and hard work of this first day, and he is certainly glad to have the other two here on this test with him. They all seem to have very different personalities and attitudes which is a little bit unexpected, but also not entirely surprising. "Well, so far so good for our first night here." he says in a light tone as he continues to eat.

The three of them finish eating in mostly silence, with the sounds of them eating and the crackle of the nearby fire from the camp taking up most of the noise in the air. When they all finish eating though, Raydn stands up, letting out a deep breath and rolling his shoulders, "Well, I guess it's time to get some sleep, isn't it?" he says in a calm and friendly tone as he turns to look at the other two, his face looking friendly and genuine, though a little bit tired as well. "Are you both ready to get some shuteye?"

Nathan just straight up falls asleep without answering afterall he was out to gather firewood

Marceline yawns and says "Goodnight"

Raydn watches in amusement as Nathan seems to fall asleep in just a few moments even before he finishes his sentence, and he chuckles a little at that. His eyes move over to where Marceline is sitting and he smiles at her as he gives her a friendly wave, "Good night to you, too, then." he says in a friendly and welcoming tone, and he gives her another friendly smile, before he gets up to go to his own sleeping bag, lying down and finding a comfortable spot before getting tucked in and getting ready to go to sleep himself.

Good night for me too

Wrote this chapter at 11:52 pm

Archvestigecreators' thoughts